
The Jerk


"Class, there's a new transfer student in today.." I'm not paying attention. I never do, I simply just don't care. I don't want to listen, school is annoying, everyone is annoying, the world is and so are the people living in it. 
"This is Oh Sehun, he comes from Seoul..".
I'm half asleep, arms folded and laying on top of my messy desk, relaxed as always, gazing at the blank wall. Why not? Nobody cares anyway, I haven't made any friends yet in my class for the past four months since I've enrolled at this crap school. No one will bother talking to a person like me who is always scowling and ignoring teachers. I must look like a delinquent or something, even though my grades are good. My eyelids are starting to feel heavy and are about to close when, "Luhan? Pay attention in class will you? Stop napping and listen to me when I'm speaking." 

I groan, that boring teacher is really starting to piss me off now; I slowly lift myself up and turn towards the front, slouched and yawning loudly. The new student is still standing at the front but he's staring at me, or should I say glaring? I'm not so sure actually, but whatever it is it makes me want to avert my eyes towards something else quickly, like to that dull teacher instead. The teacher starts talking again. "So class, please take care of Sehun and communicate with each other, okay?" The class replies immediately, nodding and groaning  the word 'yes' loudly. I glance at the new guy, he's tall. Very tall;  he looks slim and laid back. Like the typical cool guy, his facial features are sharp, but what stands out the most is his jawline. I can't help but notice that his jawline looks so sharp and beautiful. His eyes are a dark-brown color, same with his hair, curly and long; it looks styled, idol-worthy hair. I hadn't noticed that I was actually staring at him now. His eyes met with mine and I almost jumped, eyes widened. What was I doing? Oh god. He's laughing at me, . Frowning, I go back to laying on top of my desk and staring at the wall again. 

"May I sit here?"
 I flinch slightly and look up, there he is. The new student. I sigh to myself. Why does he want to sit with me? It will just cause more trouble for me. I don't like annoyance.
"Uh.. well this seat is kind of ta-"
"I'll take that as a yes then" he cuts in, he places his things down next to me calmly and sits down. What the hell? What's he doing? I don't want him here, does he think he can do what he wants? That bastard. 
"I said this seat was taken."
"By who?" 
I hesitate for a second. What do I say? I scan the room quick and randomly point at a female classmate who is standing and chatting with her friends in the corner.
"Yes" I reply. What the hell am I doing oh my god, I just pointed to a random person? Ah, but hopefully he'll buy it. 
"Oh" he says calmly. Then he stands up and walks towards the girl group which I pointed at. I can feel my heart thumping fast. What the hell is he doing? He's going to find out I lied.. oh god. He's reached the group already and looks like he's discussing something with them. I'm shocked, will he really go that far just to sit next to me? Ugh, this is stupid. I don't care anymore, he can sit next to me. I'll just ignore him anyway. I look at him and the girls talking, it's taking a while just to ask, maybe he's not asking after all? Oh, I can see the girls blushing. What the hell are they blushing for? Has that bastard already become popular? Now I see them exchanging numbers with each other and I'm shocked. Just another play-boy huh. I can see the new guy walking back towards me now. What the hell is he coming back for? For God's sake just stay with them. He sits back in his seat beside me.
"Hey you, picking up girls already?" I ask, smirking.
"Hey you? I have a name. It's Sehun, use it geek." 
"Yah! What did you just call me?!"
"The hell.." I mutter.  I'm seriously annoyed now. I'd trade seat places with anyone. Just please, don't put me with him. My stomach is twisting, I have a bad feeling that my peaceful days will be over here.

It's finally Friday, my favorite day of the week. I don't know why, Fridays just seem more relaxing, even though I have soccer games on today. Well I love soccer; I have a great passion for it. I've been playing it ever since I was a small child. I was excited to leave school early for my practice just when one of my teammates on my team appeared and told me training was cancelled due to the election of the new class presidents for this semester. "Whaaat?" I groaned.
"Yup it right? Nobody even cares about being class president, it's stupid." My teammate says, his name is Lay. We've actually known each other since we were seven. He's a family friend, one of my closest. 
"I want to skip elections" I whine.
"Lu-lu just come~ it won't take that long." 
"Lay!! Don't call me that here, people are close-by!" I cry. He's always called me Lu-lu, usually I wouldn't mind but where people are near, it gets weird. 
"Whatever, just come!" He grabs my wrist and drags me to the classrooms, he then let's go and tells me goodbye and to have fun before he rushes off. Lay isn't in my class sadly; meaning I have no friends. I place my things next to my desk and sit down; leaning back and swinging on my chair, examining the ceiling for no particular reason. Suddenly someone grabs onto the back of my chair causing it to suddenly halt and I yelp loudly. Shocked, I lean forward quickly clutching on to the front of my shirt to catch my breath and shoot a look back at the person who had done it. It was Sehun. 
"The hell are you doing you idiot?! I could've fallen!!" I almost shout at him. But all that fool does is smirk and then walks back to his seat to sit down. He's picking on me. I hate him. 

"Okay it's time for elections now" the teacher says, "We need two representatives, and volunteers. Who wants to do it?" No one raises their hand, everyone looked extremely bored and half asleep. This class president thing apparently happens every year, I wasn't so surprised when there were no volunteers for the job. "Come on guys, it's not so hard to do" Everyone starts groaning as if they're saying it is hard. "I'll have to nominate people then, oh! How about you Sehun, you're a  new student you should try this out, it's a great opportunity." The teacher says cheerfully.
 "Yes sir, I don't mind." Sehun replies. Wow this was surprising.
"Oh that's great! What a good student we have here, now Sehun you can pick your partner for this, choose anyone." The teacher tells him.
 "Okay" Sehun glances over to the girl he was talking to before, the girl who he exchanged numbers with. She smiles at him, showing her teeth slightly and cute dimples. "I pick.." he starts, "Luhan." 
 Without noticing how loud I was, I replied with a big "HUH?!" and there was instant laughter that filled up the room while I was sitting here, well now standing, glaring at Sehun. Is he crazy? Does he even care about what I want? No, he just wants to annoy me. What did I ever do to him? Is he seriously amused by this? What a sadist. 
"I refuse." I reply, trying to soothe the anger in my voice.
 "You can't ref-" starts the teacher,
"I said I refuse!" I shoot back, almost shouting. I quickly cover my mouth. Oh no, I've raised my voice and talked back to a teacher.. again. At the corner of my eye I can see Sehun smirking again, god I despise him. Why must he disrupt my life like this?
 "Lu Han, did you just raise your voice at me?" Says the teacher, also trying to stay calm now. 
"Um no sir, I apologize. I'll do the job." I sigh. I slump back into my seat, looking back at the ceiling, not calm anymore though, I was muttering curses and  scowling. Sehun is totally gonna get it after this..

After the bell rings I stomp off to where Sehun is and I see him standing and chatting with a new group of girls now, I grab him by the wrist viciously and drag him off outside. Once we reach far enough,  I start shouting at him, "What the hell do you want from me?! Why did you choose me?! Do you know who I am? The school's well known delinquent! You shouldn't be making any contact with me and I don't want anything to do with you jerk!! Leave me alone!" I say, panting. 
"Excuse me?" He replies glaring at me. His hands quickly fly past the side of my face and slam on to the wall, he closes up on me and I can't escape.
 "Wh-what do you want?" I mutter, trying to catch my breath from all the screaming before. He looms over me, was he always this tall? His eyes are directly looking into mine and I turn away quickly. 
"Move." I try to say firmly. 
"No" he replies, still looming over me, making me feel small and useless.
 "What did you say bastard? Move for gods sake!"
 He then smiles, but it looks smug. He moves closer to me and I can hear my heart thumping loudly, and my cheeks burning up. My eyes meet once again with his and this time I can't look away, because the way he looks into my eyes drowns me, I can't escape the gaze and I find myself staring back at him. He's so close now that I can feel his breath right next to my ear, I try to say something but the words don't make sense, I was talking gibberish and when he chuckles I can feel myself starting to sweat. His mouth is right next to my ear now and I flinch, he then whispers something into it and I manage to reply "What?" Then he says it again, and I can hear it clearly now, "You're quite amusing, geek." 
He then removes his hands off from the wall and backs away from me. He laughs to himself as he turns and walks away. I'm standing here alone, shivering, with a face that probably looks the color of a tomato by now.
 "What the just happened?" I say to myself sliding down the wall, struggling to catch my breath.


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ruhanlu #1
Chapter 2: chp2!!! i cross my finger you'll post chp3 soon as well
ruhanlu #2
Chapter 1: ugh I'm so curiouuuuuus please continue, hwaiting!!