You matter

Someone I used to be (HIATUS)

Things didn't change after that day. Although Jungkook offered to piggyback me to the music show, it was only out of spite. He didn't want me to be a liability anymore than I already was. The day after we'd returned, he went back to his usual glares of resentment. It wasn't exactly how I was planning things to turn out, but it was okay.

Jungkook's unchanging attitude aside, I found something else that instilled euphoria in me. Kpop became my new obsession, which was quite unfortunate. Mom and Dad couldn't afford the fancy music players all the kids at school showed off, so I just listened with Bonhwa. She was the only girl that didn't mind befriending a cripple, although she was often made fun of for it. That being said, there had to be someone doing the bullying. Her name was Soojung. Proud, pompous, and a Kpop fan herself, she seized every opportunity to make a show by flaunting all the luxuries her parents provided for her. One of Bonhwa's favorite past time activites during class was to talk smack about Soojung under her breath.

"Sorry Kyeongun, I need to leave early today to meet with my dermatologist. Are you going to be okay by yourself?" Bonhwa asked, hesitating slightly. She deemed it her responsibility to protect me from the harrasment of the other students. With a bad leg, it was difficult to follow up with the daily affairs of a normal 13 year old in Seoul. In a way, we were all just sheep keeping up with society's standards for what constituted a 'good' animal. A deviant sheep, such as myself, was always at the back of the herd, struggling to blend in. 

"I'll be alright, class is almost over anyways," I said cheerfully, knowing it was definitely not going to be alright.

*                                       *                                         *

"Kyeongeun ssi!" Soojung called. I turned to find her approaching fast, flanked by her friends. They weren't really friends, more like figureheads that appeared to do the job.

"I heard you recently got into Kpop. Did you buy Girl's Generation's new album?" she asked with mock sweetness.

"Ah, I didn't..." I said, offering a small smile, an old habit I'd developed when people paid attention to me in public.

"And why not?" she asked, prodding for a degrading answer.

"Well--, I...haven't asked my parents yet," I said. It was at moments like these that I'd wish a prince charming would swoop in to save me from the embarrasment, the humiliation of coming from a lower class family.

"Kyeongeun, if you need to money, just tell me! My family has so much of it, we really don't know what to do sometimes. I heard your mother works for Ms. Park," she said. I nodded, willing my smile not to abandon me now.

"Well you're in luck! My father just bought the factory that Ms. Park works in. I could ask him to give your mother a raise. How does that sound?" 

Before I could respond, she screamed. Kyungok and Jungkook were rounding the corner and walked up behind us. 

"Kookie~," Soojung ran to him and shamelessly crushed him with a hug.

"Ah, Soojung...hi," he wheezed, barely getting enough air from her embrace.

"Oppa, Kyeongeun was making fun of me today during class. I heard that Bonhwa girl and her gossiping and saying awful things about my parents just because they're jealous," she said when she'd finally released him.

"Is that so..." Jungkook said, eyeing me coldly, "you should apologize Kyeongeun,"

The words caught in my throat, and I realized that I was tired of these games. Jungkook knew I wasn't the type to badmouth others, yet he was still asking me to yield. Soojung's gimicks were an everyday affair; I had grown used to them. What teared at my heart the most was how Jungkook was joining in. He was becoming just like the rest of them.

"I'm sorry Soojung ssi. We won't do it again," I said, lowering my eyes in defeat.

"Ah, I'll let you go this time because Kookie is here. But next time I won't be as forgiving," Soojung said, smirking in that pompous, artificial way she was used to.

"Kyeongie, let's go home," Kyungok said, watching me with concern. I nodded, putting on my small smile.

Jungkook's pov:

Kyeongeun had the same response everytime. No matter how much people taunted, tormented, mocked, and insulted her self worth, she would always cover it all up with that small smile.

The three of us walked back in silence. An awkwardness fell upon us since the incident with Soojung, layering us in a thick cloud. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kyungok reach for Kyeongeun's hand. He squeezed it in a comforting manner that she seemed used to.

"Kyungok, can I talk to Kyeongeun for a minute?" I asked. He stared at me, eyes full of curiosity and surprise. Nontheless, he nodded and released his sister's hand.

"Since we're almost there, I'll go back first. Make sure she comes home safely," he said.

The awkwardness persisted, if not, got worse after Kyungok left. She was still watching the ground, refusing to look up since apologizing to Soojung.

"I know you didn't do it," I said, breaking the silence. She didn't respond, only letting that faint smile linger.

"Why didn't you fight back? Why did you let her win? Why do you always let people like her have power over you?" I said, hearing myself grow louder and louder. Kyeongeun's lips quivered, delicate fragments of words passing inaudibly between them.

"Kyeongeun, stop letting people trample all over you! Why can't you stand up for yourself?!" I was near yelling now, and immediately regretted raising my voice. Kyeongeun flinched, clutching her arms as if I would physically hurt her.

"I-I didn't want to cause any trouble. It would definitely reflect b-badly on ohmma and appa...i-it's better this way," she said, barely louder than a whisper.

"But you have to protect yourself. People will always take advantage of you if you let them," I said. 

"Jungkook ssi, my mere existence forces people to go out of their way to accomodate my needs. You yourself know how much of a hassle I am when you're with Kyungok. I can't create even more trouble for my parents," Kyeongeun said pitifully. I sighed.

"You've got it all wrong. I don't hate you because of your leg. I wanted you to be your own rock, so I pushed you away. But it didn't work out as I planned. You matter, Kyeongeun, and...I need you to see that,"

At this, she looked up.











Author's note: These past memories are supposed to be told in the third person without all these detailed thoughts from Kyeongeun (since she's lost her memories). But I decided we need the details to move along the plot, so we're going with 1st point of view!

As a side note, how great is Jungkook?! He's so freakin' adorable when he's with bts (I mean in real life lol)>.< 


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