Chapter 1

Hot Coffee

There was Baekhyun, lying on the cold hard ground, eyes swollen from all the crying he did, the only thing hearing is the constant knocking on his door, a voice asking him repeadedly to open the door, thinking about what he did wrong to deserve this. All he wanted was someone to trust. Someone who really understood him. Someone who really loved him. But all he got was a broken heart and broken trust. This was not how he wanted things to be. He loved him way too much for that what happened to be real.


He loved his boyfriend, he really did. He was handsome, tall, had a deep y voice, was nice to everyone and never failed to make Baekhyun feel happy.
His name was Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol. 

How they met was actually kind of a funny story. They met at a petrol station in the middle of the night. It was right across the street, only a two minute walk from Baekhyun’s house away. 
He was having a really bad day, arguments with his family, bad grades and lack of sleep from all the studying. Also, he caught his now ex-boyfriend named Jongin cheating on him at a party few days ago, which didn’t really made him happier.
His dark circles looking worse than those from his classmate named Tao. He didn’t hate him, he was just pointing it out.

Whenever Baekhyun had a bad day (mostly everyday), he was buying a cup of coffee from the petrol station. A lot milk and a lot sugar. He had a sweet tooth as you could probably tell. Normally, people would make their coffee at home or they’d buy it, they wouldn’t buy it at a petrol station where everything is three times more expensive than the normal prize but for some reason he just liked the coffee from the gas station much more. (And he was too shy to ask the cashier from which brand the coffee was.) Even though he puts milk and sugar inside, he feels like it tasted different and better than the coffee from other places. 

It was a Thursday night when the 17 year old Baekhyun decided to go and get his coffee. It was already past midnight and Baekhyun felt that this is going to be a long night. Before he went out he looked at himself in the mirror and groaned at his totally drained out face. He decided to wear sunglasses and put on a black beanie to hide his darc circles and his messy, ruffled, golden brown hair. After putting on some shoes without a jacket, he decided to go out, it was a summer night anyways.
As he went inside and looked around he saw that there was no one but him and the same cashier that he saw almost everyday. After ordering his coffee, he payed and made his way out of the gas station. It was hard seeing everything from the black shades on his face so when some random stranger bumped into the smaller one, making him fall, his hot coffee spilling everywhere on him, he couldn’t have backed out anyway.

“Ow!..” Baekhyun let out a quiet shriek, his shirt and a bit on his arms, wet from the brown liquid.
“Oh my god I am so sorry! I was in a hurry, wanting to buy some stuff for my girlfriend and I didn’t look where I was going. Are you alright?” The stranger with a very deep voice asked with a worried tone in his voice, kneeling down to help the smaller up.
Baekhyun let out a groan, making it obvious how pissed he was at the burning stingy feeling on his arm, surely going to leave red marks behind.
“Do I look ‘alright’ in your eyes? Does my shirt?” The smaller one asked mockingly, taking off his glasses to have a better look at the mess the other did.
“I’m really sorry.. I, uhm I’ll..wait” the taller one stuttered, grabbing the sleeve of his sweater and rubbing it against the wet shirt from Baekhyun, only making it worse. Baekhyun flushed and looked up with wide eyes at the person in front of him. Baekhyun doesn’t know why but only the one short second he saw the guy in front of him, face worried, he was mesmerised at the guy’s handsomeness. Seconds after, Baekhyun started laughing out loud. It would be an understatement to say that Baekhyun was just ‘a little’ ticklish. He was really ticklish. The tall guy in front of the smaller one stopped his movements and gave him a surprised look. After seconds passed he got that he’s probably really ticklish. His face softened and he let out a small chuckle as he looked at the ground. 
“Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol.” he said, now looking in Baekhyun’s dark brown eyes.
“That’s my name.” Chanyeol said with a smile, reaching out with his coffee-free hand, aiming to shake Baekhyun’s smaller one. “Nice to meet you.”
“Oh.. nice to meet you too I guess” Baekhyun shyly said, reaching out to shake Chanyeol’s hand. “Byun Baekhyun”

Baekhyun remembers the first time the warmth of Chanyeol’s hand engulfed around Baekhyun’s colder one. They fitted perfectly.

“I’ll make it up to you.”
“I’ll buy you another cup of coffee.” He said, showing me his pearl white teeth, opening the door, waiting for me to go in, as he also did so after I stepped inside.

That night I didn’t study anymore and the coffee wasn’t the one who kept me awake.



As I went to school the next day I couldn’t believe what I saw. Or better said, who. It was Chanyeol, standing in the hallway beside some girl from my class. 
It couldn’t be that she was his girlfriend..right? And why did I never see him around?
After a while of me watching them talking, Chanyeol noticed me standing there and looked as surprised as I did when I first saw him some minutes ago. He kissed the girl on the cheek goodbye and made his way into my direction, which made me realise that she indeed was his girlfriend and also made me kind of uncomfortable. I felt something well up inside of me but I tried to ignore it.

“Baekhyun, right?” He asked, showing me his smile.
“Yes.. I didn’t know you were at the same school as me, I never saw you around here too. I also thought that you were way much older and don’t even go to school anymore.” Baekhyun said.
“What, no way!” he said laughing. “I am only 16, turning 17 in a few months.”
Baekhyun’s eyes went huge. “I’m older than you. 17.”
Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck a bit embarrassed, letting out a short chuckle. “Well, it’s probably just my voice and height what made you think that.”
“Probably.” The older one said with a light smile.


After their encounter they started to talk every day with each other and soon they became friends. And after a while even best friends. The only thing disturbing Baekhyun, was his girlfriend. Something about her made him feel anxious and mad. It was clear that he didn’t like her. Something about her just seemed so..wrong. It’s not like Baekhyun didn’t warn him but Chanyeol just laughed at him and told him he’d watch too many movies. After that the topic was unspoken again.


“Hey Chanyeol?”
“What is it?”
“Are you good in maths?”
“It depends.”
“Pleaseeee help me~” Baekhyun said cutely.
“S-Stop acting cute..” Chanyeol said, blushing.
“Only if you’re going to help me~” 
“No, I don‘t want to.”
“Please Channie~” Chanyeol turned beet red at the nickname Baekhyun called him.
“Okay can stop now.” Chanyeol sighed, face still red and Baekhyun grinned at him.


It was a Friday evening when Chanyeol decided he’d come over to help Baekhyun in maths. 
They were sitting on a chair, math stuff covering the whole table. 
After around 30 minutes Baekhyun realised something. It wasn’t Chanyeol’s fault, it really wasn’t, he explained everything as good as he could. The problem clearly was with Baekhyun. He just couldn’t concentrate. He didn’t know what was wrong but what he knew was, that Chanyeol was way too close for his liking. Their faces were only inches away and Baekhyun only looked at Chanyeol and his lips instead of the paper in front of him.
“Do you got that Baek?” Chanyeol asked, his eyes looking now straight into the shorter ones.
“What? O-Oh yes. Yeah I got it.” That was a lie. He wasn’t paying attention one bit.
What happened after that was something he didn’t expect. Not now and not in a million years. 
Chanyeol smiled at him and for the first time Baekhyun felt butterflies in his stomach. His heart felt warm in his chest and so did his face.
He was in love.


After that, Chanyeol came every Friday to help him in maths and Baekhyun even paid attention. Sometimes.

On one Friday, Baekhyun’s phone started ringing. He was surprised because he didn’t expect a call. After Baekhyun looked at the screen of his smartphone, he froze, eyes growing two times bigger than they were before. Chanyeol noticed that and looked at him worried. “Baekhyun, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
Baekhyun didn’t answer and just sat there. 
“Who is ‘Jongin <3’?” Chanyeol asked as he read the name on the screen out loud, voice almost sounding jealous, probably because of the heart beside the name.
Baekhyun forgot to delete his number. How stupid can someone be? Maybe he was just too focused on messaging and being with Chanyeol, that he forgot about it, but still. Why was Jongin even calling him after months after their breakup.
Chanyeol being unpatient asked him again who the person on the other line was, still receiving no answer. 
“Baek, answer me!”
Baekhyun moved and declined the call, shutting out his phone.
“Doesn’t matter.” Baekhyun said coldly. 
Chanyeol didn’t believe that.

This time Chanyeol was the unfocused one in their maths lesson.


Jongin didn’t stop calling him. The whole week long. Even the Friday on their lesson, Baekhyun’s cellphone wouldn’t stop ringing and vibrating.

“Baek. I am sick of this. Go on you ing phone!”
“No. I don’t want to.” Baekhyun said calm as he declined yet another call from his ex-boyfriend.
Not even five minutes later his phone vibrated again and before Baekhyun could swipe left, a hand stopped him fom doing so.
“Baekhyun, you are going to answer that phone call now or else I’ll pick it up and find out myself who that Jongin guy is.” Chanyeol sounded mad. “It has been a week and I am sure I could fluently sing the song of your ringtone already.”
Baekhyun looked at the ground, his facade slowly breaking, as he thought about how he found Jongin in that room, kissing this other guy. 
A tear rolled down his face and Chanyeol could swear that something broke in him when he saw the smaller one crying for the first time ever since they knew each other.
“I-I’m sorry Baek if I made you cry.. oh my god I didn’t mean to, I’m-” Baekhyun cut Chanyeol off. “No no, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. It’s just.. I forgot to delete his number so there’s still the heart and everything.” Baekhyun sobbed.
Chanyeol gave him a puzzled look, not understanding what’s wrong.
“He’s my ex-boyfriend..he cheated on me with some random guy at a party and I know for sure that he wasn’t drunk.” Baekhyun felt embarrassed to cry in front of Chanyeol, his crush, so he hid his face behind his hands, so he wouldn’t see.
Something in Chanyeol had the urge to punch this guy right in the face. He felt something boil inside of him and before he realised what he did, he grabbed Baekhyun’s phone and accepted the call. As Baekhyun heard the click on his phone he looked up, eyes wide, to see Chanyeol with his phone pressed against his ear.

“Baekhyun! Finally! I am so so-” Jongin said, almost shouting.
“Don’t call him again.” Chanyeol said firmly.
“Who is that? Where is Baekhyun? I need to talk with him and make up with him!” As Baekhyun heard his voice and words he said, still loud enough for him, he sank his head a bit and looked more sad than ever. Chanyeol noticed that and it felt like his heart is being ripped apart into a million pieces. Chanyeol couldn’t think straight anymore and what he said, left him in shock.
“He won’t ever call you again. Get it in your thick head. He is happy. Happy with me. Yes, you heard right. I am his boyfriend now and he loves me. I love him. Got it? Don’t ever call this number again or I will make sure to find you and then we can talk about this in detail. I love Byun Baekhyun and he loves me, goodbye!” Before Jongin could respond, Chanyeol hung up and looked at the phone for a second.

When he looked at Baekhyun, he saw a wide eyed Baekhyun, redder than a tomato, mouth a bit parted and his face still slightly wet from the tears.
“C-Chanyeol.. you didn’t had to, I’m-”
“I hate seeing you cry that’s why I did that. You don’t deserve to feel sad. He doesn’t deserve you.” Chanyeol said, his voice serious.
Chanyeol stood up and Baekhyun doesn’t know why but he did too. All of a sudded the giant was wrapped around the smaller one’s body, having the urge to protect him from all the sadness he felt. Baekhyun’s heart won’t stop beating in a not normal speed and he felt it clench in his chest. 
Baekhyun looked up to see the younger ones eyes focused on him. The only thing going through Chanyeol’s mind is the word ‘cute’ over and over again.
They stayed like this until Baekhyun stopped crying.


It was Chanyeol’s birthday and he should be happy, right? He was finally 17 and he should feel good but he doesn’t.  He felt like , used and thrown away, lying on his bed and listening to the the pouring rain from outside. His girlfirend left him. She left him because of someone else. On his ing birthday. Maybe she decided to tell him today because he was asking her if they could do it. After all was he 17 and he thought that she’d want it to. He thought she would agree because they loved each other way to much. Well, Chanyeol did. He couldn’t hold back anymore and before he could do something about it he felt a tear rolling down his face. He felt lonely.

Chanyeol woke up to the constant sound of his doorbell ringing and as much as he didn’t want to get up, he had to because no one else was home except for him and the person didn’t stop ringing. 
Chanyeol opened the door with his comfortable clothes on, not caring about his attire. As he opened it, the sound of the still pouring rain getting louder, he was shocked to see the person in front of him. It was Baekhyun, soaked from the rain, his teeth clattering with a worried expression on his face.

“Baekhyun! What are you doing here and even without an umbrella! You are gonna catch a cold.”
Baekhyun let out a sarcastic chuckle as he looked onto the ground and at the taller one again before looking more serious again.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone, stupid. I was worried so I decided to come over.. I forgot my umbrella.”
“Oh okay.. I shut my phone down because I didn’t feel like communicating with anyone, really.”
As Chanyeol moved to the side to let Baekhyun in, the older one noticed that younger ones eyes were a bit red and puffy. He cried.
“What happened?” 
“What? No, nothing..”
“Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said serious.
“She.. she broke up with me. Today.”
“What! It’s your birthday!”
“I know.. she left me for someone else.” He said embarrassed at the fact that his now ex-girlfriend left him because he was practically not enough for her.
“I am sorry Chanyeol.. you don’t deserve this, especially not on you birthday.” Baek said, sinking his head. He felt like crying. He doesn’t deserve this and she never deserved him in the first place. He knew that something was wrong with her.
“Baek please. Don’t cry.. I cried enough for the both of us...wait, I’ll get you a towel.” He went off to bring it to him while Baekhyun, still sad, removed his jacket. He came back and dried his hair with it.
Baekhyun immediately went beet red as he felt his hand his still golden brown hair.
“C-Chanyeol.. what are you doing?” He said, grabbing his hand to remove it from his hair. “I can do it myself.”
“Don’t be silly Baek, I can help you so it’s easier for you.” He said while moving his hand towards his wet hair again.
Baekhyun let him.

“Happy birthday Channie.” he said after a while.
Chanyeol smiled. “Thank you Baekhyunnie.”
Baekhyun blushed at the new nickname. 

Although it was Chanyeol’s birthday, he took care of the smaller boy, making him tea and soup and giving him some clothes from him because his were all soaked.

“Here. You can change in the bathroom right over there.” the birthday boy said, giving Baekhyun a reassuring smile.
“Thanks. By the way, where are your parents?” 
“Oh, you don’t have to worry. They won’t come back until tomorrow so we are alone. My father is working overseas at the moment and my mother is working in a hospital and has to do the night shift for tonight. And my sister already moved out.”
“Ah okay then..I’ll be right back.”

As Baekhyun came back from the bathroom, Chanyeol could’ve sworn he almost tripped at his sight.
“Uh..I think it’s a bit too big for me, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun shyly said, standing in the middle of his living room.
Baekhyun stood there with an oversized grey sweater which end was barely above his knees. You could still see the hem of his boxer shorts and for some reason that drove Chanyeol crazy.

What is happening with him.

They spent the rest of the night watching a movie, together on the couch and for some reason he felt like Baekhyun was too close for his liking and for some reason Chanyeol couldn’t concentrate on the movie at all. He was too focused staring on Baekhyun’s revealed legs and especially his thighs and glancing way too often at the other male beside him.
Little did he know that he wasn’t the only one stealing glances at the other.

After some time Chanyeol felt a light weight on his shoulder. Baekhyun fell asleep. He didn’t know what he should do. Push him off? No. But he couldn’t stay like this either. Especially him being so close drove Chanyeol just crazy. 

Chanyeol heard Baekhyun mumbling something in his sleep, he was probably sleep talking. But after some not understandable mumbles, Baekhyun said something which took him off guard. 

“I love you.” 

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Chapter 2: nice story!
ohannia #2
Chapter 2: goddamn it... im so destroyed rn. im on a existential crisis. this is so good, awesome actually... i need time to think what im gonna do with my life now... why cb does this to me? why you did this to me oh why
Chapter 2: wow. great story
pcymuus #4
Chapter 2: omo my feels ㅠ_ㅠ this is such a great story!!
meongmungee #5
Chapter 1: Chanyeol is just too sweet.. I like it.
Chapter 1: Omg love it! Waiting for your nex update!