"Mianhe Aerin-ssi"

Our Fate

Slowly  I open my eyes, I see a bright light. My head feel heavy and so dizzy. I can see my forth brother sleep on the couch while my eldest brother sleep on the chair beside me. I try to wake him up but he still sleep. I shake his hand slowly that is holding tight my wrist.


"Oppa, palli ireona."


My brother slowly lift his head and look at me. He seem so shock.


"Aerin-ah!" Minho Oppa hug me tightly.


"Waeyo Oppa? Why are you being like this? What happend to me?" I ask him curiously. 

I can see his tears start to fall when he release his hug.


I really want to know what happend. Wait, why I cant feel my leg? Is my leg got cut?


"Oppa... Oppa wae I cant feel my leg?"


My brother still doesnt answer me. Im so worry. I open my blanket thats cover my leg. 

Im so grateful, my leg is still here, thanks god.


My brother only watch what I do while his tears fall and fall again.


"Oppa! I still have my leg!" I say happily.


I try to lift and move my leg but I cant. It doesnt move a little bit. Eventhough I use all of my energy, it is stay still.


"Jakkaman! Why my leg cant move? Oppa! Answer me!"


"Oppa! Why are you didnt answer me?! Oppa! What happend?! Tell me!" 

My tears start to fall.


Im really not satisfied when my brother only stay still and his tears stream down his face.


I shake his shoulder but he still doesn reply me. Again, I shake his shoulders but this time with my two hand and I shake it strongly. Still he cry while he's head bow down.


Wae iraeyo?! What happend actually?!


Suddenly, I feel someone hold my hand.


"Stop Aerin-ah, Minho Hyung is so sad right now." My forth brother, Byunghun try to calm me.


I pull my hand from Minho Oppa shoulder and turn back.


"L.Joe Oppa, what happend to me actually? I really need to know. Why my leg cant move? Please answer me Oppa..." Im begging Byunghun Oppa.


"Aerin-ah... Yesterday you got hit with iron bars and..." 


" and?! 'And' what Oppa?! Tell me!!!"


"And your leg paralyzed!" He shout at me and I see his tears start to fall too.


Im really shock by what he said. 


I really cant believe it, it is ridiculous.Yes, its very ridiculous. Yesterday I still can walk, I can run, I  can move my leg. No, no, It is impossible that my leg paralyzed. My brother must be joking. Haha. I... I must show that I can walk and make sure he is wrong.


I try to move my left leg, it doesnt move. Then my right leg, still doesnt move. Why it is not move a little bit. Oh ya, haha, this is because I just woke up, ya, ya.


My brother, Byunghun cant bear to see me like this anymore, he went out from my ward.


"Aerin-ah, dont push yourself. I know you cant believe this. I know you cant accept it. Im so sorry Aerin-ah." Minho Oppa hug me tightly but I push him away.


"No! Its not true! I...I can walk like other...like you. Im still normal girl like before. Nothing happend to me, see"

I lift my legs with my hand and put it down from bed. I try to stand up and walk but Im failed. My tears keep streming dowm my face. I feel like Im so done with my life.


"Oppa!!! Wae?!! Why this happend to me?! How can I walk to school?! How can I swim with you?! How can I beat you in running?!... How can I live my life like before?! How Oppa?!! How?!!!"


"I want my leg back!!! I want to walk like usual!!! Please help me Oppa!!! Jebal..."




I scream and my tears fastly stream down face.


Minho Oppa hug me and try to calm myself. Again, I push him away and start behaving out of control. I pull the needle on my hand that allow water to flow to my body. I push all things thats on small table beside me. I throw away the blanket and the pillow.


My brother try to stop me but he failed. He push a button thats on the wall to call a nurse or doctor.


Within a minute, a doctor with two nurse come into my room. The nurses hold me tight while the doctor try to give me medicine that will make me sleep with hypodermic needle.


I feel sleeppy and my eyes slowly close. Last thing I see are Chanyeol is standing beyond the door with a sympathy face.




I wake up from my sleep, no one here in my in my ward room. 


Suddenly, I hear someone open the door. I act like Im still sleep by close my eyes.


"Aerin-ssi, mianhe." From the voice, i know he is Chanyeol. Is he apologize to me? He is very gentleman.


"I really didnt want this happend to EXO lovely fans. I felt totally wrong. Mianhe. I will take this responsibility on you and make sure you will cheer up like our first meet. I dont like seeing you sad and cry anymore. I hope to see you again in next EXO concert. Mianheyo Aerin-ssi..." My tears start to fall. 


He rub my tears and my hair sofly with his fingers. I think he knows that Im awake.


I open my eyes right away when he went out from my room.


"Its not your fault Chanyeol but...I still can accept it. Why this happend to me... Why..." I talk to myself. 


I close my eyes and try to sleep again accompany with my sorrow tears that keep streaming down my face.


Naneun Shireoyo. 

Eomma... Appa... Minho Oppa... Hongki Oppa... Howon Oppa... Byunghun Oppa... Please... Please... Help me... I cant bear this alone...

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Chapter 31: I am so saaaad!!!!!:(:( MY GOSH NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO TURN OUT LIKE THIS!!!! OMG MY EYES ARE SO WATERY. IM CRYING MY THROAT HURTS. THAT ONE CHAPTER WHERE IT ALL HAPPENED TOOK A TURN, DID NOT BELIEVE IT WAS GOING TO TURN OUT LIKE THIS, I MEAN SHE DID NOT DESERVE THIS, ALL SHE DID WAS JUST LOVE CHANYEOL!!!!!!:(:(:( But i really love this story, and will keep reading time to time. Really love this story so much. Thank U for writing this story.:)
Chapter 22: Can't wait to see what the update'll bring for me. :)