Jin Has a Story

Jin Has a Story
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Jin had a story.


“Thank you. Because of you I get a day off.” Jin laughed. He didn’t bother waiting for any response. Carefully, he sat on the seat that was prepared at the side of the bed. He scanned around the room. He was getting so familiar with the environment, the smell of the medicine, the eerie silence and the many medical equipment he hoped not to trip over. There were two beds in the room and only one was occupied.


“Things had been super crazy man.” Jin said. “People at my hospital won’t give me a rest. I mean, a man needs his sleep and they won’t allow me to sleep. When I sleep for too long, everyone freaks out.”


Jin sighed and threw his looks out of the window, feeling responsible to explain the weather out of everything. “It has been raining five days straight. Rain is always good unless we are planning to go to the beach. Jimin would have about it and Hoseok would laugh. Yoongi probably wouldn’t care much. Namjoon would be thankful because he had a reason not to go out. Taehyung would probably be the only one who enjoys it. He would run in the rain without a care in the world. You would probably just follow whatever we plan to do. You have been a great dongsaeng to us. I could never ask for anyone else to be our maknae.”


“Memories are always good right? To keep you going.” Jin smiled, mainly to himself. He fixed his white shirt, silently cursing for being forced to wear it.


“I come here today to tell you a story. It’s about life and it’s about us.”Jin took a deep breath as if it was his last. His eyes were closed, his heart was heavy as he began his story, “We always thought that things couldn’t get any worse, we always thought that whatever happened we still had each other, but we thought wrong. Having each other wasn’t enough to survive this world.”


“And I don’t blame them for what they chose to do. If anything, I blame myself for not being there when they needed me.” Jin’s voice was croaky, he had a story about air. “Hoseok died Thursday evening, March 17, 3.45 p.m at his own apartment. Our sunshine stopped breathing. He just stopped. He may have died after a drug overdose. I’d like to believe that he was in no pain.”


Jin swallowed and continued. “That drug was supposed to save him but Hobi- Hobi decided that his time was over. The amount he took was more than enough to shut down his respiratory centre and stop him from breathing. I truly believe this was connected to Yoongi.”


Outside the hospital room, the world was getting darker. Jin wasn’t finished. He had a story. It was about fire.


“Before that, on March 9, around 9 p.m there was a fire at the hotel that Yoongi rented. Turned out the fire started from his room. They managed to stop the fire from engulfing the whole floor which might bring down the whole building,” Jin paused. “But they didn’t get to save him. There was almost nothing left when they searched for his body. He was only able to be identified from the hotel registration. It was his birthday.” Jin straightened in his seat. “Do not worry, we did celebrate his birthday earlier that day. I know how much you love celebrating birthdays. We did it for you. I can confirm that Yoongi was happy on his last day.”


 Jin actually had two stories about fire. “Namjoon… that idiot.” Jin shook his head full of regrets. “I knew he was meant for something bigger. I knew he will succeed someday. He will become the man he had always wanted to be. But I guess, he had had enough and he couldn’t take it anymore.”


Jin held his knees, squeezing them. He lowered his head. “He burned out the whole petrol station he was working at. The investigation is still going; his family won’t believe that Namjoon caused the explosion. I didn’t want to believe it either. But Namjoon was smart, he could have survived the explosion but he didn’t run away. The footage from the security camera shows that he just stood there, as if he knew it was coming, as if he was waiting for it, as if he planned the whole incident. His family insists that Namjoon didn’t know what was coming. Bull, they didn’t even know Namjoon to guess what he would do. I know him better than his family and I regre

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XueXing #1
Chapter 1: GASP...you...did not just do that...the feels...urgh...damn...T^T
anyway, keep up the work~~ =)