Chapter 2

The Chemistry Between Us
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Your Pov


            Day 2 in Chemistry class and another note was on my desk. This one was written on a simple piece of blue paper.

            “Are you on the periodic table?” one side of the paper read, “Because you are Sodium fine!” The other side read. What was this cheesy chemistry joke?

            “Do you know who wrote this? I asked Youngjae, who was the only other person in the lab.

            He just shook his head and buried his face in his notes like he always does. What is his deal? I had to wonder. He never seemed like this in the years that I stalked…I mean observed him from afar. What about me made him so different?

            I still hoped that he was sending me those notes, but that would be too coincidental…right?


Youngjae Pov


I shouldn’t be in the lab right now. I should have left after leaving that note. Now it’s obvious that it’s me!! Not that I don’t want her to eventually find out, but now is too soon. I can’t let her know how I really feel yet.

“Hey Jae!” you heard JB call out as he entered the classroom, “ready for some ion identification? I think we were supposed to learn about sodium ions today…right?”

You gave him a glare over your book as he and Jr laughed. You told them after class that it was you who sent y/n the note, but you didn’t think they’d tease you about it in front of her!!!

This class was about to be mortifying.


Your POV


Was that joke in my head? Am I making connections between the sodium joke JB made and the note left on my desk? DID YOUNG

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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 3: Aww that's cute! I still see some space for improvement, good job!