Chapter 2

Hot Coffee

Did Chanyeol hear wrong? Impossibe. His words wear clear. Maybe he was thinking of Jongin..maybe he still wasn't over him. As Chanyeol thought about more posibilities why he said those three words, Baekhyun started to wrap his arms around Chanyeol's waist and snuggled more into him. Chanyeol felt like he can't breath. Why is he feeling like this? For some reason he didn't push the smaller off. His heart was beating fast in his chest but to feel Baekhyun's warmth around him made him feel comfortable.

"I love you.." Chanyeol heard it again. Before he could think further of what he's thinking about, Baekhyun added one word. "..Chanyeol."

Chanyeol's eyes widened at the other one's words. Chanyeol couldn't help himself and immediately stood up and got out of Baekhyun's grip, causing the other boy to wake up. Before Baekhyun could even process what happened and ask what's going on, Chanyeol ran upstairs. The only thing being heard was a door being closed. The movie was long over and there was Baekhyun, sleepy eyes and a confused look on his face, sitting on the couch. Did I do something? And the the realisation hit him. He knows that he talks when he's asleep and that everything he says is true, depends on what he says. Baekhyun felt like he was going crazy. Just what did he say to make Chanyeol this..upset? Baekhyun sat up and made his way upstairs into Chanyeol's bedroom. The older male stood before his door for a few seconds, anxious about what will happen. He decided to knock but after getting no response he opened the door. 

"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun carefully asked. He got no response. Chanyeol layed in his bed, back facing Baekhyun. "Are you alright?" 

Still no answer. Baekhyun decided to be bold. Making his way to Chanyeol's bed and sitting on it, his right arm on Chanyeol's shoulder. He felt Chanyeol stiffen beside him. "What is wrong Chanyeol? Did I do something and if yes I am really sorry because I often talk in my sleep and I don't know if-" Chanyeol quickly turned around and grabbed Baekhyun's wrist, causing him to fall on top of Chanyeol. Before he could lift himself up, Chanyeol grabbed his hips and brought him closer to him, his arms now around Baekhyun. Chanyeol just stared into Baekhyun's eyes. Baekhyun blushed and lightly tried to get out of Chanyeol's grip but the other one was much stronger and held on tightly. They stayed like this for a few seconds till Chanyeol asked him something which made Baekhyun gape.

"Are you still in love with Jongin?" His voice was quiet and calm but something in it sounded like he was heartbroken.

"W-what! No..I'm not! .. He broke my heart and I will never forget that."



"Are you in love with me?" 

Baekhyun's eyes couldn't get any bigger and his cheeks any redder. He hesitated. "W-what..why are you asking?" Baekhyun was nervous.

"You hesitated. And you didn't answer my question."

"I..I'm.." Baekhyun tried to get up but before he could get out of Chanyeol's grip, the younger ones left hand pulled Baekhyun closer to him and his right hand moved towards Baekhyun's chest.

"W-what are you doing Chanyeol! I'm-"

"I can feel your hearbeat. It's really fast.." Chanyeol smiled. "Don't lie to me and answer my question."

Baekhyun couldn't. Why was Chanyeol like that? 

"I can help you if you want."


Before Baekhyun could ask further questions, Chanyeol put his right hand on Baekhyun's head and pushed it lightly towards his face. They were only a few inches apart and soon the distance was closed. Their lips were pressed against each other and Baekhyun couldn't comprehend the whole situation. The only thing Baekhyun knew was that it felt good. It was a long, very long kiss, passionate but still gentle and slow. For Baekhyun it was perfect, especially because it was Chanyeol who was kissing him. If this was a dream, Baekhyun would hope to not wake up. Forever. Chanyeol gently went through Baekhyun's hair and for some reason Baekhyun just let himself completely fall. Their bodies were completely pressed against each other. Chanyeol was first to pull out and while he did that, his right hand now moved towards Baekhyun's right cheek, slowly carressing it. 

"Do you know your answer now?"

Baekhyun slowly nodded, a light flush on his cheeks. "Yes I do.. I love you, Channie." And with Chanyeol hearing those words, he couldn't hold back anymore. He attacked the older ones lips yet again, smiling in the kiss.

After their kiss, Chanyeol embraced Baekhyun more and started whispering something in his ear.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not realising your feelings towards me and for not realising mine earlier. After you mumbled 'I love you' while you were asleep, something in me clicked and for a while I was very anxious and confused. Until you sat down on my bed. I realised my feelings for you."

"It's fine. At least you accept my feelings."

Baekhyun felt happy and so did Chanyeol. 

Now did Chanyeol realise, was he ever this happy with her? Did he ever feel like that when he was with her? Was he truly in love?





Some months passed and both of them really were truly happy. Chanyeol loved Baekhyun and Baekhyun loved Chanyeol. 




"I'm breaking up with you. I am sorry" Chanyeol plainly said, with am emotionless face.

"What!..Why?.." Baekhyun nervously asked.

"I don't love you anymore." He said, his face still showing no emotions.

"How can you say that! I know we had some fights but those weren't really important anyway. How can you just.. I just don't understand..Channie-"

"Chanyeol. For you it's Chanyeol. You shouldn't call me like that, now that we're not a couple anymore. I am really sorry but I just don't feel the same anymore.. I met someone.."

Baekhyun felt like crying. It didn't took that long for the first tear to roll down his face and soon enough there were more than a few tears. Baekhyun was heartbroken and there was no way that this would actually happen. This had to be a nightmare.

It wasn't.

"Are you ing kidding me?! You were playing with me all the time, am I right? I was never special to you..never. Right? You were only lonely because your ex-girlfriend broke up with you so you were trying to forget, were you? With me.. I was just someone who helped you forget. ..How could I actually think that you really loved me? How..could I be so dumb?" Baekhyun was sobbing, looking confused and hurt at the same time, his gaze wandering around the ground. He then looked up, trying to search for the lies in Chanyeol's eyes. All the lies he told Baekhyun. What was about all the 'I love you's' and all the kisses and hugs they shared? All the time the younger one smiled at him? All the time they laughed with each other? Were those times all a big lie?

"You're right. You were a distraction and nothing more. I never really felt anything bigger than friendship for you actually. That day.. you have to forget what happened at my birthday. I was just lonely and after that I was just too scared to tell you that I never really loved you in the first place. I also kind of understand this Jongin guy now. Maybe he cheated because you were too clingy." Chanyeol was mockingly saying.


Before he could say anything more he felt a sharp pain on his left cheek. Baekhyun slapped him across the face. Chanyeol put his hand on his stinging cheek and looked at the smaller one with wide eyes. 

"I hate you! So SO much! I hate you so much, you are the worst thing which ever happened in my life and I don't ever, EVER want to see your face and hear you voice in my life again. you! You ing idiot! How could I be so blind and fall for someone like you.." Baekhyun shouted at him, his face red from the anger he felt. His heart was shattered into a million pieces.


Baekhyun ran away. Not ever turning around again. Just running, till there was only left a little dot in the distance and after a while this little dot also disappeared. 

He never thought that Baekhyun would be like that and react like that. Ever hurting the other and saying all this to him. He never saw him like that before and it hurt. It hurt more than the sting on his left cheek.

Chanyeol was crying. This was a mistake.


That was the last time they saw each other. 





Baekhyun was still not over Chanyeol. Five years ago the bad breakup happened and Baekhyun just couldn't forget. He dyed his hair dark brown after that to 'start a new chapter' but still - not one day passed of him not thinking about something or someone else other than Chanyeol. Over the past years Baekhyun changed. He got a lot of confessions and he rejected all of them. Baekhyun knew he was stupid. Stupid for not letting anyone else into his heart ever again, just because of Chanyeol. Yes, he was in a relationship with other people before Chanyeol, for example Jongin but it was just different with Chanyeol. He really felt like he had someone special in his life. Someone who he trusted. And someone who he really loved. For Baekhyun it wasn't just puppy love but for Chanyeol it wasn't even that. He was just a distraction because the other one was lonely. 

It was unfair. Unfair that Baekhyun thought of him all the time, while the other probably even forgot about his existence. 

Unfair that he still loved him after all that. 

Unfair that the other actually vanished after telling him he'd never want to see the other again. 

Unfair that all those words he said to Chanyeol were a big lie and that he missed and loved him. More than anything else in this world.





It was a Saturday night when Baekhyun decided to buy his coffee again. He still hasn't gotten over his habit. He still loved his midnight coffee with milk and sugar from the petrol station. It was kind of making Baekhyun feel very sad every time he ordered his coffee, of course because of Chanyeol. They used to buy their coffee together all the time when they were in a relationship. At first, the amount of milk and sugar Baekhyun put into his coffee made Chanyeol's stomach almost turn. He was shocked to see that the older one put so much into it, he probably wouldn't even taste the coffee anymore. Eventually, it grew on the younger and he started to drink the coffee like Baekhyun too. He didn't think that he'd like it so much but he did and from the moment he first tryed it, he started to buy this coffee too. Most of the time they bought it together - and that's when Chanyeol's habit started too.

There was Baekhyun, walking into the petrol station, way past midnight as usual. He was surprised to see another person standing in front of the counter. He couldn't see who the person was because his back was turned but Baekhyun didn't really care anyway. They were two cashier's so he didn't have to wait for the other one to finish his order. As Baekhyun made his way towards the counter he stood beside the other person. He was ready to speak and order his coffee and when he did, he couldn't believe the other voice he heard next to him, speaking at the same time as him.

"With milk and sugar, please." They said both at the same time.

Baekhyun stared, his mouth hanging wide open. He didn't know what to feel or how to react. This couldn't be reality, could it? This could not be Park Chanyeol standing beside him, looking at him shocked too. For a second Baekhyun studied Chanyeol's appearance. He didn't change - at all. 

Baekhyun looked down and as he felt a hand on his shoulder he immediately looked at the younger one again. He felt something growing in the pit of his stomach. It was pure anger. He couldn't handle it anymore. "Cancel the order. I'm sorry." He said to the cashier before running out of the door. 

This couldn't be happening, right? After five years of thinking of him, missing him and trying to find him and failing, he saw him now? He never expected to ever see him ever again and it was weird to exactly meet him here again. 

Before he could think more about if this was a dream or not, he heard the ringing bell of the door in his ears. He quickly turned around to see a Chanyeol with two plastic cups of coffee, struggling to open door. He eventually made it and was making his way to Baekhyun.

"Here. This is for you." He calmly said.

Baekhyun could not believe the words which came out of the other's mouth.

"Are you..are you serious right now? This is what you say to me after five years just vanishing from this planet? After rejecting me in the worst way possible?"

"I'm sorry Baek.."

"No! Don't ever dare to call me that! you!" Baekhyun shouted at the other, tears showing in his eyes. What he did seconds later was something not even he realised. He rose his right hand, tuned it into a fist and punched the other in the face. Chanyeol stumbled back and both of the cups fell onto the ground, some of the hot liquid splashing on Chanyeol's hands. He groaned and made a pained expression as he felt the hot coffee on his skin. Baekhyun was shocked at his own action. Both of his hands slapping on his mouth, eyes wide open. What have I done?

Chanyeol's hand were red and so his face. He looked so hurt and in pain and Baekhyun just couldn't handle it anymore, so he ran.

Ran away from Chanyeol but what he didn't expect was the guy running after him. He ran faster and faster, I'm almost home.

What he didn't expect was a hand gripping his wrist and turning him around. He should've known that the giant was obviously faster because of his long legs.

Baekhyun tried to get out of his grip but Chanyeol held him tight and soon pushed him into his embrace. Baekhyun's eyes widened at his sudden movement and more tears started welling up in his eyes. "L-Let me go..! Please.." 

"No.. I won't. Let me.. let me explain."

"What is there to explain?! Let me go!" he tried to get out of his grip but failed again. "Do you know how hard it was! Without you.. constantly thinking about you and not getting over you.." Baekhyun said, now calm. "Missing you and still loving you? Chanyeol.. I still love you but you just threw me and my heart away like it was trash."

Chanyeol fully embraced Baekhyun now, holding him even more tight than before. He started sobbing and Baekhyun thought that this was not happening at the moment. Why is he crying?

"You don't know how much I missed you Baekhyun.. I am so, so sorry. I didn't want all of that, please believe me."

Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol away. And before Chanyeol could look, Baekhyun was running into his house, the door closing after him. Baekhyun didn't know how to feel, it was just all to much and he broke down. 


And there was Baekhyun, lying on the cold hard ground, eyes swollen from all the crying he did, the only thing hearing is the constant knocking on his door, Chanyeol's voice asking him repeadedly to open the door, thinking about what he did wrong to deserve this. All he wanted was someone to trust. Someone who really understood him. Someone who really loved him. But all he got was a broken heart and broken trust. This was not how he wanted things to be. He loved him way too much for that what happened to be real. He was trying so hard to just get over him and then he just had to come in my life again and destroy everything. Why? 


"Stop lying at me.. why are you like this now? Why are you even back after five goddamn years!" Baekhyun eventually said to him after a while.

"I had to! I ing had to leave you! Did you really think that all those moments we had with each other, all the love we shared with each othere were all just a lie? No.." Chanyeol clenched his fist but immediately stopped as he felt the sting on his hand. 

"Then tell me Chanyeol. Tell me why you said all those things to me and why you left me.."

"My father got an offer from his job five years ago. A promotion - that meant obviously more money. I didn't tell you about this but we had financial problems so we couldn't say no to my dad's job offer. There was just one conditon. We had to move to America because a part ob his job's company moved there and they needed more employee's from here over there. If he would have said no to it he wouldn't have gotten the promotion and we really, really needed it." Chanyeol sighed. "I thought it was better to leave you like this and you forgetting about me instead of having a long distance relationship because I knew that this would've never worked in the first place and I loved you way too much. I still do Baekkie.. please open the door."

"Is this really true Chanyeol..? I-I don't want to get hurt again.. please. It was too much for me Chanyeol. My heart was broken and I.. I don't know what I should do."

"Nothing I ever said to you were lies Baek.. Do you know how much it hurt to say all that to you? I pressed all of those forcefully out of my mouth. And with every word and letter I spoke, my heart broke more and more." Chanyeol said as he leaned his head on the door. "Please, I beg you. Open the door." 

After a moment of silence Chanyeol heard something move on the other side of the door and he took a step back. The sound of a lock opening made Chanyeol unpatient. The door opened and there stood Baekhyun, puffy and red eyed from all the crying.

Now it was Chanyeol's turn to be bold. He put his arms around the other's waist and embraced him into a warm hug, his head resting on the older one's shoulder.

"We had to stay at least five years and after I turned 22 I decided to come here with my mother. My dad is still there and we are stable now with the money so we had enough to come back here. Baek, I also never stopped loving and thinking about you. I was so depressed to know that you're probably happy right now with someone else. It freaking hurt."

Baekhyun dragged Chanyeol into his house and closed the door. "Baek, what are you-" he got cut off by soft lips pressing onto his. Chanyeol's eyes widened but after a few seconds he couldn't help himself and give in. It was a gentle but passionate kiss. Chanyeol put his hand on Baekhyun's cheek and caressed it. He wanted this for so long and waited so long for this moment. He missed the feeling of Baekhyun's lips on his every day and now that he can finally feel them again, it feels like he's flying. Baekhyun put one of his hands on Chanyeol's - the one on his cheek and held on it. Chanyeol winced and pulled out of the kiss. Baekhyun was shocked. Did he do something wong? Chanyeol gently rubbed a thumb on his hands and Baekhyun now got what was bothering him.

"I-I'm sorry Chanyeol.. I realy didn't want that to happen." Baekhyun sadly said, looking onto the ground.

"No, it's fine Baek. It was an accident. Okay, well, maybe not your fist on my face but the thing with the coffee." Chanyeol chuckled a bit.

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol and grabbed his wrist, instead his hand. "Take off your shoes." he ordered. "O-Okay." Chanyeol did and Baekhyun started going to the living room with Chanyeol and pushed him lightly onto the couch. "Wait a second, I'll be right back." Baekhyun said and made his way into the kitchen.

He came back with two ice packs and sat down beside Chanyeol. He gently took Chanyeol's hands and put the ice pack on it, wrapping a cloth around them. After that he took the the second ice pack and before he placed it on the other one's cheeks, he hesitated. "This will maybe hurt a bit and it's cold." Chanyeol just nodded and Baekhyun continued his actions.

They stayed like this for a minute and Chanyeol was the first to break the silence. "Where are your parents?" 

"They both have holidays at the moment so they decided to go to Jeju Island together. So I am alone at home." Baekhyun gave him a reassuring smile.

Chanyeol just gave him an understanding nod. They didn't talk for a while but yet again Chanyeol was breaking the tension again.

"Why did you dye your hair? I liked your golden brown hair." Chanyeol pouted a litte. "N-Not that you don't look cute now but yeah.. I'm just asking."

"After you left me I thought it would be better to kind of 'start new' but as you see that didn't really work." Baekhyun chuckled. "I don't know why but I just let my hair have this color and I never really thought about dying it in a different one again." 

Chanyeol started staring at the smaller one. Baekhyun caught him staring and started blushing. "W-Why are you staring?"

"I just forgot how cute you still are."

Baekhyun froze but his stomach didn't. He felt like thousands of elefants were rolling around in his stomach.

"Chanyeol! Stop that.."

"Never. I was so dumb to let you go and from now on I will tell you more often how precious you are." Chanyeol scooted closer to Baekhyun and removed the ice pack from his hands. He put his hands on Baekhyun's waist and pushed him towards him. Baekhyun was basically lying on Chanyeol. "What are you doing, Chanyeol! Your hands are going to hurt.." 

"No pain will ever be this painful than the pain I felt when I wasn't with you." Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun tighter and put his head on the crook of his neck. He started kissing Baekhyun's neck and slowly went up to his ear. Baekhyun was blushing crazy and didn't know what to do. He still couldn't believe that all of this was actually happening.

"I am so in love with you, you don't even know. You make me crazy, Baekhyun." Chanyeol wispered into his ears.

Baekhyun looked down on Chanyeol's face and smiled.

"I missed you Channie."

"I missed you too." Chanyeol reached out and started the others not so golden brown hair.

Baekhyun leaned down and kissed Chanyeol.

"Now that I remember.. I want my coffee." Baekhyun pouted cutely. 

Chanyeol let out a calm laugh. "I'll get you another cup."

Baekhyun grinned happily at the other. "But with milk and sugar, please."









AN: This is so crappy I'm sorry >_< But I still hope you liked it! This is my first chanbaek fic I wrote :0 But I hope to write much more~ 

I would really appreciate it if you upvote this story and subscribe and comment. I love to read comments the most ^_^ . Anyway, I'm grateful for all of you reading this story and I hope that my writing gets better with each story :)

And sorry if there are some typos haha! 

I love you all so much and thank you very much!

See you in my next story, annyeong~










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Chapter 2: nice story!
ohannia #2
Chapter 2: goddamn it... im so destroyed rn. im on a existential crisis. this is so good, awesome actually... i need time to think what im gonna do with my life now... why cb does this to me? why you did this to me oh why
Chapter 2: wow. great story
pcymuus #4
Chapter 2: omo my feels ㅠ_ㅠ this is such a great story!!
meongmungee #5
Chapter 1: Chanyeol is just too sweet.. I like it.
Chapter 1: Omg love it! Waiting for your nex update!