C h a p t e r 2

Love At First Sight *Mini Story*

”_______, I’m so sorry sweetie, but there is an important meeting in Japan, and I have to be at the airport soon,” your umma said guiltily.  You gave her an assuring smile.

“It’s alright umma.  Just have a safe trip there and back home and don’t stress yourself too much,” you told her.  Your umma smiled and hugged you.

“Be a good girl.  I’ll be back in a couple of days,” she said.  You nodded and watched her leave.  After a good ten minutes, you called JongHyun.

“Are you free?” you asked once he picked up.  You heard his soft and gentle laugh which melts your heart.

“Yeah, I’m free.  You’re umma’s out?” he asked.  You nodded.

“Yup.  What do you want to do?” you asked him.  JongHyun pondered for a moment.

“Is it okay if we go to the book store first?  I need to get a book for my book report and then we can eat out for dinner.”

“Sure thing.  I’ll meet you there now?”



You quickly changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a white wash tag T-shirt with a black long sleeve underneath (That shirt is just amazing xD). You put on a gray scarf around you and took your black baseball cap.  You grabbed your phone, put on your black converse and headed out the door.

“I’m going out MinJung unnie!” you yelled.

“Be back safe!” she yelled.  The door slammed shut and MinJung just chuckled.  MinJung is your personal maid and your best friend.  ”That girl.  She’s head over heels for that JongHyun boy.”

You ran with your might to the store.  Honestly, you don’t know if he’s there yet, but if he was, you didn’t want him to wait.  You slowed down a bit when you were closer.  You smiled and quickly walked there.  The closer you were, you were able to see JongHyun leaning by the stair rails, patiently waiting for you.  JongHyun looked up and smiled when he saw you.  He straightened up and waved.  You quickly ran to him.

“Did you run here?’ he asked.  You nodded as you were catching your breath.  JongHyun laughed and ruffled your hair.  ”Pabo, I would’ve waited for you.”

“But I didn’t want you to wait here too long.  When did you get here?” you asked.

“Just now, to be honest.”  You nodded in response.  JongHyun then held your hand and lead you inside the building.  ”They added a mini cafe.  It’s pretty cool.”

“Whoa, that is.  So, what book are you going to get?” you asked.

“Well, my topic turned out to be diseases, so I’m going to be searching and see which one seems interesting,” he answered.

“Do Alzheimer’s Disease,” you suggested.  ”I mean, if you want to.”

“Okay, let’s go look.”  You nodded and followed him to the shelves with all medical topics.  ”I’m sorry that this isn’t fun.”  You shook your head.

“No, no, don’t be sorry.  It’s fun being with you,” you answered.  You suddenly blushed realizing what you said.  JongHyun smiled widely and put his arm around you, causing you to blush more as he looked up and down the shelves.

“I like being with you, too, _______,” he said with a smile.  You looked at his concentrated face and smiled.  You faced the bookshelf and helped him.

“Oh, here you go,” you said and took a book off the shelf.  With JongHyun’s other hand, he held the book and smiled.

“Awesome, this will do.  Let’s go.”  JongHyun kept you close to him as he paid.  You smiled, relaxing in his arms.  He then lead you to the built in cafe.  ”What would you like?”  You looked at the small menu.

“I want crepes and a mango smoothie,” you answered.  JongHyun looked at the cashier.

“Make that two please.”  The woman nodded to get both of your orders.  JongHyun saw you take some money out of your pocket.  ”Nuh-uh.  My treat, _______.”  You looked at him.

“A-Are you sure?” you asked.  JongHyun smiled.

“Super sure.  It’s common courtesy for the man to pay for his girl,” he said and paid for their food.  He carried the tray and picked the table by the window.  ”Enjoy.”

“Thank you, JongHyun.”

“No problem.  And call me oppa.  I think we’re close enough that you can call me oppa.”  You shyly smiled and nodded.

“Okay, oppa.”

”_______?”  You responded with a ‘hmm’ as you looked up.  He looked hesitant, but he took a few deep, calming breaths.  ”Let’s go on a date.”

After one date, another came.  And then another to another.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked after a month of dating.  You smiled widely and nodded.

“I love to,” you answered and hugged him.  JongHyun smiled.

“Even if I’m not as rich, elegant, or…”

“Oppa, I don’t care.  All I know is…I want to be with you.  You are who  you are and I love that about you.  If you’re rich or poor, I don’t care.  Sloppy or not.  A bad boy, an average boy, all of that doesn’t matter.  You’re kind, sweet, smart, and hard-working,” you said.  ”Your personality matters, no the environment you grew up in.  JongHyun gave you a soft smile.  You two were in his home, the first time you went in, too.  It was really small, compared to your house.

“I like your house,” you said.

“Don’t lie,” JongHyun said softly.  You shook your head.

“I do.  It gives off a homey-like feeling, unlike my house.  Is your appa home?” you asked.  JongHyun shook his head.

“He’s working.  He usually works during the days.”  You nodded.

You were lying on his bed while he was on the floor. 

“How’s your appa like?” you asked curiously.

“He’s kind.  He’s hardworking.  Even when my umma passed away, he stayed the same.  He’s heartbroken, but he told me that whenever he sees me, he sees umma.  He took good care of me,” JongHyun answered.  You smiled, happy that he has a loving father.  ”What about your umma?”  You sighed.

“She’s nice and caring to me.  She’s a work-a-holic.  She hates it when I’m out in the city,” you answered.  ”She…she judges people quickly,” you whispered.  ”She expects a lot out of me.”


“She’s an amazing umma; however, she doesn’t accept people so easily.  Only to those in our class she can, which is stupid.  Many of them are snotty, arrogant, too prideful.  I hate it.  They care about their money and themselves,” you said so harshly.  JongHyun looked at you in shock.  He never heard a tone like that from you before.  ”Since my appa died, my umma stayed with the rich-class.  The funny thing is, she used to be that average person.  Someone who had to work so hard for a living.”  You started to smile.  ”My appa was twenty when he first met umma.  She was eighteen then.  While my appa’s parents were out for business, he left the house and went in the city.”

“Like you?” JongHyun asked.  You smiled and nodded.

“Like me.  He was in a cafe, casually eating and drinking his meal.  Since he wanted to walk around, he took his cup of coffee that was left.  When he was gonna walk forward, he bumped into umma and split coffee all over her.  He was doing an reenactment.  He was a nervous wreck when he first saw her.  His heart was pounding.  He this feeling within him that he couldn’t describe at all when he first saw her.  He said it was love at first sight.  He apologized over and over to her and even offered to buy her a new shirt.  She easily forgave him and said it was alright.  My appa gave her his jacket and since that day, they continued on seeing each other.”

“That’s cute,” JongHyun simply replied.  You nodded in agreement.

“Appa was caught one day.  It was a windy day when my appa and umma were hanging out.  The wind blew off his cap and the thing was, he didn’t wear sunglasses to hide his face, so people went around him.  His parents were furious, but they worked so hard to get their approval.”

“And they did?”  You nodded.

“It was pretty simple actually.  Umma walked up to them and talked to them.  She was tough and they liked that about her.  So, they freely dated and married each other.”

“And if I meet your umma, she’ll easily accept me, right?”  You frowned.

“Status and money went into her head a little with people, so not really,” you answered sadly.  You felt JongHyun sit next to you and held your hand.  You looked up at him.

“Then, like your umma back then, I’ll make sure she’ll say yes,” he said confidently.  ”Like your appa, when I first saw you, my heart was pounding.  You gave me that…”

“…feeling you can’t describe.  It’s like love at first sight,” you finished.  JongHyun nodded and smiled.

“Exactly.  I love you, _______.”  You blushed at his confession and smiled.

“I love you, too, JongHyun oppa.”

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chas_ssmentrok #1
nice :D<br />
I thought jonghyun is secretly rich but nevertheless i like how this ended
Nice and interesting!
yey :3 ..
Sounds interesting ^^<br />
Update soon :D