
Red Strings & Soulmates
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           As one of the guardians of the red strings, Seokjin made sure he did his job well. He ties one string on someone’s pinky and finds their chosen other to tie it around their pinky. He made sure the strings he ties don’t get tangled or, miraculously, cut. 


           Seokjin liked to think he was tremendously good at his job.






           But every single time-








           Seokjin outwardly groaned, creases appearing on his forehead as he stormed up to the very much obvious knot. He bent down, habitually disregarding the looks he was given, and untied it.



           A red string wasn’t something that could be tangled just like that. If there was a culprit, it could only be another guardian who was apparently bored enough to mess up Seokjin’s life. 



           And Seokjin had to find that culprit.




           That was how a week later, he found himself on one of the benches, waiting - the string on the pavement a few meters away from him, moving but void of any knots. The wait went on for quite a while and the coffee he had that morning started to sweat out of his system and he needed another one in case his eyelids decide to close for a few hours but the culprit-








           Seokjin’s eyes went wide as he unconsciously stood up, gaze focused on the girl who just tripped on the red string.



           Guess a red string was something that could be tangled just like that.




           “Did you just trip?”




           You paused, steading yourself as you looked up at the voice, ready to snap at whoever decided to add to the embarrassment plastered on your cheeks-



           Those were probably the prettiest eyes you had seen in a long, long time.




           “How did you-”




           The thickest lips you’d seen in a while.




           “You just tripped.”




           And the most annoying tone you’d heard since your teacher scolded you for dozing off in class.




           “Yes I did.” You cleared your throat, finally gaining the little bit of pride you had to reply. Mustering the best ‘ off but don’t’ face you had, you furrowed your brows, “You don’t have to rub it in.”



           It seemed to cause the taller to part his lips in realisation - or something, because he then bit his lip, “Sorry, I mean,” he fidgeted, “are you okay?”



           “I’m fine.” You found yourself saying, brows still furrowed at the way he glanced from you to the nothingness you seemed to trip on. “What are you staring at?”



           “How did you just trip on that string I just don’t get it normally people just walk through it but how can you even touch it you obviously didn’t see-”



           The guy stopped. “I mean,” he actually let out a smile - sheepish, “nothing.”



           You looked back at the pavement. 




           Sure enough, nothing. 




           “What do you mean string?” You took a step closer to the man, “Normally people just walk through it?”



           “It’s nothing.” The guy his lips, eyes diverting yours, “Really.”



           “What string?” It must’ve been the earnest curiosity in your voice, or the fact that you were unconsciously invading the male’s personal bubble and backing him up against the bench, because he finally looked at you. You tried your hardest not to waver as the pretty boy stared at you for a good three seconds before sighing, “Come with me.”







           Apparently bringing you to one of the more secluded areas of the park and hesitantly explaining everything wasn’t one of Seokjin’s wisest choices. 



           “You’re the one who determines who gets to be whose soulmate?” 



           Seokjin watched the girl’s jaw drop as she asked - louder than Seokjin preferred, bringing a finger up in front of her lips, trying to quieten her down, trying.




           “Do you just choose them randomly-”



           “Can you-”



           “Then how about the ones who are already in a rela-”






           “Is it even fair that-”



           A large hand was clamped over your lips - gently, causing your words to stop and your eyes to stare. The male let out a sigh - of relief by the look on his face, before letting his hand fall back to his side. “What’s most important now is why you can trip on the strings while every other human being can’t.”



           “…Maybe I’m special?” 



           The wide grin on your face made Seokjin unconsciously let out a light laugh. “Maybe.” 



           “So does that mean all the times I’ve been tripping over ‘nothing’,” your fingers moving in quotations, “I’ve been actually tripping on your strings?”



           Seokjin nodded, “And on every single string I’ve ever tied.”



           Your brows knitted in defence, bottom lip down into a pout, “How do you know I’ve been tripping on only your strings, maybe-”



           “Dear,” a hand rested on your shoulders as his face bent down into view, small smile on his face - teasing, “I can only see my own strings.”



           “…And they’re always tangled.” You stated, praising yourself for not stuttering at the close distance.



           He let his eyes linger on your crescent ones a tad bit longer than he expected, awkwardly clearing his throat after. “Well, uh,” he leaned back, “I can’t ask you not to tangle them anymore since you can’t see the strings… but, please don’t tell anyone about this.” Seokjin removed the hand still on your shoulder, once again oh-so-awkwardly clearing his throat, “Sorry.” With once last look, he his heels.






           A hand enclosed his wrist, making him turn back to meet your pleading orbs. “Can I please help you with the strings?”



           The confused look on his face caused your cheeks to flush in the pinkest shade, “I mean uh, for payment.” Still confused. “For tangling your strings?” 






           “Okay, I just find the entire thing really cool.” You confessed, an exasperated sigh escaping. Looking up at him, you pleaded, “Can I please join you when you do these things?” 



           Before Seokjin could even refuse, you tugged on his wrist, inching yourself closer, “At least once?”








           “Just this one survey!” You flashed the brightest smile, “It’ll only take a few minutes!”



           The flustered man simply nodded, taking the pen you offered and filling up the questions - afraid he’d hurt you by rejecting the request. 



           Seokjin raised an eyebrow, meeting eyes with you when you turned to face him. Giving him a triumph grin, you stuck your tongue out. Seokjin found himself amused, rolling his eyes with a smile surfacing as he silently made his way to the man, string in hand. 



           You tried to be normal, though you couldn’t help but steal glances at the guy expertly tying the string on the man’s pinky. Though string clearly invisible to you, you still found yourself staring. 



           Seokjin finished his job before the man finished the fake survey. 




           “Did I do great or what?” You beamed, taking one of the cones in Seokjin’s hands.



           He laughed - lighthearted. “You did okay.”



           “Only okay?” You frowned, ice-cream glistening in the afternoon heat. 



           A hand rested on your head, ruffling your hair. “Thanks.” The grin he gave you next caused you to swallow the non-existent lump in your throat, cheeks pink definitely because of the afternoon  heat.



           “Can I help you again?”



           The words escaped unknowingly, taking both yourself and the guy his mint cone off guard. Coolness melting on his lip, he turned to you, “Again?”



           You avoided his gaze, biting your lip. “For um, to pay you back for… the ice-cream.” You mentally cursed yourself. Why did you even say that? What kind of reason was that anyway how would he-




           “If you want.”




           There was a teasing tone in his voice, matching smirk plastered on his face as he took the treat back into his mouth.









           Watching you cradle the stray kitten in your arms, Seokjin shook his head. “That was one of your lamest methods yet.”



           Your head shot up, eyes glaring at the taller, offended. “Because as a guardian you can’t do it, I’m gonna go cut all the strings you tied in the past hour.”


           He mumbled something along the lines of ‘you can’t even see them.’



           “You could’ve gotten two strays.” Seokjin simply stated with that stupid grin on his face, hand reaching out to pat the kitten’s head. You softened at his gesture, keeping the small smile to yourself.



           “…Then we could’ve raised one each together.”








           Your voice startled him, his hand hovering over ball of sunshine, still. his lips, he diverted your wide eyes. “What what?”



           “I thought I heard you say-”



           “What do you want for dinner?” 



           At the mention of food, you grinned, “Are you gonna buy dinner for me again?”

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nabilee #1
Chapter 1: What's bad?? Its daebaaaak.... Urgh.. Can't stop the feeling...
mkiss-aisb2st #2
Chapter 1: I'm sobbing at this omg
Chapter 1: This is so sad and hopeful and lovely. I love this.
llamagedon #4
Chapter 1: This story is actually really good and I enjoyed it a lot, the characters are well written and developed. Is there a possibility of a sequel?
Chapter 1: This is amazing and freaking adorable! Don't underestimate your story! I really got the chills here. A unique idea and very fine mapped out characters ^^. The only thing missing.... Is even more ;) thanks for sharing your Story, author-nim! Way to go!
dabitter88 #6
eborun #7
Chapter 1: Yeah I ing love it too, haha.
Looking forward to your next stories ( a sequel please!)
kyarania #8