Ignorance is bliss

Someone I used to be (HIATUS)

I awaken to the dark.

The blinds are pulled, so no one can peak from the outside in. Where am I?

Someone approaches me. I can only tell by the harsh, grating laugh that echoes louder and louder; a black cloth is wound around my unseeing eyes. In a struggle to unblind myself, I only discover that my limbs have become useless. The laughter transforms into a deafening shriek, getting closer and closer. Where am I?

The room seemed to shrink as the seconds ticked by. Except they weren't seconds. An eternity passed for every moment, and time defied its very purpose. The silence was deafening; the pungent air blocking all scents. But finally my body went null of all feeling when a cold hand seized my face. Where am I?

*                                   *                                      *

The first signs of day were appearing around us when Jungkook finally led us out of the forest. He handed me his jacket, making sure the hood covered and shielded my face. From what, I don't know. No one was out this early in the morning.

He led us to what seemed to be some kind of dormitory. Jungkook definitely knew his way around, ensuring that no one noticed a pair of suspicious looking teens entering at an ungodly hour.

"You need to stay here for the time being. Don't let anyone in, and always keep the door locked," he said, laying an extra duvet next to the one-poster bed.

"Can I ask-"

"Let's talk in the morning. We need to get some sleep," Jungkook mumbled, the dark circles caving in even more so than they previously had. "Take the bed,"

I nodded silently, watching as he fell into a peaceful sleep on the makeshift bed he'd just laid out. We must've been very close before if he'd gone through all that trouble to find me. Guilt gnawed at my conscience, and at that moment, I wanted more than anything else to simply remember what had happened. How I had ended up in the middle of the forest, lying in a ditch. Who I was to him before. All these questions taunted me for hours, so I opted to ignore them. Instead, I found solitude in watching Jungkook dozing off, his chest gently rising and falling in sync with the relentless ticking of the clock.

Jungkook's pov:

She really didn't remember anything. Maybe it was better this way. Nothing good would come out of triggering the memories that traumatized her. Or maybe I just didn't want to be the one she blamed for revealing the truth. But in the end, I decided to protect her for the time being.

Shaking her softly, I called her name.

"Mmhmm..." she groaned, turning away from my touch. Her skin had gone a deathly pale, the whiteness of a spider's web glistening in the midst of a new moon. But even so, the loveliness of youth had never left her.

"Hey Kyeongeun, I need to go. Don't let anyone in if they knock, and wait till I get back. I left some yubu chobop on the desk incase you get hungry," I whispered to her half asleep state, unsure if she heard anything I just said. 

"Kookie!" Jimin called. There wasn't any time to make sure that she did. With a quick pat on her head, I shut the door quietly behind me, making sure that it was locked.

*                                 *                                     *

Kyeongeun's pov:

The darkness released me from yet another haunting nightmare. Goosebumps scaled my arms and legs, although it was 100 degrees outside in Seoul's blistering hot summer. I was perspiring, yet shivering at the same time. 

The young man, Jungkook, was nowhere to be seen, but the room was very clearly inhabited by a man of his age: clothes wildly strewn everywhere, navy bed sheets, and pictures of close friends and family. The largest, and most professionally taken photograph was one with him and six other young men (all just as handsome) caught in a moment of pure delight. Their eyes lit up, and none of them took notice of the camera. Did I have friends like that? Who I'd share timeless memories with, that cared for me the same way Jungkook's friends did for him? Were they looking for me now?







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