Only Tears (Chorong & Woohyun)

PinkFinite One-Shots Collections.


“It’s because I care about you, that I have to let you go.”



Park Chorong knows that it’s time. Their time together is coming to an end, and she has to make a decision that will either save him or break him.

Her steps are long and brisk, as she makes her way towards the last room situated on the very far end of the level. She doesn’t even glance right or left, her sole focus only on the person staying inside that room.

When she is already right outside the door, she takes in a couple of deep breaths before mentally braving herself. With one heavy push, the door is opened; revealing the bare white room to her for the last time.

It is practically empty, except for one single-bed which is already neatly made and a hunched figure sitting silently at the end of the bed.

Chorong closes the door quietly behind her.

She counts the steps she takes to get to him. Her mind is replaying the same words over and over again. Her heart is beating rapidly fast with every step that she takes closer to him.

When she is about two feet away from where he is sitting, his low hoarse voice speaks up quietly.

“You have come.”

His back is still facing her. Even though Chorong yearns to look at his face for one more time, she knows it’s better if they keep their distance this way. It will be harder later.

It will be so hard.

She knows she still has to say something though.

“Yes...” she says, her voice betraying no emotion. “...I’ve come to visit you of course. How are you feeling, Woohyun?”

He doesn’t answer. Instead, he asks, “Can you hold me? Just for awhile.”

Chorong clenches her fists tightly by the sides. Reminding herself to maintain her composure, she slowly sets herself down on the empty space next to him.

She holds out her arms, slowly and tenderly wrapping them around his already frail body. She can practically feel his bones through the thin piece of clothing he is wearing.

It breaks her heart. He wasn’t like this before.

She used to love hugging him, as much as being in his warm embrace. She misses those little kisses he would sneak on top of her head, while she lies comfortably on his chest. She longs to trace imaginary lines on his body and arms, before stealing a kiss when he wasn’t looking.

How she used to annoy him so much when he was busy with work. How he would be irritated, just to smile again the next second when she tickles him at his sensitive spots. How she would cook his favourite dishes for him and sent it to his study room when he was too caught up to eat dinner with her.

And how he would wake her up during the wee hours of the night, just to pull her onto his lap, and they would watch old movies together until they both fell asleep.

Chorong holds back her tears as she lays her head on his back.

Everything was going so good for them, until that incident. The one unfortunate event that changed all of their lives.

She tried so hard to convince him that it wasn’t his fault. That there was nothing he could’ve done to prevent it. That he was actually a victim too, and nobody holds him responsible.

But having to witness his best friend, being shot right in front of him with his own two eyes, appears to have a very torturous impact on him.

At that moment, Chorong knew she has lost him forever.

She presses her lips against his back.

“I miss you,” she mutters as she closes her eyes. “I miss us...”

She can hear the soft rumble coming from inside him as he lets out a chuckle.

“Do you still keep our movie collection, Chorongie?”

She nods, even though he can’t see her.

“You can always watch them when you miss me.”

She bit her lips hard. “It isn’t the same. I want to watch them with you, just like old times.”

“Sure, soon as I get out from here.”

Chorong isn’t sure if he’s trying to convince her or himself. It doesn’t make any difference though, because they both know it isn’t going to happen.


“His stamina is weakening. His willpower is decreasing day by day. It seems like, he doesn’t have any interest in continuing with life anymore.”

Not even me? She had thought.

“At least, he used to have regular sleep-time. Now, he rarely sleeps anymore. He claims that those nightmares are haunting him and that they are coming for him soon. He even said that they were in his room, but when we checked the cameras – we saw nothing. He was backed up against the wall, shielding himself from empty presence.”

“His condition is worsening. He hallucinates, he laughs and gets mad for no apparent reason. He lashes out at the nurses and doctors that want to help him. He attacks anyone he feels as a threat – in this case, everyone.”

“There’s nothing we can do anymore, Ms Park. We’ve tried every means in our power, but if he doesn’t want to help himself, we can’t either.”

What do you want me to do? She had cried out. I cannot lose him.

“The best thing you can do for him now, is get him out of his suffering.”


“What time is it?” he suddenly asks.

“6:20pm,” she answers without checking her watch. “The sun is setting soon.”

He keeps quiet for a moment.

“Do you think it’s pretty over there?”

Her eyebrows furrows. “Where?”

“Over there...heaven,” he says simply.

Chorong tightens her grip around him unconsciously.

I’m sure it is...” she says in a voice barely above a whisper. The tears have already fallen over, rolling down her cheeks coldly.

“I want to go there Chorongie. I want to find peace there.”

She carefully slips her right arm out of his grasp as he continues to chatter about the beautiful place called heaven. His voice sounds really happy and bright, something which she hasn’t hear in a very long time.

“I hope I can meet some angels there. I wonder how they look like...”

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a long, injection needle which they had given her earlier. Her hand is shaking as she tries to make sense of what she is going to do.

“...but I’m sure you’re more beautiful than they are...”

Closing her eyes, Chorong lifts up the hem of his shirt, before slowly jabbing in the sharp needle. She bit back her tongue to keep herself from screaming out loud.

This is wrong, this is so wrong.

But deep inside, she knows that this is the right thing to do. She has to help him escape from this painful misery.

His voice trails off as the lethal medicine slowly kicks into his system, shutting down everything one by one. Chorong is still holding him in her arms as he falls back onto the bed, gasping instinctively.

I’m sorry...” she whispers in between sobs, squeezing his hand tightly. “I’m so sorry Woohyun. I love you...I really do...”

Just as she thinks that hating her is going to be the last thing he’ll ever feel, he squeezes back her hand lightly. Chorong forces herself to look at him through watery eyes, even though it is tearing her up inside.

 A faint, soft smile is etched on his face, as though he is trying to tell her that it’s okay. That he knows why she is doing this – that he completely understands.

Chorong buries her face into his chest, unable to look at him when he lets out his last breath – when he closes his eyes for the final time.




Ugh, don't kill me guys >.<

Only Tears did this to me :3

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im_sucks_LOL #1
nice story i like it!!! <33
ThunderLime #2
Chapter 4: Awww Woorong <3 /is creying/
MnMy00 #3
Chapter 4: I love HoRong! <3
Chapter 4: Asdffghsgsgsh

Rereading that Horong for feels and asdfghjkl crying for its perfection.
Hequella #6
Ops i mean *pinkfinite
Hequella #7
Not really a infinite shipper but your one shots are really amazing!!! :D
deathlykomakii #8
it can't be.. noo why namu ; n ;
yuichan17 #9
NO~~~ this is so sad... T.T
why did woohyun have to die???? huhu...
woorong hwaiting!!!!
Only tears so sad T.T
jinjja~ spechless