Heaven sent me to love you

The Day Before
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Word count: 2699

Rating: PG

A/N: The title is a part of a quote from the movie "More Than Blue". The title from chapter 3 was part 1 of the quote.


It was a Sunday morning, and with the approach of summer, the warmth had settled into the room once Hakyeon woke up. The sunlight was wandering in through the sheer curtains of their bedroom, and Hakyeon was starting to feel very warm. Taekwoon was very hot at his side, and at some point during the night, they had ended up in a tight embrace. He picked up his phone from the bedside table, albeit with some difficulty. It read 10:04 AM. He wasn't really one for sleeping in at all, but it was nice sometimes.


Hakyeon tried to get out of Taekwoon's hold, slowly at first. He inched himself, trying hard to get up without waking Taekwoon. Maybe he could make breakfast for the two of them. Just when he thought he had found a functioning strategy, Taekwoon made a groaning noise and pulled him closer. Hakyeon sighed, and let his head drop to the pillow. 

Hakyeon tried once more, quicker this time. It didn't really matter if he woke Taekwoon, when he thought about it. The other man had an irrefutable talent for falling back asleep. He got about halfway before he heard Taekwoon mumble something inaudible. 


"Did you say something?" Hakyeon asked in a low voice, wondering if he might have imagined it.

"Stay here." Taekwoon said, louder this time, without opening his eyes. Hakyeon sighed.

"But I'm bored." Hakyeon whined. He physically could not stay in bed any longer, he was too awake. The energy within him was practically skittering underneath his skin. 

"Please." Taekwoon begged. Hakyeon had a feeling that he might have pouted, had he been properly awake. He tried hugging Hakyeon even tighter, even if the older resisted.


"Think about it this way. If I wake up I'll make coffee." Hakyeon suggested. Taekwoon loved his coffee, so he was practically resulting to blackmail at this point. Taekwoon paused for a minute, and just when Hakyeon started to wonder if he had fallen back asleep, he spoke again.

"I'm listening." Taekwoon grumbled.

"I'll even make waffles for breakfast. You don't have to get up just because I am." Hakyeon smiled, he knew he was winning this argument. Taekwoon didn't even respond, he just released him from his hold. This made Hakyeon laugh all the way to the kitchen.




Jaehwan had woken up bright and early at 7 AM. He was feeling wide awake despite having gone to bed late. He went to take a shower, and changed into comfortable jeans and a white t-shirt. He tried calling Sanghyuk, so he could come over and he could see him again. Sanghyuk only lived across the hall, but they had decided for now that it was best that they had their own separate living spaces, to give themselves some space. The phone rang three times before Sanghyuk picked up. 

"No." Sanghyuk said, before hanging up. He sounded pretty groggy. Jaehwan scoffed. He rang again. This time Sanghyuk picked up right away.


"Jaehwan, why the are you calling at the crack of dawn?" Sanghyuk groaned.

"It's 7 AM." Jaehwan stated. He heard a sigh at the other side of the line.


"Same . I'm sleepy, get to the point please." Sanghyuk whined. Jaehwan let out a laugh.

"I'm bored, come entertain me?" Jaehwan asked hopefully.


"I am not awake. I won't be for at least 2-3 hours of more sleep. You can always come over and nap with me? My bed is feeling cold without you." Sanghyuk proposed. Jaehwan smiled to himself. He was so cute.

"I feel really awake, Hyukkie, I don't know..." Jaehwan whined. Maybe if he whined enough he could get his way.


"Well, that is all I have the energy for, take it or leave it." Sanghyuk deadpanned. "I miss you?" The younger tried.

"I AM COMING OVER." Sanghyuk broke into laughter at the other side. 


He had his own key to Sanghyuk's place, so he brought his keys and phone before he was out the door. He took the time to lock his own flat, and went straight into Sanghyuk's. He knew Sanghyuk would be in bed, so he walked into his bathroom for a second, checked his reflection, and went to find Sanghyuk.


"That was fast." Sanghyuk said. Jaehwan could only see his bare chest, as the rest of his body was covered by a comforter. 

"Anything for my Hyukkie." Jaehwan smirked. He walked up to the bed, and sat down next to Sanghyuk.


"Come here. Take off your pants, they must be uncomfortable to sleep in." Sanghyuk placed his hand on Jaehwan's thigh to emphasize what he meant. Jaehwan stood up and took off his pants in one swift move. Sanghyuk smiled weakly, his facial expression showing how tired he was. "Eager?" 

"Always." Jaehwan said, getting into the bed. Sanghyuk cuddled him close, laying his head on his chest. He moved around, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Take your shirt off. You chest is more comfortable without it." Sanghyuk mumbled. Jaehwan did as he was told, and Sanghyuk sighed contentedly. It wasn't long before Jaehwan heard Sanghyuk's breathing even out. He looked down and it confirmed his theory; the younger had fallen asleep. 


Jaehwan sometimes forgot how young Sanghyuk was. He was legally an adult, soon to be 21 years old, but still so young. He looked so vulnerable, and Jaehwan just wanted to make sure that nobody would ever hurt him, and that he would always be happy. He was usually more of the silly type, but these things always had him worried. What if something were to happen to his soulmate when he was not there? How awful it would be not to be able to protect the one you love, to have the choice taken out of your hands?

When they first met he had more baby fat, and looked very young, which had Jaehwan worried, but he was growing into a handsome man. Even though his body made him look like an adult, his face was still soft, and he still looked boyish. He smiled as he saw Sanghyuk sniffle in his sleep. He was so cute. He let his head fall back against the pillow, and tried to get some sleep for himself.




Hakyeon was making waffles, and was beginning to wonder if he had made too many. Better too

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I cried a lot to this story huhuhuhu this is so great! everyone must read this <3
mery17 #2
Chapter 7: I need to take deep breathes to hold my tears from falling... I don't want my mom to walk in me crying a river...so sad....
cathiann #3
Chapter 10: The last chapter tear me up. You have it so deep, so hidden under all other things that when Taekwoon finally reached his end, an emotion wave hit me to reality.
chaglutinous #4
Chapter 10: It's perfect nonetheless. I swear i cried a river
Chapter 10: Well... I'm crying. It can be a rushed ending just to write the word "The End", but it made me cry a river nonetheless.
This is a very beautiful story, and I loved the message that you wanted to send to all your readers.
Thank you!
swethaTR #6
Chapter 10: I'm pretty sure I've never cried so much for a fanfic before.....just....wow......I'm speechless. Just, never give up on writing Kay??? You have such an amazing talent in this.
TiqarTaib #7
Chapter 10: Even though the last chapter is short, it brings closure to the story and brings me close to tears.
Thanks for the beautiful ending..
vixxcha #8
Chapter 10: this is so good..T.T beautiful story
tq for the story authornim ^^
MissPanda16 #9
Chapter 10: It was a beautiful story and even the end is great :D
Thank you for everything <3