Chapter 3

Forgotten Promise
Next Day. . . "MINHOO-YAH!!! Hurry up and get your lazy down here! We're late!" Hara yelled out of frustration., "Argh! Seriously, he's always like this." "Give him a break, I'm sure he's tried out everyday because of the upcoming Soccer Competition." Junhyung trying to calm Hara down Minho came down. "Aish, if you're gonna be like this everyday, you should have a car so we wouldn't be late for school!" "I'm only 16 years old, I'm still not allowed to drive and my mom wouldn't let me. And Owh, I'm Sorry again." Minho put on his shoes and they all ran to school. [At School] "Minho! Hara! Late again?! Detention after school!" Ms. Baekham told them All girls in class looks furious cus they're always together. They sat down on their chairs. "Again?" Hara spouted and whispered " This is because of you Choi Minho. You owe me ALOT!" "Mi anh ne" Minho said sorry while rubbing his palm together. [End of Class] -Recess "YAH?! Where do you think your going? Because of you, Junhyung and I got in trouble so atleast be our slave for a day!" Hara yelled and twist Minho's ears. And because of that all the girls eyes in school all glared at Hara. "Sure but not today I have practice at lunch" "Are you choosing you practice over you friends?" "Yeah, pretty much. 'cus practice doesn't twist their friend's ears and yell at it." joked Minho. Minho saw Yuri eating alone and went towards her. And all eyes are on Yuri. "Hey there. you wanna join us?" asked Minho Hara and Junhyung looked at each other. Minho never invited someone on their table unless their good at sports so everyone was shocked. The boys, Junhyung and Hara with Yuri all sat down in their table. They were all chatting and eating. On the other hand Minho was staring at Yuri. Hara was jelous. Yuri stayed quite "What's wrong with him?" Onew looked at Minho then Yuri & Minho again. "Don't tell me, this guy is-" "No way. Can't be! I can't imagine him falling in love!" Key scratched his head. Hara looked at Minho then Yuri. Out of jelousy she stood up and went to the toilet. "What does Yuri have that I don't have? What did she do to make Minho like this? Does Minho like her? This is bad!" Hara thought as she splashed her face with cold water. "Hyung! Recess is over!" Teaming clapped his hands infront of Minho's face. "Everyone already went to their classes." [Minho's class] Hara was looking at Minho who is sleeping, again. The class started and everyone started to take notes. [Minho's Dream/Flashback] "You cheated. I was suppose to win!"
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BlackPearl_Goddess #1
Interesting story... But even if Minho does not recognise Yuri's face... Surely, he'll remember her name?? Anyway, look forward to your update soon!
mxsfits #2
its Yul! ~
fictionstory #3
GAAAH~ Minho, it's yuri!!!!
ShineeSoShi #4
I'm sorry if there's no spaces on sentences. I don't why. I'll try and fix it if I can. Thank you for reading my story =D
fictionstory #5
GAAH~~ I'm looking for this kind of story~~~! UPDATE SOON
sounds interesting :3