
An Odd TVXQ Christmas Carol

Yunho changed the picture again. It was the same scene, but this time, the kids were in the room, watching their dying father.

"Don't worry about us, father. We'll take care of everything after you're gone," Yoochun's picture said. However, his thought balloons said, "I'll finally be rid of this monster that destroyed my life."

"Yes, father. There is nothing to worry about. Everything in your company will be taken care of," Junsu said coldly.

"Why are they talking like this? My children are NOT like this!" Jaejoong denied.

"Not YET. You haven't noticed it yet, but the more you push them away from you, the more their hearts harden. Hatred grows in their hearts, but sadly, that is not the worst of it," Changmin confessed.

Yunho unveiled another comic-strip style scene. This time, of a graveyard.

"Do we really have to give him a proper burial? No one's going to come and visit him anyway," Junsu whined.

"We might hate him, but we have to. It's expected of us," Yoochun said. "After this, it's really over."

"What? Am I that bad a father to them? Those ungrateful wretches! They'll-"

"The only reason they're like this is because you were cold to them as they grew up. They never received any guidance from you. No matter how hard they try to remember, they can't really recall the time when you were a great dad, only your coldness as well as the thought you unconsciously implanted in them that your company is more important than they are. But don't worry, your dying future isn't that bad. The kids made a great funeral!" Changmin said, trying to liven up the atmosphere.

Yunho unveils the last strip: a picto-graphic narration of the funeral.

"So-" Changmin began, but hizs phone suddenly rang. "Sorry, please hold on. Hello? Yes? No, I did not order pizza. Thanks anyway. So, anyway, where was I?"

"Psst!" Yunho called after a glance at his watch. "You're running out of time!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's almost the 25th! Hurry!"

"I'm hurrying! I'm hurrying!"

"Wait, does he get it yet? We're going to be late for the next one!"

"I'm almost there, but if you guys keep interrupting me, I might not be able to finish!"

"Um... Excuse me, but when you're done, I'd like to find out what's going to happen," Jaejoong interrupted.

"Tell me, if you find out what terrible thing is going to follow this, will you be a better dad to your kids? Or are we to accept defeat and let you suffer this miserable future?" Changmin asked.

"I'll pick the 'better dad' option."

"Psst! Narrator Yunho-hyung! Is that good enough?"

"Not my call. Told you we should've just hired Scrooge's ghosts. It would have been more dramatic," Yunho commented.

"Excuse me," Jaejoong interrupted, clearing his throat.

"Oh, sorry. Back to you. Long story short? They're going to give you a proper burial and everything... But you will still suffer torment for all eternity. Technically, everything that happens from this point on is your choice, really."

"I see," Jaejoong muttered as he thought.

"Well, we're almost out of time. You have to make the decision now. Let's go," Changmin said, taking him back to bed.

"Now? Why now?"

"Because this is the Christmas that will decide your fate. After this, you might change, but the effects of it will be very little. Everything will be gone by then. So do your best..." Changmin said as Jaejoong fell asleep.



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Chapter 4: Aw, that was really sweet ^^
Chapter 4: Love it!!!!! So much!!!!
merry christmas
logistilla #4
that is one crazy dbsk christmas xD
yayyy~ <3 tvxq ot5 christmas fics. this is why i love this fandom. it feeds my insanity lol ... XD subscribing. <br />
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oh and if you have time prease read my one-shot too .__. it's another dbsk christmas shenanigan that is part of my SM Town Winter album one-shot collection <br />
http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/110245/1/<;br />
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sank kyuuu~ <3