Chapter 2


School carried on as usual for Simon and Mina, class after class and an exam shortly after. Simon hated school while Mina wanted to do her best.

"Before class is dismissed, I have an announcement to make." The teacher said loudly. Simon started yawning as he wanted to go home. 

"Tomorrow we are getting an exchange student in from England. She'll be finishing the year off with us so please be nice and make her comfortable and with that said, class is dismissed for today." A rush of students started grabbing their backpacks and headed out the door to go home. Simon and Mina took their time and eventually they were the only ones in class.

"An exchange student from London, how nice." Mina said to Simon who was rather busy with his phone.

"Simon!" Mina sighed.

"I have a hot date tonight, mind taking the bus?"

"Whatever." Mina said as she grabbed her bag and made her way out of class, Simon rushed after her.

"If my parents ask, please just tell them I'm out with my friends." Simon said when he finally caught up to Mina.

"You're a loser." Mina rolled her eyes.

"You're the best." Mina watched as Simon rushed off to meet his date. Not that she cared but she always had to cover up for him.
Mina took the bus and arrived home shortly. She thought a lot about the exchange student, Mina hoped she would be a nice girl. Since Mina arrived at the school, she has never made any female friends. Mina normally hung out with Simon and his friends, a lot of the girls were mean to Mina because she fitted in really well with the guys without having to be a tomboy. This was her chance to make a friend that for once shared her gender. Mina started her homework and once she was done, she waited for Simon to come home. Before going home, he'd always give her a visit. A smile crossed Mina's face when she thought about it but she didn't notice. She loved Simon, not in the way most people loved. She cared for him, she wanted the best for him. They did have their issues, plenty of them but they always seem to work it out. Mina drifted back to when she just celebrated her 16th birthday, Simon celebrated his a month prior. He wanted to do something special for her because she wasn't able to go home for her birthday that specific year. Although she was sad that she couldn't go home but she was excited when Simon told her he had a surprise planned for her. 

"Here, put this on." Simon handed her a blindfold when they were both seated in his car. Mina stared at it for a while. He didn't tell her where they were going but he told her to get up super early otherwise they would be late.

"You can't be serious." She took the blindfold and placed it over her eyes. She heard the car starting and it started moving.  
The car didn't stop for four hours, Mina fell asleep eventually after Simon started ignoring all her questions. She felt a nudge and she woke up with a shock.

"Are we here?" Her voice still whispy after her nap.

"Yup." Mina removed her blindfold and before her was her parents house. Her eyes swelled with tears. She looked at Simon and said thank you over and over but deep down she knew, saying thank you was not enough. What Simon had done for her was huge and nothing could make up for it.
Mina and Simon spent the day with her parents, it was her best birthday she's ever had. They had left to go back to Seoul when dusk was settling in the sky, Simon had one more surprise up his sleeve. He stopped at Gwangalli beach and pulled out a blanket and booze out the trunk of his car.

"You're officially 16, we have to celebrate properly." He held up the alcohol.

"No Simon." Mina wasn't one to break the law, she was underage and they were at a public place.

"Don't be a bore Mina." Simon ignored all of Mina's protests and laid the blanket down on the beach sand and opened a can of beer. Mina eventually, after a few minutes of thinking, joined him. They sat in silence, Mina was thinking about how awful the beer was while Simon thought how perfect the day turned out to be.

"Thank you for today. It was the best birthday I could have ever asked for." She planted a kiss on his lips. She hadn't planned on kissing him there but it just happened. Simon looked stunned after what happened but his lips were soon on top of hers again. This time, it went deeper and harder than that. Two things happened that night, Mina had her first kiss and she lost her ity in the back of Simon's car. 
She didn't speak to him for two weeks after that night, she was convinced it was his fault, Simon on the other hand felt like any boy would, proud of himself because he charmed her enough to get into her pants. He didn't regret it though, that night was something special. It was perfect, tender and spiritually enriching. He didn't know he was able to be sensitive with a girl, that was the first time he made love to a girl, it wasn't the normal rough he had with any girl that was willing. 
A year later, he apologised to Mina. He realized he made a mistake to take advantage of a young and innocent girl. Neither of them admitted it but it was the best night of their lives, it opened up a whole new dimension in their lives. Simon developed a soft spot for Mina and Mina realized how only Simon could bring out a side to her that no one saw. 

Mina was brought back to the present when she heard a rock hit her bedroom window. She knew it was Simon, she got up from her bed and opened the window wide enough so Simon could jump through.

"My date turned out to be a twenty-one year old mother of a newborn." Simon sounded annoyed. He walked to her bed and laid himself on it.

"Serves you right." Mina said with a smirk.

"Where do you meet these bimbo's anyway?" Mina joined Simon on the bed.

"Online. You should try it, maybe you won't be so boring then." Simon closed his eyes, he was tired, disappointed. Mina knew it wasn't just the date that went wrong, there was something else.
Mina wanted to respond to his last sentence but chose to be his friend first and argue later.

"What's wrong?" He didn't respond.

"Is it your parents again?" Simon's parents have been fighting on and off for a while and when they did, Simon would sleep over in Mina's room.
Simon didn't answer but Mina knew what it was. She got up from her bed to her bedroom cupboard and started getting out an extra blanket and pillow for Simon. 

"It will be alright Simon, no relationship is ever perfect. Look at us, we argue all the time but we can't live without each other." Simon still had no response, Mina knew he didn't want to talk so she turned off the lights and retired for the night.

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Chapter 2: Awwwwww this chapter made my heart melt!!!! Keep up the great work <3
Chapter 1: OMG YAS SIMON <3 ^^ I honestly am loving their friendship!!!
I saw simon park, i clicked subsribe hehe