A glance at their relationship

I miss you

Pulling the door open, she smiles at her boyfriend. He struts in, holding a paper bag filled with what she's craving for - soup. 

"Hey baby," he whispers, placing the bag on the coffee table. 

Rushing to the couch, she blankets herself, rubbing her hands together. He snuggles closer to her, grabbing the soup from the bag. 

"Your favorite."

"Uh huh," she cheered. 

"What movie tonight?" 

She shrugged, sipping her soup. 

He smirked, glancing over at how much left. "You really like it, don't you?"

She rolled her eyes, cheering that her soup is done before slamming it against the coffee table. "I like you," she whispered, wiping . Leaning towards him, she made herself comfortable against his chest. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulls her up, making her legs rest around him. 

"I like you," he teased, placing a kiss on her lips. "You're beautiful."

Running her fingers down his face, she smirks when it stops on his chin. "You seem beautiful."

"That's better than ugly," he chuckles. Running his hands down her back, he feels the building pressure. Gripping her waist, he pushes her down towards it, hinting at what he wants. 

"Baby," she whispers, running her fingers down his chest, "I'm on my period."

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