Chapter 3

Of 2.5 Million Subscribers, Bush Hats, and Passion

Yoongi had thought that the day Jungkook had declared that the only person in the world that he’d ever have the capability of loving was G-Dragon was an exhausting day enough. But, no. It couldn’t compare to the madness that was this.

The kid’s gone bat insane.

He and Jimin watched with equally mild annoyance as the youngest agonizingly rolled around on the floor, phone clutched in his hands.

“So, he’s been like this for the past few weeks?” Yoongi asked his boyfriend, eyebrows raised.

The other shook his head. “You haven’t seen the worst of it, hyung. I was this close to throwing his laptop and phone out the window.”

“None of you understand!” Jungkook wailed, almost in hysterics. “I’ve been low-key keeping up with his Instagram and Twitter posts for so long now because I didn’t want to follow him since he already knows me and would know that I know he’s a fan and maybe even catch on to the fact that I’ve become a fan of his and that wouldn’t be good because he’d probably end up think—”. He was close to hyperventilating before Yoongi cut him off.

“Good God, quit rambling already! You look like you’re on the edge of a panic attack,” Yoongi shook his head, eyes in wide disbelief. The self-proclaimed golden Jeon Jungkook never got worked up like this. I can’t believe he’s got it this bad.

Jimin sprang up and walked over to the still distraught looking boy, and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Why’re you like this so suddenly?”

“I ended up liking one of his pictures by accident,” he murmured, horrified. Both of his hands came to grip at hair on either side of his head in anguish. God, how could he have been so stupid and careless?

“Well, I don’t think that’s too bad now?” Jimin said carefully. “You can follow him on social media with ease now, maybe even strike up a conversation and become friends!” He smiled down at the younger, hoping it’d be enough to get through to him.

“I don’t want to be friends!” The raven-haired boy was getting increasingly petulant. “I want to secretly admire him from afar!”

Yoongi sighed, knowing that they would get nowhere with this for a while. Just let him whine for a while and he’ll be back to normal in no time…He snorted derisively. Just like toddlers.

He stood up and clapped Jimin on the shoulder, saying, “I’ll be back with some lunch for us, alright?” He gave him a look clearly saying good luck with the kid while I’m gone, before heading out the door.

Before either Jimin or Jungkook could utter another sound, they both jumped at a notification buzzing from the latter’s phone.

Jungkook scrambled for the device, eyes widening when seeing the little, displayed words.

“kimtaeV liked your picture”

Oh. My. Shisus.

Those little words may have not been a big deal to Jungkook a few months ago, back before he even knew who Kim Taehyung was. Heck, even yesterday, sure, he would’ve maybe squealed like a prepubescent girl had he seen such a notification, but it wouldn’t have been such a big deal since he found out that Taehyung’s been following him for a while and had “liked” many of his posts before (not that he went through every post he’s ever had to check). But this, this was different.

Because now, Taehyung had “liked” the picture of him and Jimin that he posted yesterday mere minutes after Jungkook had accidentally “liked” one of his pictures. Which meant—

“Well, he’s definitely seen that you’ve liked one of his pictures now,” Jimin unhelpfully supplied.

Jungkook was rendered speechless. Should he follow him now that Taehyung knows that Jungkook knows he exists? Or should he just pretend that—

“Hey, Jungkookie, look—”

“God dammit hyung, would you stop interrupting my train of thoughts? This is practically a life or death situation that I need to think through.”

“…But, Taehyung just updated with a new picture.”

He lunged for the phone in Jimin’s hand, eyes frantically darting around until they came upon the new picture, upon the gloriousness that was Kim freaking Taehyung. Jungkook let out a strangled noise. It’s confirmed. This guy’s toying with my emotions.

Behind him, Jimin let out a low whistle. “Wow. He looks really good like that,” he grinned.

Displayed on the screen, it showed that Taehyung had posted a new selca, wearing a loose, stark white t-shirt with round, false glasses perched on his nose, blowing a close-eyed kiss to the camera. But, the most mind-shattering (to Jungkook, at least) thing was that his hair was now a soft shade of purple that reminded Jungkook of ripe grapes. How a person could still look utterly beautiful with such an outlandish hair color was beyond him.

Screw my life.

Jungkook dazedly stared at the screen for a while, causing Jimin to wave a hand in front of his face.

“Ugh, not again. Jungkook?” He cautiously prodded his shoulder.

The other blinked a bit before replying monotonously with, “Hyung?”

“Yeah?” Jimin replied, eyebrows furrowed.

“Here.” Reaching behind him, Jungkook grabbed one of the small, red couch pillows and silently handed it to the other.

“And what exactly do you want me to do with this?” The shorter male asked, bewildered.

“Hold it tightly over my face until I stop twitching.”



“Hang on,” Yoongi frowned, looking up from his phone. “Did you say the guy’s name was Kim Taehyung?”

“That’s the one,” Jimin affirmed, mouth still half-full with one of the sandwiches Yoongi brought back.

“Alright, show me a picture of him,” the blonde urged.

Jimin shrugged before taking out his phone and pulling up said guy’s Instagram.

“Hey, that is him!” Yoongi exclaimed when seeing Taehyung’s latest picture.

Jungkook’s head jerks up towards the elder, eyes ablaze with surprise and hope. “You know him, hyung?”

“Yeah,” Yoongi nodded, smiling slightly. “Everyone calls him V, though. He’s my friend from university actually. We’ve got a few music classes together.” He chuckled slightly. “The kid’s pretty nice and all, a bit on the weird and hyper side, but I’ve gotta hand it to him, he’s pretty smart and talented.”

“Since when do you have friends and how come I don’t know any of them?” Jimin inquired, his expression incredulous.

The other scowled at his boyfriend. “I do have friends! And, as for never introducing you, I guess it never really came up, and everyone’s got their own schedules too,” he shrugged.

“Hyung! I can’t believe you would keep something like this from me!” Jungkook whines, aghast. “And here I thought that we were friends!”

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Well, it’s not like I knew that it was him that you’ve been crushing so hard on,” he protested.

“So, how did you become friends?” Jimin asks curiously.

Yoongi picks at his sandwich, giving a one-armed shrug. “A few years ago, we met through a mutual friend, Namjoon, who’s my partner of sorts when it comes to producing. And, then, Namjoon introduced me to his boyfriend, Seokjin, and two others that included V himself and this other guy in the dance department, Hoseok. We’ve been a little group of friends since. Plus, he’s from Daegu too, so, we bonded over that a bit.”

His expression turned thoughtful. “You know, now that I think about it, I guess I do remember Tae saying that he uploads videos online sometimes. I think he’s done a few dance covers with Hoseok.”

“Oh, I think that’s J-Hope, right? He’s been in some of Taehyung’s videos and I thought his dancing was great,” Jimin grins upon remembering.

“Yeah,” Yoongi nods, “that’s his stage name.”

Jungkook was silent throughout the whole exchange, mind rapidly trying to process all of this sudden information.

To both Yoongi and Jimin’s surprise, Jungkook suddenly latched onto the former’s arm, pleading, “Hyung, please, you’ve got to introduce him to me!”

Yoongi frowned, shaking the younger’s arm off. “And scare him away? No way, Kook, not until you calm down.”

“But, this could be a life or death situation!”

The blonde sighed, shaking his head adamantly. “You’re just running on some emotional high, Jungkookie. You’re looking at this far too closely from a celebrity-crush angle, so, who knows what you might do if you actually meet the guy.”


No, Jungkook,” Yoongi’s mouth was pressed into a firm line. He stood to collect their plates to take into the kitchen. “I’d rather your honestly somewhat alarming obsession”— the youngest squawked in protest at the word—“simmered down a bit. Maybe then you guys can meet.”

Jungkook glowered at his retreating figure. Yoongi just didn’t understand. Jungkook didn’t care if he didn’t even get to talk to the guy, just as long as they were within a 5-mile radius and Jungkook could admire (read: drool over) the ethereal being that was Kim freaking Taehyung in the flesh and maybe even get to hear the impossibly velvet voice—

Wait a minute. Do we still have those? Jungkook paused, an idea coming to him in quick succession. Almost as if a lightbulb had suddenly in his head, he slowly turned his head towards Jimin, a sly grin spreading across his lips.

The later was watching him with mild apprehension, already fearing the worst.

Oh, hyung~,” the younger sing-songed, inching closer to the other. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Jimin sighed wearily, eyes closing in resignation. “Unfortunately, having been your best friend for longer than I care to remember, I know exactlywhat you’re thinking. I also think you’re an idiot.”

Jungkook’s grin grew wider before he clapped his best friend on the shoulder. “Better get the supplies ready, hyung. We leave at dawn.”

“The things I do for you, you brat,” the older muttered crossly. Tomorrow was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.



“Yoongi-hyung’s going to kill me,” Jimin wailed, clutching his binoculars tightly.

“What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him,” Jungkook replied absentmindedly, eyes still scouring the campus through his own binoculars, waiting for any sign of a certain purple-haired male. Honestly, he can’t be that hard to find, especially with that new hairdo, right?

“Even still, we’ve been on the lookout for two hours now, Kook,” the other grumbled. “I think I’ve completely lost all feeling of my legs!” They were squatting behind a large dumpster in the parking lot of a café and had been doing so ever since Jungkook barged into Jimin’s house at 7 in the morning, demanding to be taken to Yoongi’s university.

And, the only mildly exciting thing that happened all morning was that someone’s puppy decided to take a leak close to where Jungkook was sitting, much to Jimin’s amusement and to the other’s horror.

“Alright, fine,” the younger conceded. “Let’s split up. We’re near the music department building anyway. You go keep watch around those park benches and I’ll go to where that fountain is.”

“Finally,” Jimin groaned, getting up and massaging his sore legs. He reached over to the small duffel they brought along with them and took out a walkie-talkie. “Keep yours on too.” Jungkook nodded and they both made their ways over to their respective locations.

Jimin gently sat down behind a bench, choosing one that had trees shielding him from behind. He turned the walkie-talkie on, whispering, “RabbitFang, do you copy?”

Jungkook’s voice crackled to life from the speakers, “What kind of a ing codename is RabbitFang?”

“Because you have bunny teeth,” the elder retorted.

“What the—then, you’re RhinoFace!”

“What?” Jimin barked.

“Because you’re ugly!”

“Why, you insolent—” Jimin grit his teeth. Before he could make another remark, he heard a small gasp and frantic shuffling from Jungkook’s end. “Kook?” he called worriedly. “What happened, oh my God, did you see him?!”

“No! A stupid pigeon kept trying to come near me! I don’t need another animal doing its business near me—or God forbid, on me—today of all days, thank you very much!”

Jimin snickered, ignoring the younger’s whine of “it’s not funny!” and proceeded to scope the area out once again. There were only a few students out here and there; most must’ve been in classes. Maybe they should’ve somehow wheedled out Taehyung’s schedule or something out of Yoongi earlier. But, that might’ve been too suspicious…

“Hyung!” Jungkook’s voice boomed from the speakers, jolting the elder from his thoughts. “We’ve got trouble at three o’clock!” Jimin’s head jerked to his left, breath catching in his throat at the sight of Min Yoongi himself walking around a few feet away, books from class under his arm and headphones nestled around his neck.

Frozen, he barely just made out Jungkook’s next directions. “Look to your far right, there’s a huge hedge by this one building. Meet me there! Over and out.”

“R-roger,” Jimin responded shakily, hurriedly standing up and sprinting to said location. Some students gave him some funny looks on the way, but all he could think about was how much deep they’d be in if Yoongi spotted them.

Breathing hard when he finally got to behind the hedge, Jimin plopped down next to Jungkook, whose face was equally as tired and nervous from the close call.

“Did he see you?” Jungkook asked, biting his lip.

“I don’t think so,” the elder shook his head, slumping forward. “Ugh, I’m beginning to regret this, that was too close!”

“Come on, hyung!” Jungkook shook his shoulder. “We can’t give up now! Besides, maybe now that Yoongi-hyung’s here, there’d be more of a chance of Taehyung showing up, since they’re friends.”

Jimin just grunted in response.

“Here.” Jungkook rummaged through the bag and picked out their two treasured “bush-hats” and handed one to Jimin. “This’ll work perfectly here, put it on.”

“God, I haven’t worn this in a while,” the elder shook his head, smiling while rolling around the small bundle of fake foliage superglued on top of a visor.

“Well, the last time we wore them, it was when you were stalking Yoongi around the time you first met him.” Jungkook snorted. “This scene seems all too familiar now, doesn’t it?”

Jimin flushed red. “Shut up! It was one time, and you’ve got it worse than I did!”

“Yeah, whatever,” the younger said, rolling his eyes. He pushed back some of the leaves of the hedge and peered through his binoculars, watching Yoongi. Said man was leaning against a tree, casually typing on his phone.

Jimin anxiously glanced around, hoping other people couldn’t see them. It wasn’t every day you saw two weirdo-stalkers that didn’t even attend this university hiding out behind a hedge with miniature bushes on top of their heads.

 He joined the younger and looked around with his own binoculars. “See anything interesting?”

“Nah, he’s just been standing there for a while now. Okay, now he’s looking around. You think he’s waiting for anyone?”

“What if it’s Taehyung?” Jimin wondered excitedly.

“I sure hope so…”

After a few minutes of fruitlessly waiting around, the two got bored and lazily played a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors, occasionally checking to see if Yoongi had moved from his spot.

“I know hyung’s really lethargic and all,” Jungkook complained, “but how could he just stand there for 20 minutes without getting annoyed or bored?” All Yoongi had been doing the whole time was listen to some music and reading from one of his textbooks while sometimes looking around, as though he was expecting someone.

Jimin scowled at his friend, but chose to say nothing (and no, it wasn’t because he somewhat agreed).

After winning 8-6, Jungkook picked up his binoculars again to check to see whether Yoongi had moved. His mouth flew open upon seeing that the spot where the headphone-clad male had been occupying earlier was empty.

“Hey, where’d he go?”

Jimin scrambled up to see as well, and sure enough, Yoongi was gone.

“But—but he was just there a few seconds ago! How could we lose him aft—”


Both boys froze at the voice, sporting identical wide-eyed expressions of fear as they wordlessly gaped at one another.

Oh .


“Jungkook, you’re here too?” the surprised voice over them said. Said boy let out a small groan, burying his face in his hands.

Jimin gulped before slowly looking up at his boyfriend peering down at them from above the hedge, bewildered.

The shorter male let out a nervous laugh. “Uh, h-hey, hyung. Fancy meeting—”

He stopped short when hearing the sharp intake of breath coming from Jungkook beside him. He looked at the younger male curiously before following his line of sight to over Yoongi’s shoulder. He let out a garbled noise.

Oh, double .

Just behind Yoongi, looking over at the pair with a steadily-growing shocked expression was a face Jungkook knew all too well but had never actually been in the glorious presence of.

The Kim Taehyung. In the flesh.

Ah, yes, things have taken a turn, but theat doesn't mean that this is the only turn that is in store for everyone ;) (oh god, if you've already read this on ao3, then you already know >.<) But, I hope to update soon and catch up to my story, it just might be a bit difficult since I'm nearing the end of the semester at uni (my first year's almost over, I can't believe it!) I hope you guys like and tell me what you think^^ 

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Kinda long chap up today, guys >.<


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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
Chapter 4: I'm probably the baddest person ever but even though My UB is Tae i hope that Kookie Will win and be all happy and Tae can LIKE fanboy about that and you know the live thingy will just escalate totally and so on XD
Thelollipoptaesucks #2
Chapter 3: Oh my, Jikook -AS BROTHERS KAY?!- Doing like this is one of the best things XD
unfortunately_ayu #3
Chapter 4: Author-nim, what have you done to me? I'm literally fangirling right now!! Ah!! I can't wait! It's been a long time since I read VKook, argh! I'm so excited, kyaaaa!!!!!!
TheAwesomeOfKop #4
Author-nim!! This is such a great story! Probably one of my most favourite stories. I can't wait for your next update, please update soon!!
Rie_13 #5
Chapter 4: Man, I'm really conflicted... I was happy, confused, nervous,etc... Aside that, you made a wonderful chapter again, Author-nim!! I did not imagine these scenes... You are unpredictable and you messed up my feelings...Thank you very much...Best luck for you, Author-nim!! :)
MoonlitCrossroads #6
Chapter 3: HOLY !!!!! PLSSSSS UPDATE EXTREMELY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. thanks to u and your story, my siblings are considering the thought of throwing me into an asylum.....
Chapter 3: NICE ONE THAT ENDING IS THE BEST (altho cliffhanger but still hahahaha)
Rie_13 #9
Chapter 2: OMG!!! Fanboying to each other... My heart is almost collapsing... Good work, Author-nim! Good luck. I anticpate your updates.. :)
Avenger7 #10
Chapter 1: omg please update, i read this on ao3 and it's been so long and i have been loving it!!!!!!