
Smurf01 & MrJoker

- - Chanbaek







“Byun Baekhyun! Get your tiny little down here now!”


Sighing, said male, Byun Baekhyun, or simply Baekhyun groans softly and rolled his eyes.


“Alright, I’m coming!” He shouted back as an answer since the one calling him was actually downstairs.


Typing a quick reply on his smart phone before tossing it aside onto his bed, he ran downstairs just to save him from the nagging that’s coming if he’s even just a second late.


“I’m here!” He said panting a little as soon as he arrived on the living room where three other male was already getting ready to go out.


The oldest male, who is the mother of the family glared at him. “What took you so long?!” He huffed. “Me and my boys are going out for shopping and you better take care of the house and clean everything here before leaving for the diner.” He added with a grunt.


“But, umma, I can’t go to the diner today, I have my exams tomorrow.” He said biting his lower lips. The mother rolled his eyes.


“Do I look like I care? Besides, why bother studying when you’ve already got a job at the diner? Your future is sealed already baby!” He laughed maniacally followed by his two sons laughed.


Really, the loved to bully Baekhyun but watching their mother treatment towards Baekhyun was always an entertainment to them.


Baekhyun clenched his fist tightly, trying to hold up his frustration and anger. 


“Alright Heechul-umma.” Baekhyun said with a bow. The two other boys, his step – brothers, Kyungsoo and Luhan snicker at him before leaving the house together with their mother.


It wasn’t always like this, Baekhyun used to have a lovely life. Just him and his father. His mother died after he was born and so papa Byun had been taking care for Baekhyun since then and Baekhyun grow up to be the finest don there is. The father–son relationship was so close that they were each other’s best friend.


His father owned a diner that was the town’s favourite and he’s the happiest of them all. Even though it’s only him and his father, the worker in the diner was all so nice to him that Baekhyun even consider them as his family too. There’s Joonmyun–hyung, Minseok–hyung, Yifan–hyung and others. He was happy just the way it was.


But of course, papa Byun doesn’t necessarily think the same. After being alone for so many years, which is 11 years after the death of mama Byun, he met with Heechul. Heechul was a new residence in the town and you could say that it was a love at first sight.


Not long after that papa Byun and Heechul were married and Heechul actually came with a package, which was his two sons from his previous marriage, Luhan and Kyungsoo.


It was one year after the marriage was when everything came crumbling for Baekhyun. Papa Byun was supposed to go for an outstation in another place when the plane that he boarded was crashed in the middle of the sea and no survivor was found. That was how everything changed, and since papa Byun didn’t leave any will, everything then belongs to Heechul.


And by everything, it means everything, including poor little Baekhyun.


The loud bang of the door woke Baekhyun from his stupor. He quickly climbed the stairs back to his room and took the neglected phone which signals a new message was received. A small smile creeps its way to Baekhyun’s face.


For the past 4 months Baekhyun had been exchanging message with someone who he doesn’t even know.


It was just another boring day when Baekhyun decided to check out their school’s website when he comes across a link to a dating website. Curiously, the click on the link and made a profile, just for the fun of it. The thing that interest Baekhyun was the anonymity of the profile. Apparently the dating website was made do the user were anonymous which he thinks kind of interesting.


After a goof thirty minutes of thinking of a great nickname, he finally settles with ‘Smurf01’. What? He loves the Smurf, and apparently the name Smurf only had been taken, hence the 01 at the end. It wasn’t long when he received a notification that another user had sent a request to him.


MrJoker’ was the users’ name and he contemplates a couple of minute before accepting the request. Thinking of the pros and cons, and it didn’t take long when MrJoker had sent him the first message and they’ve ben exchanging messages until now.


Last message

Smurf01: brb, bridzilla callin :p


New message

MrJoker: alrite I’ll b hre whn u cme bck ;p


A smile made his way onto Baekhyun’s face after reading the last message from MrJoker.


Smurf01: u n ur cheesiness


After the second month of exchanging messages Baekhyun found out that MrJoker is a total romantic. They may not say anything about liking each other but since they know a lot about each other, except their real names or how they look, but they’ve both had shown how they really are and both a comfortable enough to be playing around with each other.


Though deep down, Baekhyun knows that he’s falling for this charming MrJoker. He looks at the time and decides to start with the chores his step–mother had nicely asked him to do. He’s used to doing all the stuff in the house for his step–family by now.


After his father left them, Baekhyun had been treated as the maid of the family. He really wants to leave the house but without them, he doesn’t have any money and with no money, his dream of going to SNU will only be a dream. That was why he keeps sticking to the family and does anything for them.


He starts cleaning and scrubbing, then cooking dinner for he knows they will return hungry before getting ready for his work at the diner.


It was already 5:34 pm when he finished all the chores and quickly changes to his uniform and made his way to the diner by his blue old car that was the only thing mother Heechul had so kindly bought for him from the used car dealership.


Checking all the lock doors and window, he takes a look at his phone and sure enough another message was there from MrJoker. He quickly type in a reply before driving to the diner.





“Baekhyun! What the hell are you doing here?!” Come Joonmyun’s voice from the other side of the diner. Baekhyun who was picking up used dishes on the tables quickly answers him.


“I just need to finish this hyung, and then I’m done.” He said while wiping the remaining tables. Joonmyun huffed and stomp his way towards the 18 years old boy.


“You’ve been here since 6 Baek, it’s already past midnight, and you should go home now. Your exam starts tomorrow!” The older male said taking the basin with the used dishes and the wiping clothes from Baekhyun’s hand.


Joonmyun had been the father that Baekhyun lost and he had always take it upon himself to take care of Baekhyun because he knows just how mean Heechul is to Baekhyun and the poor boy can’t do anything about it. He was tempted to take the boy under his care but he also knows that Baekhyun loves his father dearly and the diner is the only permanent reminder of Baekhyun of his father.


Baekhyun looks at the clock and rubbed his tired eyes. He didn’t notice that he had been there this long.


“Don’t worry hyung, I’ve been revising too.” He said smiling softly as he points to his books on the side table at the corner of the diner where he had been reading when there’s some spare time.


Joonmyun sigh harshly and pushed Baekhyun to the corner and took off his apron.


“No, it’s time for you to go home now Baek.” He packed all of Baekhyun’s books into his bag and drags him out of the diner.


“I’ll see you tomorrow okay? I love you Baek.” He said pecking Baekhyun’s forehead.


Baekhyun just smiles and nodded his head. Thank god there’s Joonmyun. Starting the car, he slowly made his way home.


As soon as he arrived at their house, he quietly made his way to the back door because according to Heechul, only family member was allowed to use the main door, which means only Heechul, Luhan and Kyungsoo. He wasn’t offended by it actually, not that he wants to be labelled as Heechul’s family.


Tip-toeing, he went upstairs to his room which was located at the attic. After papa Byun dies, Heechul had made him move from his former room into the attic because Luhan thinks that Baekhyun’s room was bigger than his so being the brat that Luhan was, he made Heechul change the room.


Once he reaches his room, he just flopped down on the bed and closes his eyes. He’s too exhausted to even change. Sleep claiming him almost immediately.







His perfect slumber was abruptly disturbed by the alarm and with a jerk he quickly gets up from his bed and turns the alarm off. It was 6:00 am. Rubbing his eyes a couple of time to sweep away his sleepiness, he made his way to the wash up and get ready for school.


20 minutes later he was already downstairs preparing breakfast for his step family. Checking the fridge, all he see is a big salmon, salmon this, salmon that, all salmon. Heechul and his weird diet.


Another 20 minutes later he was already out of the house for the diner. School doesn’t start until 8:30 am hence he had time for work first.


As soon as he arrives in the diner Joonmyun was already looking at him with a glare, hands on both sides of his hips.


“What are you doing here?!” He asked. Baekhyun chuckled and put his stuff on the side table.


“I’m working.” He replied as he put on his apron.


“No, you’re not supposed to be working today, you have exam! And you got back home late last night Baek, you should get some rest!” He said in disagreement.


“It’s fine, really.” Baekhyun said while putting on his roller skates.


It’s the theme of the diner now, after Heechul got the diner, he changed the theme of a ‘Family Diner’ to a circus theme where all the workers are required to wear skates and the diner was also painted to a bright pink.


“Plus, if I don’t come to work Heechul’s going to kick my .” He added with a smile, though he is kind of tired, but school tends to end earlier when they have exams so he hope he’ll get some rest today before going to the diner again this evening.


“I’ll kick his first if he ever touches you.” Joonmyun replied with a sign. He knows Baekhyun is a very stubborn person, just like his father. “Alright, but don’t forget to keep track of the time, I don’t want you to be late to school again.” Baekhyun had been late to school several times because he’s really bad at keeping the track on time.


Baekhyun chuckled and nodded his head. “Aye–aye captain!” He said with a salute. Joonmyun chuckled and ruffles his hair before tending to the customers.


It was around 10 minutes before 8:00 am was when Heechul and his twins come into the diner.


“Where’s Baekhyun?” He asked as soon as he walks in. Joonmyun rolled his eyes, ignoring him.


“He’s at the back, throwing the trash.” Yifan said from behind the kitchen, preparing another cheese omelette.


Heechul hummed and went behind the cashier to take some money before stuffing it into his man purse.


“Umma, can you increase our allowance this week?” Luhan asked while stuffing himself with the chocolate pancake on the counter. Kyungsoo who’s beside him nodding his head.


“Why?” Heechul asked, money is a sensitive thing for him, even if it for his beloved twins.


“Umma, we need to buy stuff! We’re trying to find a costume for our senior year prom! And we need to have the greatest costume if we want to win the best costume that night!” Kyungsoo whine, pouting and pulling off his puppy eyes.


Heechul snorted and flicked the boys’ forehead. “Fine, but you better win.” He said then taking out a couple of notes from his purse and giving it to the boys. Luhan and Kyungsoo both smiles and thanks their mother.


Baekhyun who just return from the back quickly acknowledge them. “Oh, morning umma, Luhan–hyung, Kyungsoo–hyung.” He said smiling.


Luhan and Kyungsoo just smirk at them and by that smirk Baekhyun knows something’s coming for him, and he’s right when Heechul open his mouth.


“Ah, you’re here. Here’s the list of your chores today–” He took out a rolled paper from his purse and gives it to Baekhyun who gaped at the long list. ‘So much for a rest.’


“–me and the boys are gonna be late tonight so make sure you do all of those before we got back. And please order some new salmon, we ran out of it.”


Baekhyun gasp. “But umma, there’s like a ton of salmon in the fridge this morning.” He said, because he was pretty sure there’s so many salmon he could even feed the whole neighbourhood.


“Yah! Just do as I say and don’t question it!” Heechul said glaring at him. “Come on boys, I’ll send you to school now.” He said then get out of the diner.


Luhan and Kyungsoo stops before Baekhyun and smirks more. “Bye–bye little brother.” They mocked and followed their mother. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and unrolled the paper making him sigh as the paper reaches his feet.


“You are supposed to do all that?” Minseok asked looking at the paper. Baekhyun smiles at the older male and nodded his head.


“Aish, you poor baby, you want hyung to come and help you.” Minseok said caressing Baekhyun’s cheek.


Baekhyun shook his head. “No, it’s fine hyung, I can do it, plus, umma will scold you if you skip your work.” He chuckled.


Minseok smiles a little and nodded his head. “Alright, but if there’s anything you need just tell hyung okay?” and Baekhyun nodded again before both male continue their job until Joonmyun shouted again at Baekhyun for him to get ready to go to school.


“Oh snap! I’m going now, thanks hyung!”





He took out his phone wanting to look at the time but he also notice one unread message. He smiles but decided not to open the message yet, so he put down the phone first. It was 8:08 and he’s already waiting in front of his best friend’s house. They’ve always go to school together and Jongin was never the punctual type of guy.


Honking a couple of time, Baekhyun huffed.


“Ugh, Jongin come on!” He shouted. The door to the house opens and hoping to see his friend, turns out it was just Mr. Kim, Jongin’s father.


“Morning Mr. Kim.” Baekhyun greeted.


“Morning Baekhyun–ah, Jongin’s coming, you know him.” He said smiling, Baekhyun chuckled and nodded his head. Mr. Kim then gets in his car and drive off.


A couple so second later, Jongin came out, looking rather, ridiculous.


“Ayo whatsup Baek!” He said excitedly, getting into the car.


Baekhyun looks at him. “What the hell is that?!” He asked, poking on Jongin’s absurd mole besides his mouth. “Is that. . . a fake mole?!”


“Yeah! I read last night that it’ll make my face look more handsome and maybe Kyungsoo’s gonna wanna talk to me finally.” Jongin said wiggling his eyebrows.


“Ew! Please take it off, it looks awful!” Baekhyun was squirming in his sit trying to find a tissue to get rid of the mole. Jongin pouted and take off the fake mole. “And seriously I don’t have anything to say about Kyungsoo right now. I don’t even know why you like him.” Baekhyun said starting the car.


“Baek, he’s my angel! Gosh I just wanna squish him every time I see his face.” Jongin replied, smiling widely Baekhyun was afraid his mouth’s gonna ripped off.


He rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah whatever. You and your delusional mind.” He said, turning around the corner.


Jongin snorted. “At least I know the person I love is a real one. Not like you.” He mocked, making Baekhyun blushed.


Of course Jongin knows about MrJoker, they tell each other everything. He and Jongin had been friends since middle school and somehow along the way, Jongin had fallen in love with Kyungsoo, only God knows why.


The drive from Jongin’s house to the school only took about 10 minutes and when they arrive Baekhyun quickly finds a parking space, and when he do somebody had beat it to him.


“Ugh, I hate doing this every morning.” He muttered. The one who took the parking space was the popular bunch lead by Ryuhei, the cheerleading leader as well as a well–known brat and the so called Queenka, though he’s a boy, of the school because he’s a like that.


“Better luck next time losers!” Ryuhei said to them, giggling wickedly together with his two friends.


“Don’t worry Baek, there’s another space there.” Jongin said pointing at the direction of a car going out. Baekhyun reverse his car and was about to park it when another car blocked his space. This time by the jock, Kingka and the quarterback of the school, Park Chanyeol, and his friends, Sehun and Zitao.


Ryuhei then climbed off his car and ily made his way towards Chanyeol and peck his cheeks.


“Morning baby.” He said sweetly, Chanyeol just smile and looks disinterested.


“Ugh, I swear people like Ryuhei and Chanyeol are actually made for each other. They just happen to be the most popular ones in the school and they’re dating and they both hate me. I hate my life.” Baekhyun said.


“Aww, don’t worry Baek, I’m pretty sure Ryuhei’s a but Chanyeol never really did anything to you. So how can you say he hates you?” Jongin said patting Baekhyun’s shoulder softly as an encouragement and Baekhyun just shook his head with a sigh.





New message

MrJoker: Hye, hw’s ur day? J


Baekhyun smiles as he read the text, it was recess and Jongin had other stuff to do so here he is sitting alone for lunch.


Smurf01: nthng mch.bored wif sch tho L


MrJoker: aww poor bb smurf.wnt me to accmpny u? ;p


He chuckled and blush a little. MrJoker had been calling him baby smurf since a couple of weeks ago and he still can’t help but be red by it.


Smurf01: i tot u r nw :p


MrJoker: hehe I thnk Mr.Shim spnt too mch tme wif thse frog


Looking around, he found Mr. Shim who was seating on one of the teachers bench was sticking out his tongue like he was a frog while eating bread. He laughed.


Smurf01: LOL! xD


Baekhyun looks around the place, a lot of people were on the phone. Which one is MrJoker? He thought.


MrJoker: hm whn will I hear ur laugh?


Baekhyun smiles, then the bell rang, signalling the end of recess. He types a quick reply and stood up to leave for his next exam.


A couple seat from where Baekhyun was sitting, a male was sitting back facing the canteen and his phone vibrated, signalling a new message. He opens it.


Smurf01: soon!


He smiles, he can’t wait to meet the other person. They’ve only been exchanging messages since four months ago but he can’t help but think that they’ve known each other since forever. He told everything to Smurf and by everything means everything, including his secret about loving literature that nobody knows about. And they shared the same dream of going to SNU and he hope they’ll be going together.


He knows Smurf is his soulmate.


“Chanyeol–ah! Come on, recess’s over.” He jolts up when he heard his name and find Sehun and Zitao at the entrance of the canteen and he nodded his head before leaving.





School was over and after dropping both Sehun and Zitao to their respective houses, Chanyeol then made his way to his fathers’ car wash. Before getting off, he checks his phone. He had been exchanging messages again with Smurf01 as soon as he leaves the school premises.


New message

Smurf01: do u thnk we evr met b4?


He blinks a couple of times. He always been wondering, had they met?


MrJoker: mybe,thrs only 3000 kids in sch,

Im sure we met b4


Smurf01: yea,prbly J


He was about to type more when another text came.


New message

Smurf01: u ad told ur dad bout SNU?


Chanyeol sigh. His father would never agree about him going to SNU, he had always want Chanyeol to follow his step and go to Konkuk University where he can get a scholarship from his football.


MrJoker: not yet >.<


“Chanyeol! Come here son!” He heard his father called him from inside his office. He get out of the car and walk towards the car wash.


“Look son, what do you think?” His father was smiling broadly, showing him a board that says “KONKUK UNIVERSITY – QUATERBACK, PACK CHANYEOL. 40% SPECIAL OFFER!”


Chanyeol looks at the board and sigh to himself but seeing the happy smile on his fathers’ face he can’t help but let out a small smile.


“It’s great dad.” He said. His father then takes the board and put it in front of the car wash for everyone to see.





“This is the time Baek! I shall confess on our prom night!” Jongin said excitedly. Baekhyun who was putting in tissues on the box just smiles, shaking his head.


“So what are you gonna wear?” The tanner male asked, looking at Baekhyun with a beam while helping Baekhyun with the tissues.


Baekhyun was about to reply when the door to the diner was open with so much force the picture frame hanging just besides the door was shaking.


Luhan and Kyungsoo walked in, bringing an even bigger smile to appear on Jongin’s face. The twins made their way towards Baekhyun.


“Umma told us to remind you about the chores.” Luhan said while making his way to the cashier, before taking some notes.


“What are you doing?” Baekhyun asked.


Luhan looked at Baekhyun and smirk. “Shut up.”


“Umma’s gonna be mad.” Baekhyun said again.


“Not to us.” Kyungsoo said. “Let’s go Lulu.” He tapped his brother’s shoulder and made their way towards the door.


“Bye Kyungsoo.” Jongin said smiling dreamingly and waves his hand. Kyungsoo turns and groaned before shutting the door. Baekhyun chuckled and flicked Jongin’s forehead.


“Get over it Jonginnie.” He said then continues on with his work.


“I can’t, he’s too beautiful.” Jongin replied still looking at the door.


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what’s worse more, my best friend acting like a creep or that my best friend acting like a creep towards my step–brother.” He muttered.


After a few minutes, Jongin then leave stating that he need to go find a suitable costume for their prom tomorrow night. Baekhyun checks his phone and sure enough there’s a message.


New message

MrJoker: evr felt lke u dnt belong?


Smurf01: wht do u mean?


MrJoker: jst feelin like I dnt knw wht im doin rite nw


Smurf01: dnt wrry,u’l alwys hv me J


MrJoker: tq bb smurf J


Chanyeol smiles, a genuine smile. He rarely shows them to anybody but when it comes to Smurf, he feels like he can show his real emotions and the other can easily make his heart warmer. He was feeling a little down because of his father but a simple message from smurf can really make his days brighter.


They’ve already plan to meet during their prom night. He can’t wait to meet the other but he needs to do something first. Ryuhei.





“Well that’s great news! You’re finally gonna see him!” Jongin said throwing another ball towards Baekhyun.


Today’s the prom and Baekhyun just told him that he and MrJoker had planned to meet tonight during the prom.


“It’s too good to be true Jongie.” Baekhyun said as he received the ball and throws it again towards Jongin. It was after recess and since they have no exam this time, they decided to have some fun playing catch on the school field before the school’s time over.


“What do you mean too good to be true?!” Jongin asked him as he looks at Baekhyun like he just grows two heads. “Baek, you’ve been waiting for this moment since forever!”


“I know!” Baekhyun replied. “But, I’m just afraid that if he doesn’t turn out to be what he seems. I’m afraid I’m not what me expect me to be.” He answered as he let out a sigh. Jongin throws the ball away and walk towards Baekhyun.


“That’s what you’re worried about?” He asked as he put an arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder. “If he doesn’t turn out to be like what you know him then just forget him.” Jongin said jokingly, earning him a slap on his chest from the shorter male. He laughed.


“And if he thinks that you’re not what he expects you to be, then, it’s his lost. You’re a great guy Baek, I’m sure whoever he is, and he’s going to love you.” He added looking softly at Baekhyun.


“Ew, don’t tell me you’re falling in love with me now.” Baekhyun jokes, pinching Jongin’s nose. And Jongin picks up the ball then begin throwing it again.


“No thanks Baek, you’re beautiful but Kyungsoo’s my true love.” Jongin replied laughing loudly.


Baekhyun laughs and catch the ball again. “No, I still don’t think I’m gonna be able to go.” he said.


“Why Baek?”


“I’m pretty sure umma’s gonna make me do chores again.” He replied. Jongin sigh.


“Why do you even keep up with him Baek? You know you can just move with Joonmyun–hyung. I’m pretty sure he’ll be happy if you move in with him.”


“Easy, no Heechul–umma, no money for SNU.” Baekhyun said, his frustration getting the best of him making his hand to throw the ball a little bit higher and stronger than he intended it to be.


The ball flies across the field and landing on the basketball court where two other male were having a game.


“So the prom’s tonight.” Sehun said as he dribbles the ball in between his legs.


“Yeah, I know.” Chanyeol reply, trying to take the ball from Sehun.


“You’re going with Ryuhei?” The younger male asked as Chanyeol took the ball from him.


Chanyeol dribbles the ball a couple of time before making a score.


“I don’t know.” He replied.


“What do you mean you don’t know? Are you going with someone else?” Sehun asked raising his eyebrow.


“I hope.” Chanyeol said smiling, he then notice the ball from the other field and throws it back.


“Thank you!” Baekhyun shouted as he received the ball.


“You’re welcome!” Chanyeol shouted back.





Baekhyun was on his way home from school but needs to pick up some groceries from the market and so he went there first. He was thankful enough that Heechul at least gave him money for that. Then he went to the Park carwash because Heechul said he went there before but forgot to bring his purse therefore he told Baekhyun to go there and pay instead.


He parked his car in front of the carwash was about to get out of the car when suddenly someone lean over his car and knocked on his window. It was Chanyeol, he know this carwash belongs to Chanyeol’s father, so he quickly put down his window.


“I’m assuming you’re here for the payment?” Chanyeol asked first.


“Uh, yeah.” Baekhyun replied, taking out the money Heechul gave him.


Chanyeol then took it and nodded his head. “Alright, I’ll be right back with the receipt.”


“Alright.” The smaller male answers, as he follows Chanyeol movement. It was only a couple of second later then he notices the familiar cars that belong to his step–brothers. He gets out of the car and approaches them.


“Didn’t you guys wash the cars together with umma yesterday?” He asked. Luhan and Kyungsoo who just notice his presence grunt.


“What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo asked, sarcastically.


“Paying for your debt.” Baekhyun answers mockingly.


“Yah! It’s not a debt, umma just forgot about the money yesterday.” Luhan said glaring towards Baekhyun.


“Umma’s looking for you.” Kyungsoo said folding his arms on his chest.


“Where is he?”


“He’s at home.” Luhan answered.


“Here.” Came another voice, Chanyeol’s, giving the receipt to Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded then walk towards his car.


Eyeing the twins who were acting all cutesy towards Chanyeol. They obviously just come here for him.


When he arrives, he quickly looks for Heechul. Putting the groceries on the kitchen shelves, he made his way to the living room but no Heechul there, he went upstairs to the latter’s room, he’s also not there.


“Aish!” He heard a loud grumbled and quickly made his way to the backyard, where Heechul was opening the sprinklers. Or trying to.


“Damn sprinklers!” He hissed. Baekhyun made his way towards Heechul and bent down to switch it on.


“You were looking for me?” He asked.


“Yeah. Where were you?” Heechul asked as he made his way towards the pool lounges and continue his sun bathing.


“I went to get the groceries and pay for your carwash.” He replied following the older male.


“Well, I need you to work extra hour tonight.” Heechul said not opening his eyes.


“But, umma, I can’t got to the diner tonight, it’s our prom night.” Baekhyun said, though he mentioned earlier he probably can’t go, he’s still trying to push his luck. Maybe he was able to go.


“Oh, I know. That’s why I need you at the diner. I’m pretty sure guys like you don’t need to go to prom.” Heechul said smirking.


“Umma please, I really need to go tonight.” He was practically begging, after what Jongin said to him earlier today, he was tempted to meet MrJoker too.


“And I really need you to be at the diner tonight.” Heechul hissed. He opened his eyes and stood up, hovering over the smaller male. “Listen Baekhyun–ah, if you work tonight, you’ll get some extra pocket money, and with that extra, you can actually pay for you college tuition. You’ve wanted to go to SNU didn’t you? I’m trying to help you here.” He said smiling sweetly, though Baekhyun knows he was not sincere.


“Don’t be selfish and think about others too Baekhyun, not everything’s about you.” He finalizes his words and get back on the lounges. Baekhyun wipes his teary eye and shook his head before running to his bed room.


Taking out his phone from his pocket, he check for any messages.


New message

MrJoker: cnt wait 4 tonite J


“I’m sorry.” He said wiping the tears that made its way to his cheeks. He wanted to reply to it but doesn’t. Looking at the time, he changed his cloth and made his way to the diner.


It was half past 7 and the diner was buzzing with customers going in and out, Baekhyun had almost forget about the prom when suddenly a group of student went into the diner and take a seat. It was Chanyeol and Ryuhei together with their friends.


Baekhyun ignore them and continue on wiping the dishes and suddenly Minseok nudge his shoulder.


“Baekhyun–ah, I’m a little busy here, can you help me tend to those guys?” He asked softly, pointing towards Chanyeol’s table with his face.


“Okay hyung.” Baekhyun replied, taking out the note book and a pen before skating his way towards the table.


“Oh, it’s diner boy.” Ryuhei said mockingly. The others chuckled at his comment except for Chanyeol who looks disinterested.


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “What would you like to order?” He asked though he really wants to leave, but he doesn’t want to appear rude.


“Oh, I want Voss.” Ryuhei said.


Baekhyun raised his eyebrow. “We don’t have that, only tap water.”


Ryuhei made a disgusted face. “Ew, I ain’t gonna drink a tap water.”


“Well, that’s all we’ve got.”


“Ugh, fine whatever.”


Baekhyun wrote down the order and asked for the others, they simple shook their head and he made his way to the kitchen.


As soon as Baekhyun leaves their table, Chanyeol looks at Ryuhei and let out a sigh.


“Ryu, there’s something that I need to tell you.” He said. Ryuhei raised his brows and smile.


“Sure, what is it?”


Chanyeol looks at their friends. “I kind of think we need to talk about this personally.”


Ryuhei chuckled. “Yeol, anything you want to talk to me you can talk to them too.” He said, gaining nods from their friends.


Chanyeol sigh more and nodded. “Okay, I want to break up.”


Gasp leaves the others mouth and Ryuhei looks at him with wide eyes.


“What?!” He may not shout it out loud but Chanyeol can still feel the tension in the word. “No, you don’t break up with me!” Ryuhei hissed as he point a finger at Chanyeol’s face, growling. “Lucky for you, I’m gonna think that you’re just joking, so we’ll see each other at the prom tonight.” He said then leaves the diner, followed by his friends, leaving Chanyeol alone.


Baekhyun return to the table with the table but notice that Ryuhei had leave.




Chanyeol get up and took out some notes from his wallet.


“Ah, no, it’s fine.” Baekhyun said and leave for the kitchen again, while Chanyeol nodded and walk out of the diner just as soon as a male walk in wearing a costume that covers his face.


“Baek! Why are you not dressed up yet?!” Turns out it was Jongin. Baekhyun looks up and chuckled.


“Well you look good.” He praised the other male. Jongin was wearing a Zorro costume but he looks pretty good. “And a moustache?”


“Well, Zorro have moustache, gotta stick to the original baby.” Jongin replied smirking. “And again, why are you not wearing your costume?!” He asked again. “Baek, it’s almost 8! The prom’s at 9!”


Baekhyun sigh and continue wiping the tables. “I told you, I’m not going.” Then made his way behind the counter.


“Why??” Jongin whine following him but was stop by Joonmyun.


“Yah, employee only!” He said.


“Baek come on! I thought you want to meet MrJoker tonight!”


Joonmyun who was there looks at Baekhyun. “You mean the guy who you’ve been changing messages with?” He asked Baekhyun.


“Yes! That one!” Jongin replied. Baekhyun sigh.


“I can’t Jongin. Umma’s gonna kill me if I leave the diner.” He said looking at both male in front of him. Jongin let out a grunt and stomp his feet with a pout.


“But Baek! I finally got to bring my hyung’s car and I’m not going if you’re not there!”


“Yeah, come on Baek, just go. You’ve been texting with him for so long and when you finally have the chance to meet him, you’re not going?!” Joonmyun asked irritated at Baekhyun.


“Yeah!” Jongin said supporting Joonmyun.


“But Heechul–umma. . .”


“Oh! The hell with him! You need to go and have the time of your life Baek.” Joonmyun said.


“Yeah, just go Baekhyun–ah, dance till you can’t no more.” Minseok filled in smiling before resuming his work. Even Yifan at the back cooking keep on giving him encouragement.


Baekhyun smiles.


“Go on Baek, you deserve this night.” Joonmyun said again.


“Yeah, you’re right. I deserve this!” Baekhyun said enthusiastically. Jongin, Joonmyun, Minseok, Yifan and even the costumers cheers with him.


“Yes! And you’re gonna go out there and meet this boy and fall in love!” Joonmyun said again, creating another cheer.


“Yeah!” Baekhyun said smiling widely, until something came in mind, his smile flattered. “No, I can’t go.” He whispered.


“Why?” Jongin asked.


“Is it about Heechul? I told yo–” Baekhyun shook his head even before Joonmyun get to finish what he was about to say.


“I don’t have anything to wear.” He added dejectedly. Jongin on drop his shoulder and sigh. Joonmyun on the other hand smiles.


“Don’t worry, I know a place. Come on, we still can make it if we go now.” He said pulling Baekhyun out of the kitchen and Jongin following behind. “Minseokkie, I’m leaving for a while, you’re in charge.” He added.


“Alright, have fun Baek!” Minseok smiles.


They arrived to their destination, which was the costumes shop just a couple blocks away from the diner and made it just in time before Yixing, the owner, closes the shop. Joonmyun had to bribe in into giving free meals at the diner for a month before Yixing agree to let them inside.


They spent nearly 20 minutes inside the shop but don’t find anything suitable for Baekhyun. The smaller was about to give up when Joonmyun spotted a white mask from under one of the counter in the shop.


“Xing, can I take a look at that mask?”


Yixing took out the mask and smiles.


“I have the perfect costume for this mask.” He said giving the mask to Joonmyun.





“Hye.” Sehun greeted as soon as he spotted Chanyeol and Zitao at the hall.


“You look cool.” Zitao said sipping his fruit punch while eyeing Sehun. Sehun and Zitao was wearing a prince like costumer while Chanyeol was wearing a simple back suit with a black wings on his back.


People all around wore different kind of costume that looks cool or either silly.


“Thanks, same goes to you guys.” Sehun said smirking. “But I think I’m going to be the Homecoming King tonight.” He added confidentially.


Zitao snickers before him and just let him be. Chanyeol on the other hand was just drinking and occasionally looking at his phone. He decides to send a message to smurf.


New message

MrJoker: I cnt wait to meet u


Baekhyun closes his phone after reading the message. He and Jongin just arrive at the school hall and he was pretty nervous to come in.


“Jonginnie, I think this is a bad idea.” He said looking at the entrance. Seems like everybody had come since nobody was walking inside the hall anymore. Well, it was 10 minutes to 10 pm.


“What’s wrong?” Jongin asked turning on his seat to look at Baekhyun who married a frown on his face.


“What if Heechul–umma comes to the diner and found out I’m not there?”


Jongin bit his lips and think for a while. As much as he wants to have fun tonight, he doesn’t want his friend to get in trouble.


“Ok, how about this, I’ll set an alarm on both our phone 30 minutes before midnight so we can leave here earlier. Okay?” Jongin said as he set the alarm on his phone. Baekhyun nodded his head and passed his phone to Baekhyun.


“Alright, it’s all set, come on let’s go.”


Both male went out of the car and walk towards the entrance of the hall.

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Chapter 2: srsly i can imagine heechul as the evil mum LOL I love his presence in the story but please author-nim can u make a sequel for kaisoo :'( i feel bad for kai and also for sehun and luhan ^^thanks again
baekoreo #2
Chapter 2: I cried in the middle of the story lol. this story is nice. sobs.
Chapter 2: this fanfic's a perfection...
Hahahihihoho #4
Chapter 2: This story is just so cute and fluffy it gave me butterflies >< The slang term kinda hard for me to understand tho :(
iinbaekyo #5
Chapter 2: this is so good and cute but bcs english is not my first language I need some time to know what theyre talking in the the message xD
Chapter 2: my fav fairy tale with my fav otp is just heaven *_*
Jaeheee #7
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ i cant even ahh!! Yourr amazingggggggggggg ^^
jambydsy #8
What about kaisoo? Maybe a sequel like Cinderella2
Mirandabyun #9
Chapter 2: This baekyeol version is more cute than the original one..........thnk u so much...
Chapter 2: Wow.. it was seriously the cinderella story movie.

Chanbaek version was so cutee.