
Away's Sequel : Forever
            A flashback during high school debut as a freshmen. Jeon Wonwoo, the well-known to be an artistic student, can not denying his obsession towards painting and arts are like his necessary things to be reminded. He enjoys drawing and sketching as well as doodling. They were like his passion to be able doing his own art and impress the world with a slight story behind the picture.
He went into his classroom but accidentally stumbled upon a buffed body person who then claimed himself as the future Student Council President next year. He apologized and the guy named Seungcheol take it easy. He doesn't like it when people being too polite towards him. He prefer to stay casual, not classy.
That was when Seungcheol begin to inviting Wonwoo for school proms, parties and events. He likes to see the younger male around him. More comfortable to treat him in lunch and dinner. Appreciated the sophomore's kindness, Wonwoo fell for him.
Who wouldn't?
Girls went crazy to wait for his decision in choosing a girlfriend.
But things changing once he turned a Junior and confessing his feelings to another person other than Wonwoo. He was upset to stalk and watched his closest best friend, whom he had a huge crush on, expressing his true feelings at someone else valuable.
Why not?
It's Yoon Jeonghan.
The school's most popular long-haired guy dressing in pretty neat uniform and always dominating the chart of the best student. Yes, he is good-looking and very smart but his reputation dropped to 0% after an approvement to Seungcheol's confession. The school declared their relationship as a taboo but they don't really care.
It hurts Wonwoo, as if he was stabbed in the heart.
He turned around, back-facing the scene of his formerly-known crush showing his affection towards his lover.
Suddenly, he felt someone's gaze. He swear he felt like someone was staring but when he scans the areas of their school building, little group of other students were chattering and won't be interested to glance at him anyway.
He sighed, “What an amazing hallucination.
            Within a year of transforming years from Junior to Senior, Wonwoo knew Seungcheol has graduated and wanting to pursued his dream to become a doctor. He thought they could be married but Seungcheol refused to hurry up and Jeonghan dislikes rushing, too. Wonwoo find they has common things.
That was when he finally accepted their relationship, though even he was envying back then, but he controlled himself not to do stupid things like cutting their strong bonds. That would be impossible for great couple like themselves. He wanted to forget every single past.
Wonwoo was on his way to shutting the homeroom's door and walking across the hallways all alone since he had to stay back for doing his cleaning duty.
He wasn't expecting someone else was there when he stopped at first floor, using the staircase to go and approaching the gateway. That stranger seems taller than him and never looking up or to the front. Wonwoo find it was bizarre to see a student behaving like that. Most of them would be mischievous or somewhat communicating with their phone.
Maybe he doesn't paid attention.
It was an awkward silent as they made their way outside of the gateway, passing a guard house.
Couldn't help himself, his brown optics taking a missile at the previous tall person. He went to the opposite from Wonwoo's, and sauntered into a darker road since it was already night. The dark shades from those trees being his shadow to let Wonwoo losing his trace.
“Why does that looks creepy?” he mumbled in an annoyance for the goosebumps.
             1 year and 5 months later. Jeon Wonwoo has attended a graduation ceremony. Later onwards, Seungcheol offered Wonwoo to stay with him as he found a new apartment, suitable for two-three people. They were lucky to be enrolled in the same college but taking different sector. He would still be sticking to arts.
There were rumors scattering around that the previous owner of this apartment leaving after their son were suicided in a room, fueled in a pool of blood dried in his mattress. Caused by a depression.
However, the two doesn't really trust those rumors. Even if it was true, they won't be officially believe that the soul could still roaming around. Days passes and they were all stable. Nothing bad happened to them. None were hurt, nor injured, nor weird stuffs going on.
Nothing. Just normal days and nights.
They thought they are all fake.
At one night, a stranger– not Wonwoo, neither Seungcheol. It was a tall framed figure standing right before the study table as he swipe his hand and open the drawer to carefully take out a diary book. He flipped from page to another, continuously reading the beginning of first page and recent.
Meanwhile Wonwoo were deeply sleeping in his bed.
That unknown positioned the book back into it's original place and rambling towards the bed. He raised the blanket and covered the shivering human until he relaxed, finished his remaining bad dreams and restored with good dreams.
“Why do you have to love someone that won't ever be yours? Crushing is stupid when you had it buried on someone that will never accept your feeling,” he talks to the sleeping guy.
Sorrowful and pity.
That room was belong to Mingyu.
             After a few days spending his moments with someone he eventually could talk to, he has turning more than happier and merrier. His days were bright to be able cooking for Wonwoo and his nights were the greatest. Whenever he hide inside Seungcheol's room, pretending to be asleep until the older one fell into a dreamland, he goes into Wonwoo's— previously his room, he labelled it as “their” room.
He got inside since the human doesn't even bother himself to lock the door; even if he did, this tall guy could easily teleport.
Every night, he watches over Wonwoo to protect him if he had a nightmare and guard him if there were possibly anything bad happen. 
He slipped a small yellow paper in Wonwoo's bag as he turned invisible.
Following the male. He wanted to make sure Wonwoo is safe everywhere, everywhere he lead.
The moment when he read the small note, it was enough for Mingyu to smiling and he sat next to Wonwoo, the empty seat since there were less people dealing with the lesson on that day. He grabbed that chance to guard the human-being all over again.
             Ending the flashback.
“Hyung.... Don't you remember me? The one who took care of you, by watching you from afar. I'm sorry I couldn't ask how are you, what are you doing, what are you drawing and what about your meals. But I was excited to pass a confession letter yet I was afraid... They discovered my letters, reading my quotes that was supposed given to you. They bash worst words and shoving them in my ears, telling me to kill myself. They were my friends, but since those days, they changed. They are betrayers...”
Wonwoo has gone speechless. He was having a mixture emotion.
“But tonight, I'm here. I'll forever be here to look after you. Would you go with me? To the paradise?”
“Please...” he whispered.
Mingyu tightened his grip and squeezing Wonwoo's waist, that causing the shorter male gaping his mouth but nothing interfered other than lacks of breath. He silently becomes desperate for oxygen but the grip proscribed him to stay breathing and possessed by the pain in his stomach.
Shedding his tears, flowing down to the corner and a drip fallen into the pillow. He dwelled.
Wonwoo's blood-relative parents abandoning him in an orphan home. The one adopted him was his aunt and deceased in a train accident. He had no guardians that he had to depends on his late aunt's parents but they are growing older, there are no use if people around him incessantly leaving.
He don't think it's wrong to be selfish now.
Hyung... I love you.
            “WONWOO! WONWOO!”
Seungcheol barged into the house with worried Jeonghan, Jihoon and Soonyoung behind. He hurried to open the door to Wonwoo's bedroom but it seems locked. He had no option, so he use his entire energy to kicking the door until it broke and dashing inside to explore there were no sight of anyone.
Jeonghan watches the miserable guy investigating under the bed and closet then he caught a white envelope were placed on the roof of the hamster's cage. He pick it up to unwrapped the envelope and read the letter.
“Cheol, Jihoon, Soonyoung! You guys better look at this,”
Seungcheol was fast enough to snatch the letter and read it.
I take him away. He worth a surpass fate than suffering. Perform your relationship and sharing your affection towards your partner to the maximum you made him cried alone. I won't let that slide into his life again. Fix yourself? Too late.
He's mine. You'll never, ever, found him.
In another dimension.
               The four people runs to meet the tenant for farther information and Seungcheol knocked the door as if it was going to explode anytime soon if there were no one responding to their impolite actions. The female tenant unlocked the door to revealed four young adults, sweating in anxiety and panting.
“Kids, are you alright?”
“Not fine until you tell me what happened in that apartment!”
The middle-aged female tenant lowering her eyebrows and inviting the four to come inside to rest their tired bodies on the sofa. Seungcheol unable to calm himself down, even with the help of Jeonghan. Nothing else could chill his mood.
She bring a tray of hot tea and putting each cups on the coffee table.
“Okay. That suite you were living at, was used to be my house. Me and my husband moving out ever since I was traumatized after my son committed suicide by swallowing two bottles of pills forcefully until he choked himself then he fell unconscious. I saw it and tried to stop him but he didn't want to. He pushed me and collapse. I lose him. I was surprised when that young guy, Jeon Wonwoo, decided to move in there. I knew him,” she provide a red-covered diary.
Jihoon hold the book in his palms and flipping the pages leisurely to read.
“Cheol hyung... this guy was Kim Mingyu and he had a crush on Wonwoo for 8 years,” he couldn't believe what he just read either. The rest, except the mother, shocked.
“Wait, I think I've heard this name...” Jeonghan said then he paused to knitting his eyebrows, trying his best to recollect several things in the past life. Everyone stares at the beautiful-looking guy.
“Yes! Kim Mingyu, he was a student from Joonsu High, right?” he questioned the elderly woman who then nod.
Seungcheol blinked, “So, he was in the same school as Wonwoo, me and you?” he turned the question for his partner. Jeonghan nodded rapidly.
The tension filled the air. The elderly woman announced.
“The last thing he promised before he died was....”
                Awakened, he was blinded by the sunlight shooting his direction. He had to raise his hand as a cover and blinking a couple of times to adjust his vision. Eyeing the places— a garden of lily flowers oscillate by the heavy wind and nothing else but white green plants, grassy grounds.
More like a resemblance to paradise with grey-ish colorization. There were no trace of birds, butterflies, mosquitoes, nothing could be named as the Earth's living things other than himself alone. With plants, pale skies, windy breeze, and woods behind.
He rubbed his eye using the back of his hand.
“Where am I?”
He barely remembered anything and slowly gripping onto the grass, sitting up.
“Is there anybody here...?”
Within a second, he shuddered as a pair of pale hands embracing Wonwoo from behind.
“I'm here. I'll make sure we'll be together forever, to the eternity and beyond.

Request done! I'm still not satisfied with the scenes but hope it clears up what was actually happening.
And plus, I haven't seen the real paradise, so I create my own: illusion and imagination.
This is fictitious anyway. Thanks for reading!!!
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Chapter 1: And he bring wonwoo into the paradise! Wow mingyu what a grwat love u got there. I love this kind of story, mistery~ but then it was all love. Aww
The "first part" reminded me of the movie "The Visit" which a friend told me about... XDD That was sooo creepy I loved it ! I'm glad someone wrote a horror fic, it's rare o-o
I think the sequel is good but I prefer without it lol
The story is awesome though, Mingyu really had a sad life and the way he took Wonwoo away is kind of cute but still awful haha poor Wonie, he didn't do anything to cause this whole thing
Thank you for this amazing story ! :D
Chapter 1: Wonwoo died too. Where is his body?
Chapter 1: waaaaa... i need more this~~ xD
thankyou for making the sequel author-nim xD
Chocoholic_freak #5
Chapter 1: ...
For some reason I'm speechless about this..
I can't believe you did a sequel though.. LOVE U AUTHOR-NIM!!
asianmomo #6
Chapter 1: speechless…
Q_Q this is so sad!! y did mingyu had to commit suicide..uu..wonu is dead to now..this kind of fic is new to me.but its good(^_^)