5000 miles

5000 miles

Seunghyun pulled the covers tighter around his body, desperately attempting to soak up some warmth. The hotel room was dark and cold. There was no one lying by his side for him to cuddle up to. He glanced over his shoulder, looking out the window. The stars were shining brightly over the city and the pale moon was lighting up the sky. He found himself feeling slightly comforted by the fact that Daesung looked at the same moon every night. He turned back again, letting his head drop onto the pillow. His hand blindly reached for his phone, wondering what time is was. He’d been attempting to sleep for a long while – unsuccessfully.

The bright screen lit up as he clicked the home button, scolding his eyes.


He sighed softly to himself, dreading the early morning he’d have to face soon. He was scheduled to film at a location out of town, so he had to get up early for the long drive.

Quickly doing the math in his head, he figured out that the time in Korea would be 06:47. He had wanted to call Daesung before he settled into bed, but it had been to early. He didn’t want to wake the man at four in the morning. Now though… He’d be up, right?

Tired brain making the decision for him, he scrolled through his contacts and clicked Daesung’s name. The phone started ringing, the noise filling the silent room.

5000 miles between him and his angel was not okay with Seunghyun. He missed him horribly. He missed his bright and joyful laughter. His gorgeous voice. His kisses. His hugs. It was way too long until he got to see him again.

“Hello?” A sleepy voice sounded through the line, and Seunghyun instantly felt a sting of guilt. He’d woken him up. “Hyung?”

“Daesung-ah,” he breathed, eyes falling shut.

“Why are you still up?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“Why not?”

“I miss you.”

“Oh, hyung,” Daesung sighed softly. “I miss you too.”

“The bed is so cold without you. I feel so lonely tonight.”

“I wish I could be with you.”

“I wish that too,” Seunghyun rolled onto his back, eyes opening to stare at the ceiling. The faint lights from passing cars below hit the surface, drawing patterns. It was almost like a painting. He smiled weakly to himself.

“When you get back, let’s go out for dinner at that restaurant you love to much,” the younger offered, yawning as he spoke.

“I would love that,” he nodded, despite Daesung not being able to see him. “I want to spend as much time with you as I can before-”

He cut himself off, stomach dropping. The clock was ticking. The timer was nearing it’s end – about to go off. His military service was rapidly coming towards him. He didn’t think of it most of the time, but when he did; it made him sad.

He’d miss Daesung terribly. Of course he’d miss his parents and friends, but Daesung… He was his rock. He kept him grounded and made him feel safe.

He swallowed.

“I know,” Daesung spoke up after a long silence, voice quiet.

There was another silence, only their soft breaths coming through the line.  

“You should get to sleep, hyung. I bet you have an early morning tomorrow.”

Clutching the phone tighter, he nodded again. He really didn’t want to hang up. He was very content with just listening to Daesung breathe. It was comforting. It almost felt like he was there with him, and not all the way across the globe. “Yeah,” he sighed.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Daesung-ah.”

“Sleep well. Work hard, alright?”

“I will,” Seunghyun vowed. “You too.”

“Goodnight,” the younger hummed, and then the call cut off. The echo of Daesung’s words echoed off the walls before leaving him in an even bigger silence than before. He locked his phone swiftly and placed it back on the nightstand. Pulling the duvet over his cold shoulders, he closed his eyes, willing sleep to take him. The sooner he fell asleep, the sooner it would be morning. The sooner it would be morning, the sooner another day would pass.

They would see each other soon.

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LoneShiba #1
Chapter 1: Short but sweet nonetheless!! I really love the feeling of longing they share with each other, the way they miss each other, the feelings they have for each other :)))
Thank you for sharing warm story with us authorniiiiim :))))
Hinatory #2
Chapter 1: This was short & cute :3
Distance in a relationship especially if you are busy as todae...
bigbanglover112 #3
Chapter 1: I have a love hate relationship with Seunghyun's acting. He can't physically celebrate Dae's birthday this year, which is the last year. I wonder if they contact each other 10 times a day like Seunghyun said
Anyway, short, sweet, ad and aww to end the day, thank you XD
Chapter 1: Aww, I wish that military in Korea wasn't mandetory so that things like this wouldn't happen to couples. I loved the story even though it was short, it was fluffy and cute :D...

Authornim, thank you for writing todae fanfics. I hope that you will never stop... :)