Chapter 2

Two Face Clown




The sound of catchy music were booming loud from the loudspeaker.

Sets of models are taking turns strutting the runway.

:Hyemi, please walk  a little bit faster, Jessie turn to the right just after her."

Instructions were given  by the production team as they were rehearsing.

All head turns when the final and main model of the runway takes her lead. With hair fall just pass her back, the slender woman walk gracefully towards the end.

"Yes , turn your body around twice Jinah sshi. Let stay at the end of runway for few second before turning back in the middle of the runway."

Im jinah nodded understanding and gives a slight smile before she continue strutting to the end of the stage.

This night is a very special for her. After few years participating , tonight she is able to stand in the opening ceremony of the Seoul fashion week as the main model. At last she is being recognised by the up one to showcase herself.

"Jinah-shi , I think you hit the jackpot today." Says one of the crew at the side.

Raising her brows, she gets the answer to her statement.

” Not only you’ll be wearing one of his design but it has been confirmed that designer Kim jae Joong will be gracing the opening ceremony, and you’re going to be assisting him all the way.”

“Well,I’m honoured really, but honestly should I be happy?”

“why not,dear?”

“Well,he’s gay isn’t it? I guess it won’t benefit me in any way.”She jokes around as few other model gives a big laugh and clapping.

“you better behave young lady,he might pissed off with what comes out from your mouth” he gaves a chuckle.

"but its true isn't it ? seung-ho sunbaenim I hope you will be careful with a handsome face like yours." she teases him getting a headshake from the man standing at the side of main stage.


Thinking back, Jinah reads a lot of rumors and stories about the famous designer.She has never seen him in real life but all the captures in the

magazine really shows the designer as a very handsome and dapper person. However his gossips clouds the good story and inspiration from him,the

rumors about being homoual really brings bad perception towards him.  But she never saw him denying or agreeing to the rumor leads to 

circulating speculation.She thought just maybe those news are true after all. He is always surrounded with men, and all those affectionate pose he

made with his colleague in his instagram photo,(yes,she is one of his million followers. She can’t help it can she) is a given evidence enough. It’s a sad

case really, for a man as fine as him sought out to be against the norm.Look at how many millions of women are willing to be with him. How about

Jinah ,you asked? Jinah’s simple mind completely  believe that the man doesn’t like women.So she does not think much about him, just a normal

admiration strictly due to their same line of works. Well, she thinks so.


“So, who’s gay and who needs to be careful again?” Jinah’s  line of thought are disrupted by the velvety voice coming from the side of the hall.

"Ah,well..its only…"-as seung ho sunbae trying to find words to answer,his face turns slightly pale.

"Kim Jae Jong- nim.What are you doing here? I thought your secretary is the one coming?"

"Well,this event is important for me.So,I believe it natural for me to come and taking a look before it started."

"it's so nice of you to come here during your busy schedule"

Jae joong just give slight smile with a nod."back again,what was that about gay and stuff?i found it interesting to know."Jae joong gives his curious face.

Jinah turns around to find the angel-like person that she was currently figuring out. He was breathtaking, out of the world she couldn’t found any words to described him. Seriously,real life person beats everything else .His fringe was up,and he is wearing his black  jacket, white shirt and  black skinny jeans. It feels like she has stop breathing when the person eyes piercing into hers.

Kim..Jae..Joong ,damn it.

"I heard you talking about some rumors with this miss ..your name?" Jae Joong raised his eyebrows, Ahnjjang gives an evil smirked at the back. Jinah doesn’t miss that of course.

I’m dead meat- jinah thinks to herself. 

"Kim Jae Joong nim,let me introduced you our main model for tonight event,Im Jinah."

As Jaejoong raised his hand to shake,Jinah bows deeply.He was mesmerised by her poise and beauty,tall figure with hair coloured slightly brownish,her big eyes and angled jaw completing her smooth clean face.Of course he has been surrounded by lots of pretty women,but this one really radiates that aura he couldn't described.Is it confidence,or her being snob?he doesn't know.But with the silver one-shoulder dress and same colour heels,she portrays elegant. 

“It was a pleasure to meet you,Kim Jae Joong-nim. Please, take care of me well”

“We’ll see..-“Jae joong smirked.




a/n:Chapter 2 done.I appreciate if you can give me a comment:)

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sn123456 #1
Chapter 2: Interesting authornim. Please update soon.