
Smurf01 & MrJoker


- - final

not beta-ed






“God we look fabulous.” Luhan said looking at his outfit. He was wearing a cop outfit that is two sizes too little on his body while Kyungsoo was wearing a cute owl costume.


“Huh, you mean you look fabulous. Stupid shop!” Kyungsoo grumble. This was not what he wanted, he wanted a suit with an owl mask but somehow the shop messed up his order, hence the adorable owl costume that pretty much look like a pyjama with a hoodie.


Luhan who was beside him laughed.


“You look cute Soo.” He said pinching Kyungsoo’s cheek.


“I don’t want to look cute!” Kyungsoo replied pouting.


Ryuhei who had been at the hall earlier had been keeping an eye on everybody especially Chanyeol. He can’t believe Chanyeol break up with him.


“Hump! Nobody breaks up with me!” He muttered, taking a bite on his macaroon. His two other friends who was beside him just rolled their eyes. They had known Ryuhei since forever and he has always been a . They stick up with him just because he’s a popular kid in the school and whoever’s a friend with Ryuhei will definitely be popular.


It was also an added value that he’s super rich.


“Get over it Ryu.” One of them said. Ryuhei however was not having any of that and just glared at them.


He was about to say something when the light were suddenly dimmed and a spot light was directed to someone on top of the stair that leads to the entrance.


On Chanyeol, he was still talking to Sehun and Zitao and was sometimes looking at his phone for any reply from smurf. But hadn’t gotten any. He put his phone inside his pocket again and was surprise when the light went darkened and a spot light was focussed on a male wearing a white suit with a beautiful mask and just like him, the male also had a wing on his back.


If Chanyeol was the dark angel, the other was the white angel. Chanyeol’s breathing comes to a halt.


Jongin who just entered the hall and already descended the stair was surprise when the light suddenly went off and everybody inside the hall was looking at his way, more like behind him.


Thinking that Baekhyun was behind him, he decided to ask him. “Hey Baek, what’s everybody looki–” He looks at his back expecting to see Baekhyun was not and he looks at the white light only to see Baekhyun smiling softly as he went down the stair.


“Oh my gosh, he looks good.” Kyungsoo muttered as he and his twins’ eyes were also fixed on the male descending down the stair.


“But Soo, he looks familiar.” Luhan answered. He really looks familiar but he can’t put a finger on it.


Jongin smiles, Baekhyun looks gorgeous with that suit and the beautiful mask, while the smile on his face just completes everything. Baekhyun arrives besides him and the light return to its normal lightening and the DJ had turn in the music again.


“Ready?” Jongin asked and Baekhyun nodded his head and both went into the crowd.


“Where do you plan on meeting?” Jongin asked as he get the both of them through the crowd.


“Centre of the dance hall.” Baekhyun answered. Jongin nodded and they arrived at the centre of the dance hall where the disco ball was actually located.


“Alright, I’ll leave you here okay? Remember, I’ve set the alarm so everything’s going to be fine.” Jongin said and patted Baekhyun’s cheeks a couple of times.


“Yeah, thank you Jongie.” Baekhyun said smiling softly, eyeing Jongin who disappeared among the horde of people. He let out a couple of heavy breath and was slightly trembling when a man with a suit and a mask came in front of me.


“My, my. Aren’t you a lovely one.” The man said smiling at Baekhyun gesturing for a handshake.


“J–Jongdae?” Baekhyun asked smiling crookedly. “Y–you’re MrJoker?”


Jongdae was known by their schoolmates as the weirdo. He likes to joke around and was never taken seriously. He wasn’t the popular type nor was he type of guy that was labelled as the nerd. He’s just. . . Jongdae.


Jongdae looks around for a little before smiling and nodding his head. “Yes, that’s me.” He replied. “Care for a dance my beautiful angel?” Taking Baekhyun’s hand suddenly leading the smaller male into a dance.


It was a couple of minutes later when Baekhyun was dizzy enough that he asked for some drink. Jongdae smiles and leave to go grab some fruit punch, leaving Baekhyun on the dance hall again.


“Ugh, I know this is too good to be true.” Baekhyun muttered, fixing his mask and signing. He was about to leave when a voice from behind him suddenly caught him speechless.




Chanyeol was still looking at the male from the stairs until he was gone from his sight. Sehun and Zitao were smirking all the way because apparently their appearance caught a lot of attention from the other people around them.


Chanyeol take a look at his phone again but still there was no reply to his message. He look at the middle of the dance floor and put down his cup before slowly making his way there.


“Yeol, where you going?” Zitao asked when he notice that the taller guy was leaving.


“Somewhere.” Was the reply and Chanyeol went. Sehun and Zitao exchange looks but shrugged their shoulders. They know how Chanyeol was and this was a normal attic of his.


When Chanyeol was nearing the disco ball, he saw that a guy was standing there, it was the guy from earlier. Taking a guess, he muttered the name and sure enough the male turns around and he was sure he could die right there and then.


The male was beautiful, although he can’t see his face, he can see just how beautiful his skin was and he’s so short, so adorable.


“MrJoker?” The other said and Chanyeol could just fall in love with the voice. He smiles widely.


Baekhyun on the other hand was panicking.


‘Park Chanyeol? Park Chanyeol was MrJoker?!’


“Yes.” Chanyeol answered still smiling.


“Y–you’re Park Chanyeol.” Baekhyun stuttered, still can’t believe that Chanyeol was the one who’s standing in front of him right now.


“Yes, are you disappointed?” Chanyeol asked nervously, scratching his un–itchy nape and smile sheepishly.


Baekhyun shook his head. “No.” He said and chuckled. Hearing the chuckled from the shorter male made Chanyeol laughed too.


“Ah, Park Chanyeol.” Jongdae who just came with two cups of fruit punch snorted, looking at his beautiful angel and Park Chanyeol together. “Again, defeated by you.” He added, slowly making his way out of the conversation and into the crowd again.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun made their way out of the crowded place onto the side.


“Bu–but you’re Park Chanyeol, school’s quarterback, the kingka, student council, and. . . into literature?” Baekhyun asked. He knows MrJoker wants to go to SNU to pursue on literature. “You can’t be both.” He said.


Chanyeol looks at him. “No, I can’t. But when I’m with you, it’s just. .  . I feel–” Chanyeol sigh. “Listen, I don’t think we should talk here.” He added then put out his hand. “Wanna go out of here?”


Baekhyun looks at the hand and ponder for a while before accepting the hand and following Chanyeol’s lead, going outside of the dance hall and into the back garden.


Jongin who was dancing slowly at the other side of the hall saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol together. Wondering if he’s the guy Baekhyun had been texting with. He smiles.


The place was also decorated for students who want to have some personal time and fortunately, nobody was there. Just the two of them.


“You remember when I asked you about not belong?” Chanyeol suddenly asked after they settled themselves on one of the hut on the garden.


Baekhyun nodded his head.


“The Park Chanyeol is like that. Park Chanyeol feels like he doesn’t belong. While MrJoker, he knows what he wants. He can be the real him. I can be the real me when I’m with you smurf.” Chanyeol said.


Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol. He calls him smurf. Of course, Chanyeol still doesn’t know who he is. He has a mask on his face.


“So, smurf, would you tell me who you are if I guess it?” Chanyeol asked smiling at Baekhyun.


“We’ll see.” Baekhyun answered also with a smile.


Chanyeol wonder for a bit, biting his lower lips. “Alright, we’ll play 20 question.” He said.


Baekhyun shook his head. “Can’t guess it at 10?” He said smiling teasingly. Chanyeol chuckled and nodded his head.


“Alright, you got me. 10 it is then.” The taller male said. “Okay, first question, you do actually go to Whimoon High school right?”


Baekhyun chuckled. “Of course I do. I wouldn’t be able to enter this prom if I’m not.”


“Yeah, you’re right.” Chanyeol said grinning. “Okay next question–” He pulled Baekhyun towards him and looks into his eyes.


“Were you disappointed when you found out that I’m MrJoker?”


Baekhyun stay silent for a while before shaking his head slowly. “Surprisingly, no.” He answered. Chanyeol smiles.


Jongin was eating some of the kebab when somebody caught his attention. Kyungsoo. He was alone.


“What’s he wearing?” He asked himself, pulling his neck to be able to see what the other was wearing.


He walked closer to Kyungsoo and when he saw what the smaller was wearing, he can’t help but beamed. Kyungsoo looked adorable.


“Today’s the day Jongin–ah. Today’s the day!” Saying some encouragement to himself, he was about to take a step towards Kyungsoo when suddenly another male was in front of Kyungsoo.


He looks at them for a second and let out a sigh. “Maybe not today.” When he was about to leave he heard Kyungsoo’s voice trying to tell the guy to go away. His voice may not sound that loud but for Jongin, Kyungsoo’s voice will always reach him.


He looks up and sure enough, Kyungsoo was pushing the male in front of him. Jongin made his way towards them and push the guy away, standing in front of Kyungsoo.


“I don’t think he wants your company anymore, mister.” He said bravely.


“Huh, and you do you think you are?” The other guys asked smirking. Jongin was tall but so were the guy and the guy also seemed to be bigger in built than Jongin.


“Someone you don’t want to messed around with.” He answered. The guys frown and lunch forwards to lunch Jongin but the other was fast enough to dodge it. The fight between the two male was leading towards the food and beverages area, and soon enough all the students around was cheering on them.


Luhan who was sitting on one of the stool was sipping his fruit punch when suddenly someone sat down beside him. Looking to his right, he was greeted with Sehun. Chanyeol’s best friend.


“Hello.” Sehun smiled charmingly. Luhan snorted then leave the bench. Anybody who isn’t Park Chanyeol isn’t worth his time.


“If I asked you for a dance, does that count as a question?” Chanyeol asked after asking more question.


“But there’s no music.” Baekhyun said.


“Who cares?” The taller male shrugged his shoulder. Baekhyun smiles and nodded. Chanyeol put both his arms around Baekhyun’s small waist while the other had his arms around Chanyeol’s neck.


Baekhyun who was blushing couldn’t look into Chanyeol’s eyes, instead fixed his gaze on the other’s chest while Chanyeol keeps on looking at the shorter male’s face.


Suddenly a soothing music was heard and both male looks around them to find a group playing the instruments, accompanying their dance session.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol both chuckled.


Chanyeol then softly lift the smaller’s chin, wanting to meet his eyes.


“Your eyes are really beautiful.” He muttered softly. Baekhyun who was lost for words just stood there. Not knowing what to say.


Chanyeol caresses the other’s cheek and slowly his hand moved towards the mask, wanting to open it when a loud alarming sound disturbs them.


Baekhyun who was in trance was quickly pulled out of his dream after hearing the alarm. It was his phone, the alarm that Jongin had set earlier.


“Oh damn!” He said taking out his phone and turning the alarm off. “I’m sorry, I–I gotta go.” He said running towards the dance hall, searching for Jongin. Chanyeol who was startled stand there but after a few second he follows the other, trying to find him.


“Wait!” He shouted.


The dance hall was really loud because of the blazing music and Baekhyun was having a difficult time trying to find Jongin. he looks around the hall and when he finally notice him, he quickly pulled.


“Jongin!” Baekhyun was shocked because Jongin was making out with Kyungsoo!


“Jongie!” He shouted once again, trying to pull the couple from each other, Jongin doesn’t seem like he’s leaving but Baekhyun keeps on pulling him.


Kyungsoo who was enjoying the kiss can’t help but let out a whine when his kissing partner was pulled away from him.


“Where are you going?” He shouted when the male was pulled away from him. He pouted and stomp hi feet. Time to look for Luhan.


“Oh God Baek! I freaking kissed Kyungsoo!” Jongin said excitedly as the both of them made a run towards the entrance.


“Ugh! Don’t tell me about it!” Baekhyun said, trying to climb up the stairs as fast as his short legs allow him, not noticing that his cell phone had dropped out of his pocket. “We gotta go back to the diner!”


“Wait! Wait! So what did he say when he find out that you’re, you?” Jongin asked as the two of them get into the car, he quickly throw his fake moustache and open up his mask.


“He didn’t say anything, because he didn’t know.” Baekhyun answered, taking of the mask and the wing on his back.


“What?! You didn’t tell him?!” Jongin shouted as he started the car.


Baekhyun sighs loudly. “He’s Park Chanyeol, Jongin–ah. He’s the perfect student, have a perfect life. And I’m me, I live in an attic, I’m diner boy. I’ll be doing him a favour if I just disappear. 


Chanyeol looked everywhere for the other and when he does see him, he was already running towards the entrance door and Chanyeol was quick on his feet to climb up the stairs but now quick enough to catch the other guy, he was already out of the door and he’s pretty sure he won’t be able to find him out there considering a lot of people outside.


He walks back in and stops when his feet accidentally step on something. Bending down he picked it up and found a cell phone. He recognizes it from before when smurf turned off his alarm.


‘I’ll find you.’





“Where are your crown?” Heechul asked as soon as the boys get inside the car. “Winners get prizes!”


Luhan sigh and leaned on his seat. “We didn’t win umma. Somebody stole it from us.” He said.


Earlier the teachers had picked the homecoming queen and king and apparently Park Chanyeol and an unknown white angel was the winner. But Chanyeol was the only one who get the crown as the other male was nowhere to be seen.


“Ugh, and I gave you those extra money to buy your costume for nothing.” Heechul said starting the car and driving it to exit the place but another car was blocking his way on his side.


Luhan and Kyungsoo look towards the car beside them and widen their eyes.


Baekhyun and Jongin was nearing the exit when another car was about to exit too, breaking, Jongin’s car comes into a halt and both he and Baekhyun looked at the car beside them. Baekhyun widen his eyes.


“Baekhyun!” The twins exclaimed and turn towards Heechul who was looking at himself into the mirror, missing Baekhyun on the other car.


Baekhyun quickly bent down on his seat, not wanting Heechul to see him.


“Umma! It’s Baekhyun!” Luhan said pointing at the car beside them.


“What?” Heechul looked at the car but found no Baekhyun, only a boy with a dorky smile on his face.


“Hello, Mr. Byun.” Jongin said and quickly drive out of the place.


“That’s impossible, Baekhyun’s at the diner, he’s working tonight.” Heechul said, slowly manoeuvring the car.


“But he was there umma! He was beside that boy!” Kyungsoo cried out. Followed but Luhan’s frantic nodding.


“No, Baekhyun would never disobey me.”


As soon as they were on the open road, Baekhyun sit back on his seat and look around.


“Did they see me?” He asked.


“No, I don’t think so. But maybe the twins did.” Jongin replied, trying to calm his breathing. He was so freaking nervous back there.


Baekhyun was trying to relax but seeing at the rate Jongin was driving his car, he can’t help but whine.


“Jong! What the hell are you doing?! Why are you driving so slow?!”


“Hey! I can’t go more than the speed limit!” Jongin replied. Baekhyun glared at him.


“Oh god! Jongin! My mother and brothers are behind us! We need to get to the diner fast! We won’t be able to make it if you’re this slow!” Baekhyun was desperate. He really need to get back to the diner now or else. He doesn’t even want to find out what Heechul can make him do if he found out.


“Relax Baek, I’m pretty sure we’ll get there faster than them.”


Just as soon as Jongin said that, a car quickly drive past them. Baekhyun widen his eyes and so was Jongin.


It was Heechul’s car and there seems to be some kind of ruckus in the car.


The twins was trying to convince their mother that Baekhyun was really on the car and Luhan who can’t take with their mother’s driving just stepped on the paddle, making the car go crazy.


Heechul and Kyungsoo both were shouting, trying to handle the steering wheel.


“Luhan! Take your feet out of there!” Heechul shouted, trying to avoid everything in front of him.


“I can’t! It’s stuck!” Luhan yelled back. Heechul was trying to dodge everything and steering the car towards the diner with Kyungsoo trying to get Luhan’s feet out of the paddle.


Once Luhan’s feet were out, Heechul quickly step on the break.


“Oh my god! Luhan don’t do that again!” Heechul screeched, trying to gain his breathing after shouting so much.


Luhan panted and huffed. “Whatever, at least we’re here.” He said and get out of the car.


Joonmyun keeps on looking at the watch was restless. Baekhyun should’ve been here. He was about to call Baekhyun when the door to the diner opened, Heechul and the twins coming in.


“Ha! I told you he isn’t here!” Luhan said.


“Yeah!” Kyungsoo yelp smirking.


“Where’s Baekhyun?” Heechul asked, looking around the diner.


“W–what do you mean where’s Baekhyun?” Joonmyun said trying to block Heechul’s path. He laughs nervously. “Where do you think he is?”


Heechul looks at him and pushed him aside, he was about to get behind the counter when Minseok came in front of him.


“Heechul! Oh, what are you doing here?” Minseok asked smiling nervously.


“What?! This is my diner!” Heechul growled.


“Ye–yeah, well you never went behind the counter so i–it’s kind of odd that you want to.” Minseok smiles, trying to block the man from entering.


“Shut up, get out of my way.” Heechul said pushing Minseok out of his way too when suddenly Yifan came towards him with a big salmon on his hands. Heechul screech and take a step back.


“What the heck are you doing?!”


“Well, I want to show you how fresh this salmon is. It’s from Portugal. Don’t you want some?” Yifan said moving the fish towards Heechul.


“Umma they’re just trying to distract you, get over with it.” Kyungsoo said folding his arms on his chest.


“Yeah umma–”


“No, Heechul–”


“The fish–”


Soon they were all shouting and talking together.


Heechul smack his palm on the counter loudly. “Shut up all of you!” He barked, glaring at each one of them. “If I find that boy, I’m goi–”


“Minseok–hyung, here’s the pancake.”


All six heads turn towards the kitchen, finding Baekhyun on his diner cloths and face dirty with flour.


“Baekhyun, what are you doing back there?” Heechul asked.


Baekhyun who was holding a big ladle shook his head. “Oh, Yifan–hyung’s trying to teach me how to make pancakes.” He replied.


“Y–yeah, with salmon.” Yifan nodded his head, heading towards Baekhyun.


“How’s the dance boys?” Baekhyun asked, looking at the twins who were looking at him with wide eyes.


Heechul looks at Baekhyun and hissed. “Come on boys, let’s go home.” Heechul said and get out of the counter, the boys following him out of the diner.


As soon as Heechul and the twins were out, Joonmyun looks at Baekhyun.


“You!” He said pinching Baekhyun’s button nose.  Baekhyun giggled and looks towards his pants. He was still wearing the suit pant and he was thankful that Heechul didn’t come behind towards the kitchen or he’s screwed.


Earlier as soon as they saw Heechul and the twins went passed them, Jongin quickly changed his paced and went over the speed line, going as fast as he can towards the diner. As soon as they arrived Baekhyun went towards the back door and took out an extra uniform and a cap before throwing his suits aside.


He heard Heechul’s voice and crawl towards the kitchen, throwing some flour on his face and on the uniform, he took the ladle on the kitchen counter.





The next morning, just like usual, Baekhyun went to the diner early morning and then go pick up Jongin at his house.


As soon as he arrives at Jongin’s house, the other was grinning widely with eye bag under his eyes. Baekhyun raised his eyebrow.


“What happened?” He asked slowly as Jongin gets in the car.


“I kissed Kyungsoo last night.” Jongin replied, still looking dazed. Baekhyun huffed.


“Don’t tell me you didn’t sleep at all because of that? And seriously, I don’t want to remember and Kyungsoo kissing in my head. Ugh!” Baekhyun shudders.


“I didn’t just kiss him Baek, me made out! I freakin stuck my tongue down his throat!”


Baekhyun chuckled as the begin driving out of Jongin’s neighbourhood.


“How did that happen anyway?” He asked.


“Well, I saved him. Somebody was trying to do something to him but I get there in time and beat the bastards and he begin calling me his hero and I quote ‘My Zorro’ was what he said.” Jongin explain giddily.


“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know who you really were, huh?”


At that question, Jongin’s smile flattered a bit and he shook his head. “He doesn’t. But it’s still a great kiss. Perfect even.” Baekhyun just smiles and let Jongin be.


It wasn’t that long when they arrive to the school and as usual, the struggle that is to find a parking space was really making Baekhyun groan.


“So, Park Chanyeol, you’re really not gonna tell him?” Jongin suddenly asked as they made their way out of the car.


Baekhyun bit his lower lips, looking at the ground. “Yeah, and I’m pretty sure he forget about me already.” He replied as they get into their school.


Jongin however suddenly stop, making Baekhyun stop too. “What’s wrong?” He asked, looking at Jongin.


The tan male then points towards the board around the school.


There were a lot of blue papers with a sketch of what looked like a male wearing a masked and wings behind him with bold words of ‘Have you seen this angel?’


Baekhyun widen his eyes and gasp.


It was all over the school, on the board, the lockers, some on the hands of the students. Baekhyun was shocked. Jongin who was beside him smirks.


“Oh yeah Baek, he obviously had forgotten about you.” He whispered to the smaller male who was blushing. He didn’t know that Chanyeol would go to this extend to look for him. God what do I do now?


“Come on dude, there’s a lot of other people out there dying to be with you. Why bother searching for this one?” Sehun asked as he and Zitao watch Chanyeol putting another flyer of the missing angle on the walls.


“He’s not like other people Hun–ah, he’s special. He’s real.” Chanyeol answered smiling as he remembered the angel’s beautiful eyes.


“He’s real?” Zitao bugged in. “Real as in he’s not you’re hallucination or something?” He added snickering as Sehun chuckled with him too.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes to the both of them, still sticking the papers on the walls and lockers, occasionally giving in to the students who passed by them.


“He’s the real deal man, he’s not like anybody I know. He doesn’t care what he looks like and he’s just. . . so so beautiful.” Chanyeol said. “Plus, he understands me.” He added, remembering all the time he and smurf were exchanging this messages, on how he tells everything to smurf.


“Didn’t you say go found his phone?” Sehun asked. Zitao nodding his head.


“Yeah, but the phone’s locked. I can’t do anything bout that.” The taller male answered signing, he could always send it to a shop to crack open the phone but he didn’t want smurf to lose trust on him. He wants to return the phone in one peace to smurf.


That is if he got the chance to meet him again.


“Baek, come on, he’s looking for you. You got to, need to tell him.” Jongin said persistently as he follows Baekhyun who keeps on avoiding eye contact on everybody that passed by him, walking on the hallway of the school.


“Isn’t it better to just cling to the dream then wake up and face the reality?” Baekhyun said referring to Chanyeol as a dream that he will never reach.


Jongin rolled his eyes and stops on his track. “Come on, you’re not gonna be able to hide forever about this Baek.”


“No, I’m not. But after graduation we’re leaving and I’m never gonna see him again.” Baekhyun said looking at Jongin. “And please don’t talk like I’m the only one who’s hiding here. How about you and Kyungsoo huh? You’re not gonna tell him that you’re Zorro?”


Jongin blushed and continue walking now Baekhyun following behind him. “It’s different Baek.” He muttered.


“What’s the differ–” Baekhyun stops talking when he realizes that Chanyeol was walking towards him, not really towards him but walking towards the opposite direction of him.


For a split second Baekhyun swears that Chanyeol was looking at him too, but as quick as it was Chanyeol was again looking at hi front, walking past him. Baekhyun shook his head and chase after Jongin.


“Alright, how bout this.” He started, pulling Jongin’s wrist, making the taller male stop on his track. “I’ll tell Chanyeol who I am the day you tell Kyungsoo who you are.” He said.


Jongin pondered for a while before smiling. “Deal.” The both shake on it.


“Have you checked on the year book?” Sehun asked in which Chanyeol nod his head to. “Well, look at it again, maybe you missed him.”


“No, there’s no way I’d miss him, we connected.”


Jongin and Baekhyun were on the way to the school field where Luhan and Kyungsoo were having their sitting, something bickering about the smallest thing.


“I can’t believe you’re going to tell Kyungsoo–hyung that it’s you.” Baekhyun said. Jongin scoffed and smirks.


“Once he knows that I’m his soulmate, we’re gonna spend so much time together, you’ll nbe crying because you miss this best friend of yours.” Jongin comment, eyeing Kyungsoo who was smiling so widely while talking to Luhan who look very much annoyed with what Kyungsoo was talking about.


“Watch me get the love of my life.” He fixed his hair and walked towards the twins who was seating on the bleachers.


“Oh my god Lulu, it was amazing. Like, he’s the one. OMG!” Kyungsoo exclaimed as he remembers the Zorro from last night.


Luhan rolled his eyes and tsked at his twin. “Yeah, I know Soo, you tell me this for a thousand time already.” He said. “Let’s go home already!” He whined.


“I can’t help it Lu! He was so handsome, though I didn’t see his face, beating that guy up and gosh! His lips! The kiss was so amazing, aaaaah!” Kyungsoo was squealing.


“Kyungsoo. . .?”


The twins look behind them and find a tall, tan guy. They know that it’s Baekhyun’s friend. He’s the only person they ever saw Baekhyun was with all the time, other than the ones in the diner.


“What?!” Kyungsoo snapped.


“Can I talk to you for a second.” Jongin said shyly. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.


“What about? Is it about Baekhyun? Coz I am not interested.” The owl–eyed guy said.


“Actually, I want to tell you something, about last night.”


The twins looked at each other, and then raised their eyebrow. “What about last night?” Luhan asked.


Jongin scratch his nape, looking at Kyungsoo. “Can we talk privately?”


“Ew, no, can’t you just talk here?” Kyungsoo said.


Jongin sigh. “Okay, last night, I was that zorro.” He said.


Kyungsoo widen his eyes while Luhan suddenly roared out laughing. Jongin looks at Kyungsoo expectantly, hoping that Kyungsoo will accept him, he didn’t except however for Kyungsoo to slap him.


“Get away from me, freak!” He said pulling Luhan with him, leaving Jongin there.


Baekhyun who was watching these widen his eyes and run towards Jongin. “Jongie, are you okay?” He asked, touching Jongin’s reddened cheek.


“Y–yeah, I’m okay.” Jongin said, smiling although his heart was just ripped. “Your turn Baek.” He added. Baekhyun smiles.




Heechul was going through the mails that day when his spotted a letter from SNU, address for Baekhyun.


“Oh ho, what’s this?” He said ripping off the enveloped. He opens the letter and widen his eyes, “. . . you have been accepted to join our­–”


“Accepted? Oh no, that won’t do.” He said. If Baekhyun leave for SNU, he won’t have his personal maid anymore. He’s not going to hired one when Baekhyun’s working for him for free already.


Just then the back door opens and Baekhyun walks in.


“Oh, is there anything for me?” The smaller male asked. Heechul looks at him and smiles.


“No, nothing for you.” He replied. Baekhyun nodded his head and head up to his bedroom.


As soon as he reach his room, he opened his laptop and check on his e-mail, since he lost his phone last night. He checks at dating site and there were several messages from MrJoker, or should he say, Park Chanyeil.


MrJoker: I need to know who you are.

MrJoker: please tell me who you are?

MrJoker: please?


He was contemplating whether to reply the messages or not when he heard Kyungsoo’s voice shouting his name.




He rolled his eyes as he turn to look at his door, Kyungsoo bursting in. “I did put a ‘do not disturb’ sigh.” He said.


Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. “The hell I care.” He said walking inside the room. “You told him to do it didn’t you? That nerd friend of yours.” Pointing an accusing finger towards Baekhyun, Kyungsoo glared at his step–brother.


“I didn’t!” Baekhyun said. “He had al–”


Baekhyun! Get down here!He heard Heechul shouting from the living room. He rolled his eyes. Before leaving his room, didn’t want to keep Heechul waiting.


Kyungsoo watch him leave and huffed. He looked around the room and his eyes stopped at the laptop on the study table.


“MrJoker?” He said, sitting on the chair. “Who the heck is Mr Joker?” He was about to click on the sign out button when a new message appear.


MrJoker: angel, are you not talking to me because im park chanyeol?


Kyungsoo widen his eyes. “Park Chanyeol? Baekhyun is. . . the angel?” He gasps, not realizing that Luhan was also standing on the door. Hearing everything.


Chanyeol was inside the office of the carwash. He keeps on looking at the computer screen. Smurf, or as he calls him angel now, haven’t reply to any of his messages since last night. He sighs and looks at the letter on his site.


“I got in.” It was a letter from SNU and he was accepted for their fall semester.


“Chanyeol–ah.” His father walks in to the office and he quickly hide the acceptance letter. He applied to the university secretly for he knows his father would never allow him to go there.


“What?!” Unexpectedly his voice was a little bit higher than he intended it to be. He was just frustrated. His father looks at him and sigh.


“What’s wrong?” Mr. Park asked. “Are you thinking about your decision to Konkuk?”


Chanyeol looks at his father. “Well, yeah, dad I do–”


“Don’t worry about it son, it’s the right decision.” His father said patting Chanyeol’s shoulder before leaving the office.


Chanyeol looks at the door as it closes and sigh.


“I’m the angel Chanyeol, it’s me.” Luhan said to himself as he park his car on the carwash. After hearing what Kyungsoo said earlier, he quickly rush to his room and changed. He decided to meet Chanyeol and make him his once and for all before Kyungsoo did.


He was about to dismount the car when he saw Kyungsoo’s car just besides him and Chanyeol was walking towards his twin’s car.


Kyungsoo was driving as fast as he can towards the Park’s carwash. After finding out that Baekhyun was angel, he swiftly ran towards his room and changed.


“It’s me Chanyeol, I’m smurf, I’m the angel you’re looking for.” He said, practicing the lines. As soon as he park his car on the carwash, Chanyeol emerge and tend to him. He get out of the car and smiles towards Chanyeol.


“Hello, so you want to wash it?” Chanyeol asked, noting down on his note book.


“No, I’m here to meet you.” He said. Chanyeol put down the pen.


“I’m sorry?” The taller male said.


“I’m angel Chanyeol, I’m the one you were with last night.” Kyungsoo said putting on his most beautiful smile.


“What?” Chanyeol asked.


“Excuse me!” Both male then looks towards the voice and found Luhan. “What are you doing here Soo?” Luhan asked smiling cogently at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes while looking at his twin.


“Why, I’m here to tell Chanyeol that I’m angel.” The younger twin answered, smiling towards Chanyeol.


“Well, that’s impossible considering I’m angel!” Luhan hissed, pushing Kyungsoo a little. “I mean, I’m the most angelic there is to all the other angels.” He added and jeered as Kyungsoo push him back.


“No! I’m angel!” Kyungsoo said again. Chanyeol who was looking at the twins pushing each other widen his eyes. Thankfully no one was looking at them.


“Okay, okay, I can solve this problem. Settle down.” He said tearing the twins apart. “The guys I dance with last night, he dropped something.” He looks at the twins. “What is it?”


Luhan and Kyungsoo both gulped.


“Well, that’s easy, it’s my purse.” He said chuckling.


Chanyeol shook his head. “No, it’s not.” He said then looks at Kyungsoo.


“Oh, I know, it’s a key car.” The smallest said.


“Oh really? Your key car? Then how the hell are you still driving your car right now?!” Luhan said towards Kyungsoo.


“Oh shut up! Like your guess was right!”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes and leaves the twins to tend to other customers on the carwash.


“Ugh! This is all your fault!”


Luhan was frustrated. His one good chance to get Chanyeol and Kyungsoo just had to spoil it.


“No, it’s all your fault! I’ve got it all under cover already!” Kyungsoo replied pointing his finger towards his twin.


“Excuse me! Don’t you freaking point your fingers to me, I’m older than you!”


“Only for 2 and half second! AND. YOU. WON’T. LET. ME. FORGET. ABOUT. IT!” Kyungsoo was pushing on Luhan’s shoulder on every word he said.






“BOYS SHUT UP!” Heechul who just arrived at their house heard Luhan and Kyungsoo shouting at each other and it was frustrating him.


Both Luhan and Kyungsoo glared one last time before turning around back facing each other.


“Whatever your problem is keep it to yourself, I don’t want to hear any of it!” Heechul yelled then going up towards his room.


As soon as the twins hear the slam of the door to their mother’s room, both let out a sigh and plopped down on the couch.


“Obviously Park Chanyeol’s not gonna be ours.” Luhan said after a few moments of silence. “But that doesn’t mean he can be Baekhyun’s either.” He added.


Kyungsoo looks at his twin brother expectantly. “What do you supposed we do?”


Baekhyun was at the diner cleaning up after the costumer and wiping up the counter when someone walk in. He looks at the entrance and wasn’t expecting Park Chanyeol to come in at this hour.


Fortunately, or unfortunately for him, Chanyeol choose to seat in front of the counter, just a couple of seat from where Baekhyun was wiping. He looks at Joonmyun who was at the cashier, checking the bills, then at Minseok who was busy with other customers.


Joonmyun, who notice that Baekhyun was looking at him, raised an eyebrow. Baekhyun widen his eyes and pointed discreetly at Chanyeol and mouthing a ‘it’s him!’ Joonmyun then gesture for him to talk with Chanyeol, he shook his head a couple of time before Minseok who appeared behind him pushed him a little.


“Talk to him.” Minseok whispered before taking the food from the kitchen to the customer. Baekhyun cleared his throat and walk towards Chanyeol.


“Hye, can I get you something?” He asked politely. Chanyeol raised his face and looked at Baekhyun.


He wasn’t saying anything and it frighten Baekhyun a little. “Do you know what I hate the most?” The question took Baekhyun by surprise.


“. . . People taking your order?” He asked unsurely. Chanyeol chuckled but shook his head.


“Taking people’s order.” He answered. “My dad’s driving me crazy.” He added, then take a look at the simple menu in front of him.


“Salmon pancake?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Baekhyun chuckled, shrugging. “I’ll just take a coffee, thanks.”


Baekhyun nodded and took out a cup and starts to pour the coffee. He thought Chanyeol was not going to talk again, but he was wrong when Chanyeol suddenly asked.


“Do you know that feeling when you show someone who you really are, you’re afraid that they won’t accept you?”


Baekhyun put down the coffee pot and nod his head. “Yeah, I know exactly how that feel.” He answers. “It’s like you’re not good enough for them.” He added.


“Yeah, that’s it.” Chanyeol said and putting in some sugar into the coffee, just like how he likes it.


“Like you’re wearing a mask.” Baekhyun added, Chanyeol smiles and nodded his head. “Like you want to tell the person that ‘it’s me, the one you’ve been looking for.' He didn’t even know if he was answering Chanyeol or was speaking of what’s been bugging him.


“Exactly.” Chanyeol said, taking a sip of his coffee.


Baekhyun looks at the male in front of him and decided the heck with it. I’m gonna tell him!


“Chanyeol, I–”




Both male turn to look at where the voice come from and Baekhyun sigh. It was Heechul.


“I need to talk to you.” Heechul said, calling him with his finger.


“Just a moment.” Baekhyun said, wanting to get this over with.


“No, now!”


Chanyeol shook his head then put down his mug and smile. “No, it’s okay, I’m leaving anyway. Here.” He said taking out some notes from his pocket and leaving on the counter. “Oh, and thank you.” He said smiling brightly towards Baekhyun, before exiting the diner.


Baekhyun sign and take the money before walking towards Heechul.


I tried.





“–and then he even told us that he’s going to make Chanyeol his!” Luhan said faking a tear, Kyungsoo playing along with him.


Ryuhei who was in front of the gasped. “How dare he!”


“Our step–brother had always been jealous of you Ryuhei.” Kyungsoo added, wiping his tears. Ryuhei looked disgustingly at Kyungsoo who was blowing his nose to a napkin, then looks at Luhan.




Luhan then took out a folder. “That’s when he created this profile to the dating site and after he found that Chanyeol was also there, he began his act.” He said. “These are the e-mail that the exchange with each other.”


Ryuhei took the folder and read the content. His two other friends who was sitting each on his side scoffed.


“That! Thief!” He bark.


“We tried to tell you about this but he even threatens to kill us.” Kyungsoo said again. Luhan nodded his head at what his twins just said.


“He goes by Smurf01, but his real name is Byun Baekhyun.” The older twin said again.


Ryuhei take harshly close the folder and tighten his fist. “So that little actor thinks he’ll get away with this?! Well, I’m Hwang Ryuhei, and he’s gonna get it.”


Ryuhei then stood up followed by his friends and walked away. Luhan and Kyungsoo who was still there smirks at their plan.


“Now, they’ll never be together.”


Kyungsoo was hoping as he made his way towards the school radio unit and knocks on the door lightly.


The school DJ then opened the door, looking at him anxiously.


“Chanyeol asked me to passed this to you, he said to read it to the school now.” The smaller male said smiling. The DJ looks at the paper before turning on the microphone and reading the message.


“Dear angel, if you’re listening, please meets me at the auditorium around the football field after the practice. I will be waiting for you.”


Baekhyun who was walking on the hall way smiles as soon as he heard the announcement. This is his second chance! And he’s not going to let this one go. He fasten his step to look for Jongin and thankfully he was just on his locker.




Jongin turned around and smiles. “What’s up Baek?” Baekhyun arrives besides him and he slings his arm around the smaller male’s shoulder.


“I talk to him Jongie! I talk to Chanyeol, as me, Baekhyun, not as smurf!” Baekhyun said excitedly, nearing hopping on his feet. Jongin chuckled.


“Well that’s great! So did you tell him everything?” He asked.


“No, I didn’t tell him I’m smurf yet.” Jongin was about to open his mouth when Baekhyun put his palm on the tallers’ lips. “But I will, after the football practice.” He added smiling brightly.




“You’re coming with me, okay?”


“Why?” Jongin asked.


“I need you, come on!” Baekhyun said dragging the male outside towards the field where he knows Chanyeol was practicing.


As soon as they arrived at the auditorium, they weren’t expecting a lot of crowd there. Feeling anxious, Baekhyun just pulls Jongin into the crowd and reach the front, and saw that the entire football team was sitting in front of the row facing the small stage.


“What’s happening?” Jongin asked whispering in Baekhyun’s ear who just shrugged his shoulders.


Suddenly the whole cheerleader squad, led by Ryuhei, appear at the stage and the crowd around them went wild as soon as the cheerleader starts their routine.


Jongin clapped along the crowd throughout the routine and Baekhyun just laughs at his friend’s attic. As soon as the cheerleading squad was done with their performance, Ryuhei took hold of the microphone and cheers around.


Chanyeol who was sitting at the front was looking at the performance with indifference sigh when suddenly his father, slash the manager of their football troop, patted his shoulder.


“Good new Chanyeol–ah, I just get off the phone from the management and they said that if you play well this Friday your future is sealed at Konkuk U!” His father whispered excitedly.


Chanyeol however was not feeling anything. He nodded his head and feigned happiness with a “that’s great dad.”


Mr. Park smiles widen and he took a seat just behind Chanyeol.


“Alright people! We all know that the wolf’s playing this Friday for the homecoming play off and we are gonna win it!” Ryuhei shouted excitedly, gaining the response from the crowd who was cheering and clapping.


The Wolf, which was the football team, had always been the school proudest glories, and this year, with Park Chanyeol as the quarterback, nothing can stop them.


“And to help the wolf power up their energy, we’ve come up with a short play. So enjoy!” Ryuhei added smiling brightly, receiving coos of other male around the crowd. Ryuhei then took some pieces of papers and moves the microphone with him to the edge of the stage.


“Once upon a time, there was a mighty wolf, which was big, bad and had everything.” He started and Baekhyun was surprised that Luhan came out from behind the stage wearing the football’s team uniform top.


“His father was the biggest wolf that was the alpha of all the pack.” By this time the crowd had already know that Kyungsoo was portraying Chanyeol as he was wearing the number of Chanyeol’s jersey, as well as the father who was the manager of the group.


Mr. Park grinned and clapped.


“But, he wasn’t happy.” Ryuhei continued. Some of the cheerleading squad was holding a que card that read ‘AWW’ and the crowd was following the que card.


“If only he can find the perfect mate for him, then they can kiss and turn him into a prince and run away together.” At this, Kyungsoo came out wearing something so familiar to what Baekhyun was wearing on the night of the prom.


Chanyeol was starting to feel uneasy, and so was Baekhyun.


“One night, after the wolf ditches his hot, popular boyfriend–” Ryuhei looks at Chanyeol with a glare. “–they wolf and his mate finally meet each other.” Kyungsoo and Luhan was acting as if they just met each other.


“Alas, not only does the wolf have a secret identity, he also had a secret e-mail relationship, with a pan pall named, Smurf01.” Baekhyun paled at the name and widen his eyes. Jongin who was beside him smiles flattered.


“Oh, this is not good.” He muttered to himself, looking at his best friend, who was starting to gather up tears on his eyes.


“Dear Smurf, I can’t wait to finally meet you, you’re the only one who hear me. I don’t want to play football and go to Konkuk, I want to go to SNU, with you.” Luhan said as he was savagely typing on the fake phone.


Mr. Park’s smile fades away and pulled on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “What the hell are they talking about Chanyeol?”


Chanyeol clench his fist. “Nothing.” He answered.


“Dear MrJoker, I want to meet you. But, I’m scared.” Kyungsoo said his line, smugly smiling at Baekhyun.


“I can’t believe that they read my e-mails.” Baekhyun said towards Jongin, his tears going down but he was still trying to hold it in.


Jongin shook his head. “Baek, let’s just go.”  But even before they can make a step, Ryuhei starts talking.


“But our little angel a.k.a smurf, has his own secret. He wasn’t an angel at all.” Then Kyungsoo walk out, wearing the roller skates and his work uniform. “But a geek, a loser, a servant girl.”


Chanyeol glared at Ryuhei and shook his head. His father asking again what is happening.


“And who you may ask this fraud is?” Ryuhei asked, looking at the crowd before stopping at Baekhyun. “Give it up for the diner boy, Byun Baekhyun!” He said, pointing towards Baekhyun who was already crying.


Everybody then starts booing and the crowd went wild with claps. Baekhyun widen his eyes and looks at Chanyeol who had turn around and was looking at him.


The crowd then starts chanting ‘dinerboy’ all over and Baekhyun was hoping that Chanyeol will say something about it, but only met with disappointment when Chanyeol turn around and shook his head.


Baekhyun wiped his tears and ran away from the crowd, followed by Jongin.


He reached his room in tears. He really hoped that Chanyeol was different. Turns out he was wrong. He took a pillow and hugs it to his chest, pouring out everything, when the door to his room was opened. He sat down on his bed and wiped the tears.


“Baek?” Heechul came in, with an envelope on his hand then sat down in front of Baekhyun on the bed. “A letter came in for you, it’s from SNU.” He said smiling warmly.


Baekhyun took the letter and smile. Maybe this is his change, he can leave and start all over again. He opens the envelope, smiling widely. He really hope he get in.


But yet again, he was met with disappointment when he saw the first word of the letter. He sighs and put down the letter, feeling another urge to cry.


“So? Did you get in?” Heechul asked, though he knows the answer to it. After receiving the letter the other day, Heechul quickly forge a reject letter for baekhyun so he didn't know that he actually got it. Baekhyun shook his head and wiped the tears take came down. “No.” He answered.


Heechul fake a gasp and made a sad face. “I’m sorry Baekhyun–ah, I know how much you want to get in to SNU.” He said. “But look at the bright sight, you get to keep you job at the diner.” He added smiling. Baekhyun looks at him, didn’t know if he was real.


Heechul sniggered a little before leaving the room. Baekhyun then plopped himself on his bed, crying again.


This is the worst day of my life!


It was later that evening did he opened up his suitcase, and took out an old photo frame of him and his father.


“I miss you dad.” He whispered shakily as he ran a finger on his father’s face. He really hopes that his father’s with him right now. Suddenly his eyes stopped at a familiar book that his father used to read for him every night before he went to bed.


“Does fairy tale exist in real life appa?” 11 year old Baekhyun asked as his father closed the story book and kept it on his lap.


The father and son duo was laying on Baekhyun’s bed and Papa Byun was as usual reading a bedtime story for his son.


“Well, no, but dreams come true.” Papa Byun answered. “Baek, life isn’t always about finding your fairy tale, it’s also about fulfilling your dream, remember that, okay?” Baekhyun nodded his head. “Look Baekhyunah, if you look carefully,” he gesture towards the book on his lap. this book contains important thing that you may need to know later.”


Baekhyun took the book and wiped off the dust on top of the book. He opens the pages and scoffed. So much for fulfilling my dream. Feeling exasperated he throws the book onto the other side of his room.


Chanyeol was sitting in front of his laptop, looking at the screen. He wanted to send an e-mail to Baekhyun but decided against it. He doesn’t know what he feels. It’s all too confusing to him.


The next day when Chanyeol was walking on the hall way he spotted Baekhyun walking alone, he looked so small, so vulnerable.


The students passing by the smaller male was whispering and laughing at him. Baekhyun felt like crying but there’s nothing he can do about it.


Chanyeol stops on his track. “People like him don’t belong in our world Chanyeol–ah.” Chanyeol looks behind him and find Ryuhei, also looking at Baekhyun.


Chanyeol take a last glance towards Baekhyun and sigh before going towards the different direction.


Baekhyun was scrubbing the floor at the diner, his eyes swollen from crying all night, he was about to get up but the roller skates he was wearing just made him slide down on the floor.


Feeling sad and hurt, he harshly took off the skates and continues on scrubbing.


Joonmyun who noticed on Baekhyun’s behaviour sigh before picking the smaller male up. “What are you doing Baekhyun–ah?” He asked, wiping the tear that had fallen on the younger cheeks.


“Scrubbing the floor.” Baekhyun answered, pointing at the floor which had a stain on it. Joonmyun however shook his head. “I mean what are you doing with your life?”


“I’m diner boy hyung, I’m doing what diner boy do in their life.” He answered signing.


“Oh baby, what happened to you? You should realize how blessed your life are. Look around you, you got a whole family behind you.” Joonmyun said pointing around the diner. Baekhyun smiles a little when Minseok and Yifan were smiling softly at him.


“We have faith in you Baek.” Joonmyun added, caressing Baekhyun’s cheek. “And you gotta have faith in yourself.” He added smiling. Baekhyun release a sigh and nodded his head.


The door to the diner was pulled and Luhan and Kyungsoo walked in, slamming the door harshly, making the frame beside the door to fall down, and shredding the wall paper behind.


Luhan and Kyungsoo gasp and just when Heechul came in Luhan was quick to say that Baekhyun was the one who destroyed the wall.


“What?” Heechul said, then looked at the wall, he walk towards the cashier and as usual, took out some money. “Oh, you’re right, that’s coming out of your pay check Baekhyun–ah.” Heechul added making Joonmyun, Minseok and Yifan sigh. “And cover up those stupid words.”


Baekhyun looks at the wall and the wording that was covered all these years’ raids him. “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Baekhyun muttered to himself.


“Alright, come on boys, I need to get that new bag from Gucci right now.” The mother said as he out in the money into his purse. “Baek, I’m gonna need you to clean the pool tonight.” Heechul said and the twins were following behind him.


“No.” Baekhyun said making his step family halt on their steps. Heechul turns around to look at the male and widen his eyes.


The costumer as well as the employee all looking at Baekhyun and the three in front of him.


“Excuse me?” Heechul asked raising his eyebrows.


“You heard me, I said no.” Baekhyun said throwing the brush he was holding onto the floor. “I quit.” He added, walking towards Heechul. “I quit this job, I quit your family, and, I’m moving out.” He said confidentially.


After all this time, he realizes what those words actually meant to him. The words that his father kept on reminding him about when they were together.


Heechul laughed scoffed. “And where are you gonna live?” He asked sarcastically.


Baekhyun was silent for a moment but Joonmyun quickly step up. “With me.” He said. Baekhyun turns around and look at Joonmyun, smiling gratefully.


“You can’t just walk out at me.” Heechul smirks.


“You know what Heechul, you can mess with your life, this diner, but I’m not going to let you mess with my life again.” Baekhyun spat, walking passed them.


“Wait Baekhyun–ah.” Joonmyun said and Baekhyun stops on his track to look at Joonmyun again.


Joonmyun was about to walk towards Baekhyun when Heechul pushed him. “If you take another step you are going to be fi–”


“Fired? Nah, you don’t need to do that. I quit.” Joonmyun said pushing Heechul back. “The only reason I kept up with you was because of that boy.” He added pointing towards Baekhyun. “And now that he’s free from you I can do whatever I want with you.” Joonmyun was about to throw a punch on Heechul but Baekhyun was fast enough to prevent it.


“Don’t waste your time on him hyung.” Baekhyun said, pulling Joonmyun. “He’s not worth it.”


“You’re right, let’s go Baek.” Joonmyun said then leaves the diner with Baekhyun.


“I quit too.” Minseok said throwing the note and the pen.


“Me too.” Yifan then went out of the kitchen and into the entrance of the diner before closing the door. Soon, the other employee and even the customers went out of the diner leaving the family.





“I’m so glad you did that Baekhyun–ah.” Joonmyun said as he helped Baekhyun to unpack his stuff from his travel bag.


After getting his stuff from the house last night, Baekhyun and Joonmyun made their way to Joonmyun house and since today was Friday and the big game will happen, the school was on a short holiday. So Baekhyun had time to unpack his stuff into Joonmyun’s house.


Baekhyun smiles. “I’m glad I did hyung.” He said, plopping himself on the bed. “Thank you again hyung.” He said looking at Joonmyun thankfully. Joonmyun smiles and sat down beside Baekhyun before pulling him into a hug.


“Anything for my baby.” He said.


“Hyung, I’m gonna go out tonight, don’t wait up for me okay?” Baekhyun said after a couple of second later.


“Where are you going?”


Baekhyun sigh. “Making things right.” He answered.


Turns out Baekhyun was heading to his school, towards the football team changing team actually. It was an hour before the game and he knows Chanyeol is inside the changing room.


As soon as he walks in, the player was looking at him, whispering, laughing and saying all kind of things to him. But he didn’t care about that, his only purpose was to talk to Chanyeol.


He finally found Chanyeol who was back facing him, Sehun who saw Baekhyun quickly nudge the male and Chanyeol looks at him before standing up and turning around.


“Baekhyun.” He said just as the smaller male was standing in front of him. “Okay I know that you think that I’m just some kind of–”


“Coward. Fake?” Baekhyun quickly said.


“Listen.” Chanyeol cut him off.


“No, you listen to me.” Baekhyun said his tone a little higher making the whole room turn quiet and turn their attention towards Chanyeol and Baekhyun.


“You turn out to be exactly who I thought you were.” He started. “I never pretended to be somebody else. It has always been me. And it was me who was hurt in front of everybody. Not you.” He said, trying to hold his tear because he didn’t want to look weak, not again, not in front of Chanyeol.


Chanyeol sigh and looks at the male before him.


“I didn’t come here to yell at you.” Baekhyun said. “I just wanna tell you that I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you really are. I was just like that. But I’m not anymore. And the thing is, I really don’t care what people think about me, because I believe in myself. And I know that things are gonna be okay.” He sighs.


“And even though I have no family, no job, and no money. It’s you that I feel sorry for.” He pointed towards Chanyeol. “I know the guy that sent those e-mails to me is in there somewhere.” He can’t help it, the feeling he had in his heart are too much, too overbearing, his tears are starting to show again. “But I can’t wait for him anymore.” He added. “Cause waiting for you is like waiting for a fairy tale that never exist.” He turns around.


“Useless, and disappointing.” Then he walks faster towards the door, wanting to get out of there as soon as he can. He can bear to share the same air as Chanyeol anymore.


He was hurt. Too much.


Chanyeol who was looking at the retreating male tried calling for him but Baekhyun didn’t turn around and exits the changing room.


Chanyeol turns around and kick the bench in front of him. He felt useless. He wants to grip on to Baekhyun but something just keeps on holding him down.


As soon as Baekhyun was out of the changing room, he let his tears fall and sigh. He wiped the tears again.


“Baek!” He lifts his head and find Jongin at the end of the hallway, running towards him.


“Hye.” Baekhyun said smiling as he walks towards his best friend.


“Are you okay? I heard what happened.” Jongin said hugging the smaller male as soon as they were near. “I’m so proud of you Baek, first your step–mother and now Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun chuckled and sigh. “Yeah, I’m good.” He said, wrapping his arm around Jongin’s waist as he rests his face on the other’s chest. “Wanna go out tonight?” He asked.


“Actually, I was hoping to watch the game.” Jongin said smiling cheekily. “But I’d understand if you don’t wanna do that.” He added as Baekhyun raised his face and looks at him.


“No, it’s okay. I’ll go.” Baekhyun said.


Jongin looks at him. “Really? You’ll go to the game?” He asked.


Baekhyun nodded his head. “Yeah, I can handle it now.” He smiles. “Besides if I don’t go, who’s gonna explain to you what happens.” He chuckled.


Jongin laughs and throw an arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder. “Yeah, you’re right.” He said as the both of them starts walking towards the football field where the game was held.


The field was full with people tonight. Jongin and Baekhyun were looking for a place to seat and the cheerleading squad was still performing before the games starts.


Just as soon as the two best friend finds stop, which was on one of the bleachers just beside the field, the Wolfs than comes in, elating another cheer from the crowd.


Chanyeol who was warming up a little looks around the bleacher and soon his eyes found Baekhyun, who was sitting beside his best friend. Baekhyun wasn’t looking at him but he knows that the male was trying hard not to get up and leave the game. He hopes he doesn’t.


“Chanyeol.” He heard his father calling him. “Tonight’s the night son, you stay focus and win the game.” Mr. Park said smiling widely. “Everyone’s counting on you.” Then somebody calls for his father and his father ruffles Chanyeol’s hair before leaving him.


Chanyeol grunt. He was tired. This was not what he wants, but he didn’t want to disappoint his father.


Baekhyun who was watching the game can’t help but sigh. The game had started and the wolf was leading the game. He was trying to hold his feeling because he didn’t want to leave Jongin and he said it himself, that he can handle it.


But as the game comes to the end and they came in to the final score where the wolf need only one touchdown to win the game.


The crowd was standing and cheering on the wolf, but suddenly the cheer change in Chanyeol’s name and that’s when Baekhyun lost it. Jongin who was beside him stopped cheering and looks at his best friend.


“I’m sorry Jongie.” Baekhyun said. “I thought I can do it, but I can’t.” He added looking at Jongin. The taller smile and shook his head.


“No, it’s okay Baek.”


“I think I’m gonna go now.” Baekhyun added. Jongin nodded and said that he’ll stay to watch the game, opting to tell Baekhyun how it ends. Baekhyun smiles and starts walking out of the crowd.


“Okay guys, we just ne–” Chanyeol was trying to give some instructions and encouragement to his team mate when his eyes catch Baekhyun leaving his seat. He stops for a while. Baekhyun’s leaving.


He looks at his team mate and shakes his head before standing up and running out of the crowd only to be stopped by his father. The crowd making going wild as he leaves the field.


“Where are you going? You’re throwing away your dream.” His father said as soon as he grabbed Chanyeol’s arm.


Chanyeol however just and took off his head gear. “No dad, I’m throwing away yours.” He said the turn towards Sehun. “It’s your game now.” He gives the head gear to Sehun and tugged his arm from his father’s clutch before running towards the bleachers, towards Baekhyun.


Just as soon as he was in front of Baekhyun, the smaller male just succeeded getting out of the crowd. They looked at each other.


“What are you doing?” Baekhyun asked eyeing the male in front of him. Chanyeol however keeps on looking at him. Baekhyun sigh and was about to walk pass Chanyeol when his wrist was gripped by Chanyeol’s hand and his body was pull towards Chanyeol’s.


“Giving you your fairy tale ending.” Chanyeol said before capturing Baekhyun’s lips with his. The crowd all around them cheering all together.


Baekhyun who had his eyes wide open slowly closes it and wrap his arms around Chanyeol’s neck while the quarterback wrap his arms around Baekhyun’s waist. Pulling him closer.



- - epilogue


Baekhyun was in his room on the attic, trying to pack his other stuff when he saw the story book that he thrown away before. He stood up and picked the book but something fell from the book. He picked up the letter and read the content before smiling.


Turns out it was his father’s hidden will, and according to the will, everything that was his father’s belonged to him.


Kyungsoo and Luhan also admitted that they know where his real acceptance letter to SNU was and gave it to him.


“So we’re going to SNU together?” Chanyeol asked one evening when they were out on a drive. Baekhyun was seating on the hood his Chanyeol’s car and Chanyeol sitting beside him.


“Yeah.” Baekhyun answered. It’s like everything had come into place after that faithful night. Chanyeol smiles and pulled the smaller towards him before kissing him softly on the lips. “Oh, before I forgot.” He was speaking on Baekhyun’s lips. “Yours.” He took out Baekhyun’s cell phone from his pocket and gives it to the other male.


Baekhyun looks at the phone and chuckle. “So it was with you all these time.” He said. Chanyeol nodded his head and kissed Baekhyun again. He’ll never get tired of kissing him. it was the best feeling he had ever felt.


Fairy tale does exist if you keep on dreaming..

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Chapter 2: srsly i can imagine heechul as the evil mum LOL I love his presence in the story but please author-nim can u make a sequel for kaisoo :'( i feel bad for kai and also for sehun and luhan ^^thanks again
baekoreo #2
Chapter 2: I cried in the middle of the story lol. this story is nice. sobs.
Chapter 2: this fanfic's a perfection...
Hahahihihoho #4
Chapter 2: This story is just so cute and fluffy it gave me butterflies >< The slang term kinda hard for me to understand tho :(
iinbaekyo #5
Chapter 2: this is so good and cute but bcs english is not my first language I need some time to know what theyre talking in the the message xD
Chapter 2: my fav fairy tale with my fav otp is just heaven *_*
Jaeheee #7
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ i cant even ahh!! Yourr amazingggggggggggg ^^
jambydsy #8
What about kaisoo? Maybe a sequel like Cinderella2
Mirandabyun #9
Chapter 2: This baekyeol version is more cute than the original one..........thnk u so much...
Chapter 2: Wow.. it was seriously the cinderella story movie.

Chanbaek version was so cutee.