Well ..

The Jerk


"Oh my god, oh my god.." I repeat over and over again, walking back to class, half staggering. "That.. bastard..why did he come so..close? What the hell! Gross."

I arrive at the door of the classroom and a few people are looking my way, a boy starts walking up to me. Huh? I forgot his name.. Duho? Or was it Yuho..? Oh, it's Suho. 

"Hey Luhan, are you feeling okay? Your face looks like it's burning up, maybe a fever perhaps?" He asks, sounding a bit nervous.

I shove past him and mumble "It's nothing." 

Haha, since when did anyone care about me or each other in this stupid class? Everyone is so fake. Don't act so goody-two-shoes Yuho! I can see your sad motives. Wait.. Or was it Suho? 

I slump into my chair at my desk and sigh loudly. Then a short flashback hits me on what happened earlier and I start to blush. "Agh! How annoying!" I groan, rustling my hair with both of my hands roughly. "Dumb- Sehun!" I'm going to forget it ever happened. Wait but  first.. what did that bastard say before..? "You're quite amusing, geek." Huh?? What does that mean anyway? How stupid.

I look around the classroom, hoping he isn't near but I make direct eye contact with a staring girl instead. Hm?

She quickly turns away awkwardly and continues on talking to her friends. I recognize her, and her group... She was among the girls in that first group Sehun talked to on his first day. 
Geez they're so loud and annoying. I don't know her name though, or any of the girl's names. Whoops.. there goes my chance of getting a girlfriend, I'm way too antisocial. Just kidding, I don't care.

Anyway why was she staring at me? Probably just a coincidence?

The teacher suddenly barges in through the doors and announces lunch break over. The lesson then begins. I hate history with a passion so I rest my head in between my folded arms on top of my desk and close my eyes. 

After ten minutes or so a small piece of scrunched-up paper hits me lightly on the head. I ignore it. Then another hits me and I furrow my eyebrows and open my eyes, "Wha-" Sehun is right there. Right in front of my face, watching me. I gasp and jump up. I completely forgot he was my desk partner! When did he get here?

"What's wrong?" He grinned.

"..Um" I paused, "t-the paper.. stop." I muttered. 

Oh my god, I stuttered while talking. What the hell is wrong with me? I hate myself. 

"Hmm?" He went on, "Why so nervous?" He grinned even more. "No sleeping in class, geek." He then brought his hand to my forehead and flicked it full-on hard

"OW what the ?!" I yelped, clutching my forehead tightly. It hurt so much.  

"Luhan! How dare you use such language indoors! What is going on back there?" The teacher snapped, he began taking long quick strides over to the direction of my desk. Oh lord.

"I'm sorry.." I huffed, after he arrived.

"That won't do, come see me after class finishes please." He tapped me twice on the shoulder, "And no sleeping in my classes, class president." 

I bit my lip and looked down in embarrassment, I know the whole class was looking. "It's okay, it's okay" I reassured myself silently. Not a big deal, I'm the 'delinquent' after all. To the right side I could here snickering, it came from him, the bastard himself. I turned to Sehun and glared at him hard, then I stuck my middle finger up at him. He cocked an eyebrow,

"Ooh? Mad are we?" 

"I hate you." 

The bell for the next class rang and I groaned, I have to go see that boring teacher. When everybody in the class left I slowly walked up to the front.

"Now Luhan, I won't tolerate that language in my class, you better watch your mouth okay?" 

I nodded sheepishly, "I won't do it again." 

"Good, now the other thing is-"

Suddenly the door opened and I turned to see Sehun walking in, my eyes widened. "What are yo-"

"Great, Oh Sehun, you're here."

"Um? What?" I retorted, "Why?"

"You two are the class presidents of course, you will be doing some after school work from now on and help sort my papers and books."

What?! After school work?! With the jerk?!

I turned to Sehun and he smiled at the teacher, "Sure thing." 

The hell.. No, no, no, no and no. I'm not spending after school with this jerk!

"Sir, I'm sorry but I have soccer training after school, we may need to re-vote for a new class president."  I say, smiling as well.

"I will speak with your coach to post phone the training sessions, this is a very important and good opportunity for you Luhan."

"No sir, I'm good.."

"Luhan this will improve your grades and reports, I will speak with your parents if necessary." 

I felt like shouting. Why me of all people?! Why?!?! I can't let them talk to my parents, it will be too troublesome..also I need a good report.. Ughhh!

"S-sir, I u-understand already, I'll d-do it." I stuttered again, I was mad, my fists were clenched and my nails were digging into my palms. I know this stupid teacher won't give up so I have to give in.

"Great! Now both of you go to the library and begin sorting these out for me."

Why is the pile of papers so damn big...?


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ruhanlu #1
Chapter 2: chp2!!! i cross my finger you'll post chp3 soon as well
ruhanlu #2
Chapter 1: ugh I'm so curiouuuuuus please continue, hwaiting!!