
                     “Infectious? Wait, do you mean what am I thinking right now?” asked Jihoon, questionably quirking his eyebrows and tilting his head a bit of curious. As everyone else tried to find clues in Dana's statement. Does she means by illness or something familiar?
She sighed when it took them minutes to know.
“Yeah, guys. Just like how you were playing Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil and how we watches those zombified apocalypse movies. They are coming real!” she made an explanation based on how often they were playing and watching such creations from directors, authors.
Almost all of their expression darkens but somehow unbelievable of what is happening to their surroundings at this current moment.
“Dudes and ladies, come and look through this window. Trust me,” she ordered.
They were slowly approaching the transparent glass. As soon as they reaches it, Dana could tell they were surprised from those widened eyes, resembling owls.
Who doesn't?
What would you do when you saw previously innocent humans has transforming themselves into monstrous evils and eating each other's flesh to a rotten creature? Who doesn't find it insane and guessing it was a nightmare?
“See? They are real now,” she said, sighing and leaning her hips against the teacher's desk.
“Wow man... we're living in a game world?” asked Jungkook, breaking off the awkward and terrifying atmosphere as they watched in silent.
The remaining girls
Park Jisoo,
Kim Namjoo,
Hong Yookyung,
Oh Hayoung,
Song Dana. 
The remaining boys
Kwon Soonyoung,
Lee Jihoon,
Lee Seokmin,
Jeon Wonwoo,
Kim Mingyu,
Jeon Jungkook,
Choi Youngjae,
Kim Yugyeom.
Dana keeps drawing attention to counting their small numbered classmates. She noticed how many the boys can be, compared to the girls. Not wondering why since most of them leaving the class and one of them has been deceased, not too long minutes ago.
She turned to the class president, “You're the leader of our class, do you know what to do?”
Soonyoung hesitantly raising his eyebrows, worries burying inside of his soul and it becomes more visible to see his inner fear. Trembling. He doesn't know what could be playing on his mind that causes him to curled his fist.
He thinks, he thinks and thinks.
An impatient Yugyeom appeared, “Seriously guys. You shouldn't think we're safe in here if we're not getting outside there and explore more. Who knows if there are soldiers, military, polices and helpful rescuers?”
“Nope, we don't need helpers,” Jihoon spoke on Soonyoung's behalf.
“What I learned from video games, we can't trust the soldiers or any government people. Why? Because they would prefer to kill all of us, afraid if we could possibly infected,” Soonyoung explained, adding words after Jihoon's.
Mingyu suddenly claps his hands once but loud enough for everyone to gaze at his direction, “We have to search for weapons. Yes, weapons!”
Dana leisurely curving her lips into a mischievous smirk.
“I think I know where we can find those hard items,”
Instead of feeling all trembling, shaking, and too intense about thinking to give up in hopes. Must not losing hopes. In this apocalyptic generation, all builds their own trusts, hopes, dreams, and new home. They are not adults, neither kids. They are teenagers, after all, they wanted to have fun.
                     After a few seconds of discussion and stealing temporary weapons such like a broom stick, dustpan, mop stick, aluminium long ruler, scissor, and sharpened pencils if any case they could be attacked.
Jungkook and Yugyeom slowly unlocked the door in quietest way as possible then open it up, trying their hardest best to preventing sounds. They were shutting their eyes at the cracks and creaks but realizing nothing comes, they soon fluttered it back to checks left and right sides.
Jungkook, Yugyeom, Youngjae and Mingyu goes outside to scanning each areas but there were no trace of anybody. They spot bloods, footprints, handprints, scattered papers and study tools accessorizing the floors. Lockers has been damaged as well as other classes' windows.
Youngjae signaled the rest that everything has cleared. Wonwoo take a note and nodding at Dana, who were preparing to stepping out firstly and leading the rest outside to quit their classroom.
The other four tracking them from behind, through the abandoned hallways and taking staircase to go for their targeted destination which is none other than the main entrance.
Dana tightened her grips on the broom stick as she peeks behind the wall and detects one undead were busily munching on someone's stomach flesh.
“Oh my god. That's Soobin!” Jisoo said in lowest tone, she saw it too.
“Gentlemen, cover me,” Dana said, telling the boys to keep their eyes and aware of everything if there were a group of them. They squats by each walls beyond the staircase.
Dana exhales a nervous breath before she walks, carefully towards the eating undead. It was enjoying a meal called organs. She was nearly puking her breakfast yet she manage to chokes them inside and continues to lift her stick.
“Goodbye, you son of a ,”
She slammed the stick against it's head and crashing it for pieces.
“Holy ,” Wonwoo mumbles, being amused with her action. Mingyu chortles beside him.
On the other hand, Soonyoung squinting his eyes and narrowing it towards the direction of another hallway behind the staircase. He was not sure if that was human or similar species to an infected.
Sooner, it saunters closer and more closer.
“Um guys....,” he uttered. Jihoon heard it and crouching beside Soonyoung to look at where he was pointing.
“Wait, that doesn't looks like zombie...,”
Seokmin listened and unhide himself from the walls.
“OH - damn it. You're a human,” It turns out to be surprising the lost guy, dressed in their school uniform too.
Jihoon seems to recognizing that latter and soon standing up to walks faster than Seokmin, approaching the new guy.
“Aren't you Seungcheol, the senior?”
“Wow, yes. That's who I am. I think you're the one that I've exchanged bags with?”
“Oh come on, guys. There is no time for first meeting romance,” Dana interrupted because she has been waiting for them to tag along. They must quit sticking around this decomposed building.
She rolled her eyes after they jogged outside to join the rest of their group and Seungcheol decided to follow Jihoon since he barely knows his juniors.
“Wow... In a blink of an eye, this city becomes deserted?” Soonyoung couldn't trust his own eyes for seeing the sight of everything went into a mess. It was chaotic but now, they are filling up the air with silence.
Smokes, broken cars, accidents, flying papers, damaged street lamps and nothing looks the same anymore. Nothing. Repeat, nothing.
“So, where is your uncle's workshop?” Jungkook questioned, indirectly saying they should resuming before night. Luckily, it was still eleven in the morning and afternoon can be possible to be appeal anytime.
“Just follow,”
They interfered by Namjoo and Hayoung, “You guys go on,”
“What?” Mingyu has no longer believing his eardrum anymore.
“We want to go home. We just want to go home,” Namjoo uttered. Seconds later, Yookyung and Jisoo joining the two. Leaving Dana only the female.
“I think I'll go, too. I want to greet my home and family,” Yookyung spoke up.
“What the are you thinking, girls? Don't you know what is happening now? Don't you see all of these? Are you freaking blind or what?” Jihoon angrily said, using his hands to show gestures.
Namjoo shut her eyes for a moment before opening them back and tears rolling down her cheek, “Yes, I know! But I do believe my parents and sister are still alive!” she indignant.
Dana finally heaving a miserable sigh.
“Okay, if you want to go, then go. I'm not responsible to what will happen to you later,” Dana became frustrated after uttering and continue her walks on the road. Not caring about interruption anymore.
Jihoon, Seungcheol, Mingyu and Wonwoo followed.
Jungkook, Yugyeom, Seokmin, Soonyoung and Youngjae gave a last glance to the girls.
“Good luck,” Jungkook passed a mop stick to Jisoo. The girls were upset but they all crave for what they really want, to return for their family and comforting them that everything would be alright.
The boys motioning their body to chase Dana as well.
“I will accompany them,” Youngjae paused and walks towards the girls. Yugyeom forms worrying expression on his face. His closest friend is choosing to leave him.
“Up to you, Youngjae. You're a real gentleman,” Jungkook jokes with a slight smirk then slipped himself in between Mingyu and Wonwoo.
Seokmin and Soonyoung encouraging Yugyeom to start their journey now.
They shouldn't waste their time.

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MillyMila #1
Please update i love apocalypse stories
This is one of the best ʕ·O·ʔb
Catfish2001 #2
Chapter 4: Aaaammmmaaaazzzziiiinnnngggg
Love the story by far it's starting to get interesting, I look forward to your future updates. :)