What's really happening


So... Where to begin ?

First of all, this is not a chapter. Yes, I know I haven't been updating for a long time now, and this is why I'm writing this. No, I'm not stopping this fanfic.


I haven't been honest with you guys, on the reasons why I haven't been updating, and I felt like you guys should know.


I'm suffering from depression.


I already see coming the comments "we already know" but no, you don't.

This is not my first depression, I've suffered from this illness before and managed to get through it, so I really hope I'll heal soon.

Last year wasn't easy for me, and my depression went worse four months ago, and to say it clearly, I've been suicidal for the past three months.

I'm not self-harming, my parents know, I see a psychologist every week and I'll start to see a psychiatric soon, I'm taking medicines - but my condition is obviously at its worst state. I'm fighting every day but let's say there are days that I just feel like doing it. I still haven't, and I won't... but I really feel like dying some days.

I'm sorry this is not very positive lol

But yeah, this is the real reason I haven't been updating. My medicine is making me feel dizzy all the time so it's not easy for me to concentrate for a long time.


And this is why I wanted to post this

I'm starting to get into writing again. I still haven't started writing the second chapter of this fanfic because of school (I basically come home at 6pm nearly every day so it's not easy) but I'll start writing it soon I think.

So yup, expect from me :)

And until then, sorry again for giving up on you guys.

Thank you so much for the support I've been receiving for Coffee Love (5k views are you guys crazy) and Trust me ♥


Bye :)

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PikaBow2 #1
Chapter 6: I love your writing so much....
Chapter 5: It make me kinda sad knowing you have suffer through that. Get well really soon, author-nim! Anyway no need to rush cause we can wait. Your health is your main priority now. Find strength :)
chillaxdiva #3
this looks promising!! can't wait~~

let me grab something i've thought of when i read the prologue :)

thanks for making a story out of the prologue <3