Chapter 1

The Twins Who See The Dead


Chapter 1 : The Ghost.

Sehun walked into the school corridor, his eyes were puffy and red and dark ring were forming under his eyes. To him, his life has no meaning anymore.

Half of his life were taken away when the doctors told his family that it was too late to save Yibo after he had lost too many blood.

Some of the students ignored him, some were looking on his way eyes filled with sympathy, some pat his shoulders while giving him encouraging words that make him feel better.

His friends were there too, but they knew, even with encouraging words would never made him feel better. 

Even if Suho was there as he always knew how to make things better, he couldn't. Even Chanyeol was quiet as he was known as the loudest amongst his groups of friend.

"What are we suppose to do, Suho hyung?" asked Kai.

"I don't know, Kai. I've tried everything,  but it just didn't work out." Suho sighed. 

"I can't handle this anymore, he needs some sense get into him." Baekhyun muttered as he grab Sehun's collar and pushed him onto the school locker lining down the hallway.

"You should stop this  Oh Sehun, do you think that Yibo would want you to be like this?" Baekhyun said, then he continued, "You're not the only one that is effected because of this Sehun, It affects all of us too." 

He said quietly as he lets go of Sehun's collar. Then he sighed deeply and pass by Sehun, leaving him with his other friends shocked at his outburst,

"I don't think I'll be going to class today, Bye guys, bye Sehun. I hope that you'll be back." Baekhyun smiled softly then went away.



CL's latest song, Hello es filled the room. Lee Yin groaned and put her pillow above her head hoping that the sound will lessen and she would be able to go back to sleep.

Lee Yin was about to go back to sleep when her bedroom door smashed open making the girl on the bed jolted up and fell onto the ground. 

The ghost who was standing near her study table give her a pity look but there was a teasing smile on his lips. 

"Rise and shine, sissy!" Jackson said out loud while clapping both his hands sounding like a mother who woke their children up. He then faced the ghost boy near the table and made a face. "You still here?" 

Rap Monster rolled his eyes while giving Jackson his middle finger.

Rap Monster was an eighteen year old teenager that died because he was shot on his chest multiple times. his shirt was still filled with blood. But the thing was, Rap Monster did not want to find his killer as he enjoyed living with Lee Yin (and of course enjoyed making Jackson's life as annoying as possible). Rap Monster was a person who didn't like to talk a lot. He talks only when he needs to like telling the twins his name and telling them how he got killed after he found out that they can see him when the both of them move in from China five years ago.
" I swear Jackson Wang, I'm going to chop your off so you wouldn't be able to get your future wife pregnant." Lee Yin uttered out while rubbing her trying to ease out the pain. Rap Monster raised one of his hands signaling that he wanted to join in the plan.  Jackson scoffed at the ghost boy but then quickly went out when Rap Monster almost change into a scary ghost ( he will turned into a scary ghost that shows off his wound that he got when he died). Lee Yin went into her bathroom and does her daily routine. When Lee Yin went into the bathroom, Rap Monster felt goosebumps, he furrowed both his eyebrows in confusion.  He usually felt the goosebumps when somebody was killed only this time he felt it quiet strong than before.
When Lee Yin was done she went down for breakfast but furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she sees Jackson intensively reading a newspaper with his eyebrows almost meet together. And Rap Monster was also sitting down quietly lost in his thoughts. "Is it the end of the world? Why are you two sitting down quietly and not trying to bite off each other heads off?" She questioned.
"Look at this, 'Oh Yibo, a seventeen year old teenager just passed away last night from a car accident. He was wearing his school uniform when he died and lost too many blood even before he arrived at the hospital.' Isn't he Oh Sehun's brother? Right?" Jackson looks up from the newspaper and looks at Lee Yin for answer, Lee Yin nodded her head but continues to read the newspaper when Jackson snapped the newspaper in his hands suprisingly surprising his twin sister. "What the hell is wrong with you? You kept on making my heartbeat stop for a moment there and this morning too." Lee Yin cursed.  "Come on, eat your cereal or else we will be late."


When the three of them arrived they can felt the usually loud students were quiet. They also can feel the tension around, Rap Monster felt that the goosebumps he had before had gone stronger, his eyebrows came together in the middle trying to figure out whether the news they read before is true about either the person was in so called accident or were killed. He kept walking with the twins that he didn't realise that they had arrived to the twins classrooms. The student in there were also quiet enough to respect the brother of the loss. The twins nodded at Rap Monster who had his eyes widened when he saw someone standing near to Sehun. And he quickly went away after signalling the twins knowing that the both of them with found out sooner or later.


When Jackson and Lee Yin went to their tables, they nodded at Sehun as a sorry for his lost when they see someone standing behind Sehun's sit, they look up and gasped loudly that mad the whole class look at them. 

"Shoot! I forgot my homework!" Lee Yin lied. "Yours too, Jackson because I borrowed your work last night" and she quickly went out from the classrom.

"Lee Yin! Wait!" Jackson screamed. 

After Jackson had catched up with Lee Yin, he took a breath and the twins looked at each other. 

"Yibo was killed." The both of them said at the same time. 


Meanwhile, in the classroom, Sehun was lost in his thought when he realised, "We have no homework."





Finally had the chance to update chapter 1, yeay!

I've been busy with exam and one of my exam had been postponed. WTF.

And BTS releasing three MV is just...

And also, who has been waiting for SMTM5?






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Chapter 2: This is intriguing can't wait for the next chapter
Pxnellyxq #2
this seems promising can't wait for the first update :)