Chapter 1

Forgotten Promise
[Past] 10 years ago. . . "YURI-AH!!" "MINHO!!" shouted Minho and Yuri while their parents are trying to separate the two kids. Minho saw that Yuri was in pain because her arm was being stretch. So he said, "Don't worry, I'll be back." "Promise me you won't forget me" Yuri said while crying. "I promise" the two quickly spinky swore and Minho let go of her hand. Minho saw Yuri getting further away from him, he couldn't help himself to cry. [End of the Past] [Present] ding ding dong. . . Listen up, Soccer Player, We have another important practice tomorrow at lunch. 12:15 sharp. If you're late, you'll have to do 200 push up and 100 sit ups. Yes, I'm talking about you, Onew! From Mr. Kim, Soccer Coach "Ya' heard that Onew? You better not be late tomorrow or you'll do more than you did this morning!" Junghyun took a bite of his apple. "Agh! Seriously, why do we need another practice, I mean we're good enough to beat those people we're competing with!" Onew moaned. "Well, we'll never know how strong and great are the other teams. So we just have to keep practicing, until coach is satisfied." Minho drank his juice and threw it in the trash can. "Minho's right. We just have to be greater than ourselves." agreed Key & Teamin. "Whatever! Let's just go to our classes since lunch time is nearly over" everyone stood up and left. [Minho's class ] Ms. Baekham went into the room with a new girl. "Everyone say hello, to Kwon Yuri." Yuri bows at everyone and everyone says hello to her. Minho was sleeping when Ms. Baekham introduced Yuri, since he had soccer this morning. Hara tried to wake him up and threw paper balls on him but didn't woke up. "You're sleeping' again?!" sighed Ms. Baekham, but didn't woke him up since he is representing the school in 5 weeks. Yuri sat down two desk away from Minho [Minho,student, Hara, Yuri] it was nearly end of the class and Minho finally woke up. Ms Bakeham was glad and introduced Yuri to him. "Minho-shi, this is Kwon Yuri a new transfer student" Yuri bowed at Minho Minho seemed like he saw Yuri somewhere before but not really sure.
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BlackPearl_Goddess #1
Interesting story... But even if Minho does not recognise Yuri's face... Surely, he'll remember her name?? Anyway, look forward to your update soon!
mxsfits #2
its Yul! ~
fictionstory #3
GAAAH~ Minho, it's yuri!!!!
ShineeSoShi #4
I'm sorry if there's no spaces on sentences. I don't why. I'll try and fix it if I can. Thank you for reading my story =D
fictionstory #5
GAAH~~ I'm looking for this kind of story~~~! UPDATE SOON
sounds interesting :3