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Hanbin pushed Bobby away with his other hand and only then did Jiwon notice his bloody hand. His eyes widened as he took stumbled back on his feet, eyes staring widely and soon enough he turned around, running to his room. Hanbin bend down taking the ring on his uninjured hand and soon enough he found himself sliding on the floor, hands gripping on the silver accesory as the pain on his hand was now nothing compared to the pain on his heart. Why was Jiwon ing them up so bad?! Really, he had no right to kiss him after everything that happened, he had no right to get angry at Hanbin for a girl, Bobby lost all his rights towards Hanbin, that was it. His hand brushed against his lips, trying to rubb off the lingering sensation of Jiwon's lips on his, but soon enough his lips were bloody too, as well as his shirt and his hand, arm. ! He rubbed his lips with his injured hand, and now he was a mess, but little did he care. After last night, Hanbin thought they would at least try to act normal around each other but Jiwon kept blowing things up no matter how many chances the leader tried to give him. And his eyes landed on the ring, empty ing promises, it. 

"What happened?" -a surprised, more like terrified Jinhwan stood on the door, eyes widened and soon enough Chanwoo came after him. He ran to Hanbin in tears, and clutched Hanbin's shirt on his hands. 

"Hyung what happened?" -and the blank stare Hanbin gave them, almost as if he wasn't seeing them at all made the two boys worry. Donghyuk and Yunhyeong were still asleep and Junhoe was watching a TVshow blind to what was happening around. Jinhwan slowly walked to Hanbin, and he wasn't sure where Hanbin was bleeding. His arms, his chest or his lips? Where was all that blood coming from, who caused that? Jiwon?? Immposible. 

Chanwoo could only see red, why was Bobby doing this to his hyung?! And he  stood up, tears falling on the ground and face red in anger but he walked in a fast pace and soon was in front of Bobby, hands gripping his collar. 

"You jerk, what did you do to my hyung?" -Chanwoo yelled, his words echoing on the whole place as his fist came in contact with Jiwon's jaw and he stood there watching Chanwoo with a gaze even more empty than Hanbin's. Chanwoo kept throwing fists at him, he was blind to everything except the fact that this guy that pretendet to be the same Jiwon as two months ago was now hurting his hyung. 

"He was bleeding everywhere, did you see what a mess was the place in, did you see what a mess you left behind after you left Hanbin? Have you ever seen Hanbin this week? You ing had the power to have him float in clouds but you made him weaker, you used that power to bring him to his knees. You made him to what he never has been around us, a sensitive wweak person." -and Chanwoo's words hit Bobby more than his fists and he didn't deny it, no. He kept in place and soon a hand was on Chanwoo's shoulder pushing him off Bobby.  

"CHANWOO, GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW." -voiced Jinhwan and he didn't even spare a glance at Jiwon. The closest friend of Jiwon ignored him, and although Bobby knew he ed up pretty bad he never though they would go to this stage. To the group falling apart because of him. Junhoe soon took place beside Jinhwan.

"He deserved it" -Junhoe voiced and Jiwon turned his head on the other side not wanting to hear and know anymore. 

"Jiwon tell hyung what happened" -softly voiced Jinhwan as he placed his hand on Bobby's back but he shook him off. 

"Hyung, Hanbin doesn't want to enter the shower" -suddenly yelled Donghyuk form the other room and Jinhwan sighted walking to the other room but not before giving Junhoe a pointed look to show him not to fight with Jiwon. 

"Keep and eye on Chanwoo, Yunhyeong" -voiced Jinhwan.

Jinhwan sighted softly hands gripping Hanbin's shoulder as if the other couldn't stand on his own legs and he probably couldn't. Hanbin looked numb and was probably in shock , he lost any contact with the outer world. 

"Hyung what happened?" -asked Donghyuk and Jinnan shrugged, taking of Hanbin's shirt and looking at his chest for any sretch but no sign. Only his shirt was with blood and Jinnan sighted relief washing over his feauters. And he took off Hanbin's pants, and with the help of Donghyuk he put him in the bathtube and as water fell on his head the blood washed off his lips leaving only his smooth skin behind but as the blood washed off his hand half a bandage took place on it's palm and some cuts , huge and small, hid behind the now transparent bandage. Jinhwan saw Hanbin slowly sinking back to reality as he took the soap on his uninjured hand and started rubbing his lips quiet roughly. 


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Chapter 5: One, he cheated. Two, he did not appologize. Three, he accused Hanbin on something he never did lol. Idk why Jiwon had the guts to feel mad at Hanbin when he is at fault here. Cheating is never ok for anyone. Even though ur partner is giving u hard time, why u need to cheat? U can just tell what u really feel, and u can just break up or something to get out from the relationship. I dont think Hanbin is any way to be blame in this story, yeah he might be jerk when he is stressed or whatever, but u can just told him off on what he did wrong. The key is communication, Bub. Cheating is never an option. You are just being a jerk instead.
Chapter 2: To be honest, I kind of wanted Hanbin to find someone else that would be loyal to him and leave Jiwon alone to suffer. Cheating is such a ed up thing to do, no matter the reasons.

Thank god this is just a story tho :’)
Chapter 10: my feels for doubleb *0*
thanks for the story. great job author-nim :))
yayaluna #4
Chapter 10: I really love it thank you please write more abt double b
Green_Bamboo #5
Chapter 9: AHHHHHHHH
pinkstarbutterfly #6
Thank you for this fic, I read the last two chapters in one go.. ^_^ I'm glad Double B fixed things.. ^_^I hope you keep on writing! Fighting!
Chapter 10: Very very very beautiful thank you for writing it!!!
jamielovemilk #8
Chapter 10: This fic must be one of the best double b fics ive read. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you
Jennicm23 #9
Chapter 10: I like that they got back together but I wish Hanbin would've been more loving amd accepting towards Bobby but I understand.....
Ristaa #10
Chapter 10: This is the best make up story ever, all the efforts jiwon putting in to get his second chance are so lovely and he's really working hard on it! I also appreciate Hanbin to finally accepting Jiwon back, to give it try :)
If you dont mind, I wish to have an epilogue to have their sweet time as a lover since the whole chapters talking about their break-up (I really love when Jiwon called Hanbin "baby") Anyway thanks for this heartbreaking and lovely story! :)