
My brother friends


“The house only have five rooms so you have to sleep with each other. Is that ok?” Nahee ask

“It ok we can sleep with each other. Wait but where you going as I remember you only wear that kind of clothes when you go out.” Namjoon asked

“Well I have a party tonight at my friend house so I may come late at night so don’t wait for me!” Nahee replied

“Really !! Ok come before 12 or else you grounded” Namjoon said

“Geez what’s with you oppa? You seem more up tight than before.”

“Well that what mom and dad told me to do honey I have no choice.”

“Ok I will come back before 12 o’clock. But you guy must be tired from traveling to here let me show you the room and give a tour of the house.”

A few hours later…….

“Ok hmm jungkook-ssi you can share room with V ssi.” Nahee said

“You can call me jungkook  jungkookie or kookie we are same age you don’t  have to call me by ssi.”

 “Oh really thank god I find it strange to call someone that is the same as myself. OH! your luggage give it to me I will put it on the drawer..” Nahee said

“No no no!! I can put on the drawer myself it heavy though.”  jungkook said

“No, it ok. Let’s me” Nahee said

Nahee  is trying to get the luggage from jungkook but she touch jungkook’s hand  instead. Both of them feel like there an electric shock that shock two of them make both of them hand off the luggage.

“hmmm let’s me put it up on the drawer.” Nahee said.

Nahee  take the luggage and try to put on drawer but the luggage was heavy cause nahee to lost her balance then nahee feel someone hold on her cause she didn’t fall. She’s turn around then she saw jungkook face was only a few space from her. Their eyes lock each other  and their lip was so close to each other  that make both of them become very red. Then namjoon come in and he saw two of them

“ Yah jeon jungkook!  get your hand off her.” He shout

That make the situation very awkward. After that jungkook release  Nahee  and said

“Hyung! Jimin hyung call me I have to go.” Jungkook said

Then Jungkook ran of the room. Nahee is trying to get out the room but ….



“What happened?”

“Nothing sir!”

“Then why you try to get out the room ?’

“Cause I…….”

Cause I…. what should I say think Nahee think !!

“Nahee ah do you have any think for dinner.” Jin shout

“Cause I need to cook something for dinner. You see jin ssi is calling me I have to go now bye!” Nahee told

Nahee ran to the kitchen leaving Namjoon in the room alone.

“What the hell just happen? Namjoon thought



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Chapter 23: Aww ppalli updateee !! ^^ i want to see their reaction when they meet ahhhh
Bangtanlover875 #2
Chapter 1: this chapter was amazing hopefully the rest of the chapters are like this
Chapter 21: Kekeke kookie jealous
Chapter 19: Hahaha very chaotic
Chapter 18: Oh my baek sign at nanhee group right . wow wow exo in da house
Chapter 17: Yes please, the other couples deserved special moments <3
Fighting Author-nim!!!

leesarah #7
so cuteeeee~~~~
leesarah #8
so cuteeeee~~~~
Chapter 15: Getwellsoon !!
Chapter 15: Get well soon author nim. Jungkook should move on now.