I felt you deeper than the pain

The Day Before
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Word count: 2673

Rating: PG


Hongbin was lying in his bed, looking at his ceiling. It was two days after Hakyeon's death and he was starting to count the minutes that had passed since. He couldn't seem to think about anything else than Hakyeon. He had spent the past days crying, feeling foggy and tired. It wasn't the first time he had lost someone. He lost his grandmother when he was younger, but this felt nothing like it. It was like someone had ripped a hole in his chest, and it wasn't healing. He was tired, and he just wanted his friend back. Usually when he felt ty, he would talk to Hakyeon, but that wasn't really an option anymore. Hakyeon had been his safe haven. He would never judge him, or not a lot at least, for his issues. He felt so separated from the rest of the world, because they all looked so happy. So many of them found their soulmates early in life, and those that had not yet found them, didn't seem to antagonize so much over it. 


"Hakyeon, please come back. I need someone to vent to, to understand me, to be there for me. I need you. Sanghyuk needs you, he's just a kid. Taekwoon needs you, so ridiculously much." Hongbin mumbled to himself. He sighed.

He wanted to lie there forever, but he felt somewhat gross. His hair was oily, he couldn't be bothered to shower yesterday, and his breath smelled of the pasta he had forced himself to eat the day before. He couldn't fade into nothingness, and wash away like waves at a beach. He had to live, because Hakyeon didn't get the chance to. Hakyeon would probably slap him if he could see him right now.


After a shower and a reluctant meal, Hongbin left his flat. He wasn't really sure what to do, so he started walking. He was caught up in his own thoughts, and suddenly he found himself at the subway, headed towards the park he and Hakyeon used to go to, the one they were at just days before he met Taekwoon. He had in the very least brought his camera with him. He might see something new there. 

After walking through the park for a while he stopped to take some pictures. Beside one of the trees there was a bed of lilies. In front of the spot there was a metal fence, that was covered in vines, and the fence separated the trees from the path. It all looked very picturesque. 


"It's really beautiful here, don't you think?" A voice interrupted his stream of thoughts. Hongbin looked up to find the owner of the voice. The voice was rough, but not in a frightening way. It was not as smooth as Taekwoon's, and it was rather deep. Something drew him towards that voice. It was like something laid underneath it, a magnetic pull drawing him closer.

When he looked up he saw the face of a man about his age. He had dark hair, longer at the top and shaved at one of the sides. He had beautiful tan skin, and he looked rather muscular.


"Yeah, I used to come here a lot with this friend of mine. It is the perfect place to take pictures." Hongbin replied, looking at the handsome stranger.

"I suppose it is. I think I might enjoy photography more once I can see colour, at least those outside the monochrome spectrum." The man spoke quietly this time, like he was telling him a dreadful secret. Maybe he was, not having found your soulmate wasn't exactly something people took pride in.


"I understand. I take pictures to preserve anything beautiful I see, so that I don't miss out on a moment, just because I can't see the full spectrum of colour yet." Hongbin smiled. 

"Really? That is fascinating. The most fascinating thing though, is that you let it slip that a breathtaking man like you, is somehow still single. Or in the very least, still lacking a soulmate." The man smiled. The handsome man extended his hand towards him. "My name is Kim Wonshik. What is yours, if you don't mind me asking?"


"Lee Hongbin, pleasure to meet you." Hongbin said, as he extended his hand. Once their palms touched each other in what should have been a friendly handshake, he felt it. It was similar to what Hakyeon had described, just stronger than he could ever have imagined. It was like an explosion behind his eyes, but it wasn't painful. He felt himself heat up, and suddenly nothing was wrong in the world. For a short moment in time, he could pretend like it wasn't.


He looked down at the tattoo on his wrist, which had turned into a full circle. He had no idea what the colour was called, but it was the same shade as the trees, which he could recall Hakyeon telling him were green, just warmer and homier. A strong colour, but not harsh, or too bright. Just perfect. 

"I c-can't believe it. Is this a dream?" Wonshik said incredulously. He was looking at the world around him with bewilderment in his eyes, and only then did Hongbin notice the people around them applauding. When a two soulmates find each other, and touch for the very first time there is not just an emotional reaction. Supposedly, the space around them turns golden for a couple of minutes, sealing them together in a protective aura. Hongbin drew a deep breath. It had been a busy day, and there were a lot of them, and Hongbin felt overwhelmed. Wonshik noticed the look in his eyes, and signaled for the crowd to stop.


"Let's walk, to somewhere a bit more quiet, okay?" Wonshik spoke softly. Hongbin nodded, and they started walking. Hongbin felt really strange. He was happy, to an almost insane level, but he was also suddenly really upset, and he could just think back to that phone call he had with Jaehwan when he first found out his best friend was dead.

"Are you okay?" Wonshik spoke softly, trying to avoid frightening him. They sat down on a bench.

"I'm f-" Hongbin stopped himself. "No, I'm not fine. On one hand I'm super happy that I found you, and everything feels amazing and safe and perfect; but on another I feel like I want to roll up into a ball and cry." Wonshik processed this for a moment.


"Is it because of me?" He asked, swallowing nervously. Just hearing him ask that question broke Hongbin's heart, and he hugged his soulmate close.

"It's not you,

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I cried a lot to this story huhuhuhu this is so great! everyone must read this <3
mery17 #2
Chapter 7: I need to take deep breathes to hold my tears from falling... I don't want my mom to walk in me crying a river...so sad....
cathiann #3
Chapter 10: The last chapter tear me up. You have it so deep, so hidden under all other things that when Taekwoon finally reached his end, an emotion wave hit me to reality.
chaglutinous #4
Chapter 10: It's perfect nonetheless. I swear i cried a river
Chapter 10: Well... I'm crying. It can be a rushed ending just to write the word "The End", but it made me cry a river nonetheless.
This is a very beautiful story, and I loved the message that you wanted to send to all your readers.
Thank you!
swethaTR #6
Chapter 10: I'm pretty sure I've never cried so much for a fanfic before.....just....wow......I'm speechless. Just, never give up on writing Kay??? You have such an amazing talent in this.
TiqarTaib #7
Chapter 10: Even though the last chapter is short, it brings closure to the story and brings me close to tears.
Thanks for the beautiful ending..
vixxcha #8
Chapter 10: this is so good..T.T beautiful story
tq for the story authornim ^^
MissPanda16 #9
Chapter 10: It was a beautiful story and even the end is great :D
Thank you for everything <3