Chapter 2

The Twins Who See The Dead


Chapter 2 : The Letters.



"Hey guys, I came as fast as I can." Mark said as he sat down besides Lee Yin while putting his hands over her shoulder and bringing her close to his chest. Mark was one of the few who knew about the twins ability and fortunate enough that he didn't freak out about it. "Tell me what happened." Mark said looking both at Jackson and Lee Yin. Jackson sighed before telling Mark what happened. "I mean, we see ghost every time, and the one we see is the only one that were killed. But Sehun's brother? Can you imagine that we knew about his brother is killed and we don't have any rights or proof to tell Sehun about it." Jackson continued.

"I felt guilty that we don't have the rights to tell what happened to his brother." Lee Yin muttered quietly. Mark was quiet for a while, "I understand, it's better to know a stranger was killed than knowing someone who was close to a person that was killed." The three of them was quiet for a few minutes when Lee Yin pulled herself away from Mark, "I bet rap monster knew about this. He looks like in a panic mood when he sent us to class." Lee Yin says as she goes into the kitchen trying to get something cold to drink with Jackson behind her. "I'm going upstairs. call me if you guys need anything." Jackson was about to climb upstairs when he sees Rap Monster with someone behind him. "Y-you, y-y-you're Yibo, r-right?" he stuttered. Yibo nods his head and points somewhere to tell Jackson to follow him.

Jackson followed him to the backyard of their house, then he realized there is something under the tree, a black and white polka-dot paper bag design was placed under it. Jackson called for Lee Yin and Mark while he took the paper bag under the tree. He looked into the content and he saw the bag was filled letters. Lee Yin came with Mark, they look on what Jackson was holding, "What's that?" Mark asked. 

"I don't know, Yibo showed it to me. He was here before." Says Jackson. Wide eyed, Lee Yin asked, "he was here? Where is he now?" Lee Yin felt weird, is there something going on? But she knew, what was bound to happen won't be pretty. Somewhere deep in her heart, with the expectation of Mark, everyone was included in this. Sehun, Yibo, Rap Monster, Jackson and even herself  was included. She didn't want to think too much but her prediction was always right.

"So what should we do about this letter? Just shove this into his mouth and walk away?" said Jackson as he tried to think the best way on how to give Sehun his dead brother letters. Lee Yin slapped his shoulder lightly with a small chuckle left . Even in this serious matter and time, Jackson had the time to say something stupid that left his mouth.  "I don't know Jackson, just try to think of something like I found this somewhere like in the lab or anywhere else." But they both knew, that it was easier said than done.

It was just yesterday, they went into their house when Yibo asked a favor to asked Lee Yin and Jackson to passed the letters to Sehun, and of course being the soft hearted person, Jackson said yes right away without thinking. And to think about yesterday, Jackson immediately regretted his action as he didn't know how to pass the letters to Sehun.

"What if he ask how do I got these letters? What do I say? HELP ME LEE YIN!" Jackson grabbed both his twin sister's shoulder and swing her back and front. "It's not my fault that someone says yes right away." She pushed Jackson's hands away from her. When she tried to think of something, she saw Sehun on his locker taking out books that were needed for the day. An idea popped into her head that she knew on how to pass the letters to Sehun, she slapped her forehead finding the thing was already in front of her eyes. How can she forget that her locker is two lockers away from Sehun's! She could just say that someone might misplaced the letters into her locker thinking that it was his instead of her's.

"Wait here Jackson, let me!" Lee Yin took the polka-dotted bag and run towards Sehun who was still on his lockers, "Good thing! I need to go to the toilet to pee first." And just like that, Jackson ran towards the nearest toilet.

"Hey Sehun!" Sehun heard someone called his name look towards the voice he heard and saw Lee Yin coming towards him. "Yes, Lee Yin?" Sehun felt awkward. Sure, they talked before that was only when in times of need like group project or teachers asking to look each other and nothing more than that. "Uh.. um, here, this is for you." Lee Yin held out her hand that was holding the bag waiting for Sehun to took it away from her. Sehun frowned, he was not in the mood for confession as he just lost someone important to him. "Sorry, but I have no intention on accepting any confession right now."  Sehun apologized and walked away.

"Wait! This is not a confession, Sehun." Lee Yin grabbed his hand. Sehun felt something spark on him when she grabbed his hand and he felt like don't want to let it go. Ever. "Someone put this in my locker, then I saw it was dedicated to you so I think the person misplaced this thinking that your locker was mine since our locker is not that far away." Lee Yin explained. Sehun felt blood rushing onto his cheek that he thought Lee Yin was trying to confess. "But try not to breakdown when you read those Sehun, I accidently read who was it from." Lee Yin said before muttering a goodbye to Sehun.

Sehun watched as Lee Yin's figure walked away until she blended with the other students who were going onto their class just in time as the bells ringed. He sighed and put the the bag he just received promising to look into it later. 

"Did you do it?" Jackson asked right away when he saw Lee Yin entered the class and placing her navy blue backpack besides he table. She sat down and facing Jackson and she let out a big sigh. "I did." She told Jackson. When Jackson heard she did it, his jaw dropped. "You did?" Jackson asked for confirmation. Lee Yin nodded her head and explained what happened earlier and of course not leaving out the part where Sehun thought that it was a confession. 

After Jackson heard the story that Lee Yin told him, Jackson blinked his eyes couple of time before laughing when he heard Sehun thought that Lee Yin was trying to confess. But then, he was quiet. "How do you think he would react?" Jackson questioned but his eyes were looking onto the boy who had his head looking out the window. "Let just hope that he will accept it. But we will know he will come to us after he read the letters inside. We just have to be prepared on what to come." Lee Yin too, had her eyes on the boy.

His eyes looked around the room. His hand trailed onto the pictures besides the table and pictures that were glued onto the wall and framed picture too. Most of the picture was filled with both of them, their parents, his friends. Sehun smile sadly at one photo that was taken a week before the accident happened. The picture was taken when they had a family outing, ideas suggested by their parents. Both of them had their shoulder around each other while the blond haired one had a peace sign onto the camera.

"Sehun, come down and eat!"  A women voice hollered from downstairs. He looked onto the room one last time before switching off the lamp and heading downstairs. As he headed downstairs he heard his parents talking in a hushed voice. When Sehun arrived on the dining table he can feel his parents worried gaze staring at him. Although he didn't have the appetite to eat, Sehun still eats as he didn't want to worry his parents more. They just lost a son of theirs too and obviously they don't want to loose another one not by physically but mentally. A week has passed, fortunately Sehun has came to accept that nothing can do bring his brother back to live. At least, he has still the memories about his brother.

After dinner, Sehun was lying down on his bed, he heard his phone vibrate on his study table. As he gets up, he saw the polka-dot paper bag. He had totally forgotten about the bag as he was tired from school and he was excited to see his late brother's room to look at the memories. People might thought that he was gay for loving his brother too much, but things couldn't be change as they went through ups and downs together ever since they were young.

He looked onto the sticky note posted on the side of the paper bag. His eyes widened when he sees who actually sent him the bag. He can feel the temperature in the room turned cold but sweats of nervous were lining down his forehead.  He knew the handwriting to well, he also can felt his heartbeat beats faster. He had a feeling that the things he received were bad news, his mind tell him no but his heart tells me yes to read the letter.

Read the letter in the red envelope first, hyung!

- Y :)

With a gulp and a deep breath, Sehun pulled out a red envelope and he took another deep breath before letting out a loud big sigh. He tear the envelope open revealing the letter inside.

Hi Sehun hyung! The moment you read this letter, I know that I will no longer be on your side forever. Please don't be too depressed on my death. Or I will not be able to enjoy in heaven with you keep morning of me. I need my forever beauty sleep too.

Sehun scoffed as he reads the letter. Even though his tears keep on running he always knew his brother is a cocky bastard that will never fail to amused him. 

Anyway hyung. I knew that day would come when I overheard them talking about killing me the other day when I found out about their illegal business. Please hyung, stop them. They kill too many innocent lives. Stop them for me, and continue to live on without me. Find a girl and don't forget to name your future child after me. Bye hyung~ Wait for more to come hyung. :)

The paper in Sehun's hand crumbled as Sehun held it as tight as possible. He was mad, really mad. Who could have killed his baby brother? The letters was short and it didn't made him feel better to know when his brother was killed. Sehun vows, he vowed to find the killer and make the person life hell as possible. Even if Yibo added some jokes about girl, he didn't have time for that.

Sehun thought hard, why would someone killed his brother. His tears never stop lining down his face. Eventually, he fell asleep.

'Sehun looked around, he was in the middle of the roads, at the end of the roads he saw someone lying on the ground. Sehun tried to run fast, but he still felt he ran slowly. When he arrived, Sehun felt he was too late. There, he saw Yibo lying on the ground, bloods and wounds covered his face.  Yibo turned to Sehun a small smile appeared on Yibo's lip. "Find Lee Yin and Jackson Hyung, they'll help you." And then, Yibo closed his eyes. Sehun screamed, he tried to wake Yibo up. When Sehun felt his body shaking and the back of his mind he heard someone trying to wake Sehun up instead of Yibo's'

Sehun jolted up from his dream, his mother worried face appeared beside him trying to calm him down. "Are you okay, Sehun?" She worriedly asked. Sehun nods his head, "Im okay." He mumbled. His mother went downstairs to get him a glass of water. But in Sehun's mind, he will visits the twins the first thing in the morning.

Meanwhile, Rap Monster was talking with Yibo. Anyone who can see ghosts if there's any, will see the tension the surrounding area and can feel it even the humans are afraid to walk  through the way, as some of them can feel shivers down their spine. "This needs to stop. Before they kill other people more. You know we both have the same killer." Rap Monster said to Yibo.


 Hi guys! So I've finished my exam! 

But I'll have my pre-qualifying exam this May! SHIIIZZZ

Have you guys seen BTS fire? I swear, I died for a moment





Bye guys, leave comments pls <3












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Chapter 2: This is intriguing can't wait for the next chapter
Pxnellyxq #2
this seems promising can't wait for the first update :)