ch 8


The night at the village seems so fresh. Tae Oh falls a sleep on Krystal's lap after talks so many things with his Eomma outside the house on the swing. Kai approach them with hot chocolate. 

"Aigooo.. my man falls asleep already." said Kai after seeing his son sleeping. 

"Your mom and grandmother had asleep?" asks Krystal. 

"Grandma did. Eomma is watching TV. What are you doing out here?" ask Kai. Krystal gives him a smile. 

"Having a chat with Tae Oh." 

"Tae Oh? What did he told you?" 

"Just... not so much..hehe.." said Krystal. Kai take seat on the swing beside Krystal. Both were silent for a moment. 

"Krystal..." Kai calls her. 


"If somebody suddenly propose you, what your answer will be?" asks Kai. 

"Haha! What kind of question is that? Aigooo.... hurmm.. what should I answer that? hurmm... I don't know." said Krystal. 

"But there must be an answer. If not, you will make the guy who propose you feel down." 

"But I need a time to think. So,he needs to be patient. Besides, I'm kind of trauma having those propose since Jay had lied to me for so many things." said Krystal. 


Krystal looks at Kai. She feels weird with Kai who suddenly asking him like that. 

"Kai, are you in love?" asked Krystal to Kai. 

"Do I look like a person who in love?" 

"Sometime... when you eat, you kind of smiling by yourself. Obviously when you just coming back from work, I notice you look so excited. Before this I never saw that. Just lately... you become more obvious. Don't you notice that?" said Krystal. 

"I thought you didn't see that! Haha!" 

"Sooo.. it's true that you are in love? Omo?!!! With who??? Tell me!" Krystal turns to be excited. 

"No.. you can't.. i just want it to be my beautiful secret!" said Kai. 

"Chih...! so secretive! Kaja, Tae Oh! your appa is in love. Don't disturb him!" Krystal talks to sleeping Tae Oh and bring him inside. Kai looks at Krystal until she fully inside the house. 

" I fall in love with you, Krystal. "  said Kai's heart. 


Krystal prepares the breakfast for today. She woke up early than others. Mrs. Yoon feels amaze by her. She can do anything without being commands. 

"Krystal...? Omo! you prepare all this?" ask Mrs.Yoon while pointing at the kimbap and chicken soup. 

"Annyeong, grandma! Come, let take a taste." said Krystal. Mrs.Yoon smile and on that time Mrs. Kim also approach them. 

"Whoahhh!! this is awesome! You did all this, Krystal?" asks Kai's mother and Krystal nods at her with smile. 

"Why don't both of you just eat first because Kai and Tae Oh going to be late. Especially, Kim Jongin!" said Krystal. 

"Aihhh.. that man will always be late if he had a holiday!" nags Mrs. Kim makes them laugh.

Suddenly, the sounds of Tae Oh's crying voice disturb their conversation. Krystal rush to the room and check for Tae Oh. She open the door and Tae Oh is crying so bad. 

"Aigoooo... my Tae Oh... kwinchana, i am here already." said Krystal while carry Tae Oh. Tae Oh still sobbing while hugging Krystal's neck. 

"You had a nightmare, huh? It's okay, everything is fine. Kaja, let's go and wake your appa, okay?" 

"Nae..." replies Tae Oh with shaky voice. They both enter Kai's room and as expected, Kai is still sleeping soundly. 

"Kai, wake up! your Granny and Eomma are waiting us to eat together!" shouts Krystal. Kai opens his heavy eyes just a little and goes to sleep back. 

"Appa!!! wake upp!!!" shouts Tae Oh next. Kai gives them a smile and sleep back. 

"Yahhh!! can you just wake up?! It's already morning, Kim Jongin!" shouts Krystal while pulling the curtain. Kai sigh in heavy breath. He slowly wake up and takes Tae Oh from Krystal. 

"Kiss me..." said Kai to Tae Oh who sits on his lap. 

"Aniya... appa smelly!" said Tae Oh. Krystal laugh. 

"Yah! you are more smelly than appa!" said Kai. 

"Appa smelly like a fatty bear!" said Tae Oh one more time makes Krystal laugh so hard. 

"Oh My God.... you are so need to get a punishment!!!" 

"Appaaaaa!! Hahahhahaha!" Tae Oh laughs so hard after being tickle by his father. Krystal run away from the room with laugh in tears. 

"What happen?" asks Mrs.Kim after notice Krystal was laughing so badly. 

"Haha... Tae Oh teases his father... he is so funny! Aigoo..." said Krystal. Mrs Kim just shake his head with smile. 

After spending time together in the house, Kai takes a chance to bring his son and Krystal for a tour around his village. He wants to bring them at his favourite childhood place. He is so excited to bring them there since it's been a long time ago he left the place. 

"Kai! where did you want to bring me?" ask Krystal. 

"Hiking!" said Kai. Krystal look at him in blank. 

"Are you sure we are going hiking? Yahh! is not too dangerous to Tae Oh?" ask Krystal. 

"Aniya... he will be find... the place is save. You don't have to be worry." said Kai and give her a wink. He focus on his driving while Krystal seems pause agains his wink. A cute wink. 

"Appa...." Tae Oh calls his father. 

"Nae.... waeyo??" 

"How the rain falls? Is it any hole from up there?" asks Tae Oh sounds like a joke. Krystal burst to laugh at him. Kai smile a little bit while thinking for the answer.

"Appaa... answer mee!!" 

"Errr... i'm pretty sure there is no hole either from the up there, Tae Oh! you just need to grow up more to search for the answer!" said Kai. 

"Appaaa... when I will go to school?" asks Tae Oh some more. 

"You wanna go to school?" Add Krystal and turn and him who sits at the back. 

"Nae! Tae Oh wants to get a friend!" said Tae Oh. 

"That's why I ask you to eat more and more. So, you can grow up faster then you can go to school" said Kai. Krystal nods as an agreement. 

"Eomma..." Tae Oh calls Krystal. 


"Saranghae....hehe!" said Tae Oh while showing his teeth in smile. 

"Aigooooo... you melt my heart!" said Krystal. Kai glance a bit at her. 

"Yahh, Kim Tae Oh! how about appa?? Do you love appa??" ask Kai. 

"No...."said Tae Oh. 

"Yahhh!" shouts Kai. 

"Ahahhaahhahahaaha!! give me five Tae Oh!! Hahhaahhaa... !" Krystal laughs so bad. Kai makes his annoying face. This two always paired up! 

"Kwinchana, appa won't buy you ice cream!" treathen Kai towards Tae Oh. Tae Oh starts to cry. 

"Tae Oh yah... don't cry. I will buy it for you!" said Krsytal. 

"Yahhh! why you always want to defend him?" Kai nags. 

"Waeee??? are you jealous?" ask Krystal. Kai give her meron then continue driving. The car was so noisy until they arrive. From far Krystal could see the cable car but Kai wants to have an exercise before he starts training back tomorrow so, the used to hiking and not taking the cable car. 

Tae Oh is so enegertic exactly like his father while Krystal already feels weak and left behind. She is so tired to climbing up the mountain.

"Krystal... are you alright?" ask Kai. Krsytal just nods. She can't speak anymore. She sits on the stair. 

"You want water?" ask Kai some more but Krystal shake her head. Tae Oh gets his eomma. 

"Eomma kwinchana?" Tae Oh worried voice makes Krystal smile. 

"I'm fine... I just want to stop for a while. If you want to go first then just go. I will slowly get you up there." exclaim Krsytal. 

"Are you sure?" asks Kai. 

"Nae. I'm sure. You go first with Tae Oh." said Krystal. Then, both of them continue hiking and left Krystal alone over there. 

Krystal makes a move to just rest at the cafe. She buys hot tea and take a place in front of the morning scenery. The morning view from the mountain is so fresh. She feels calm and relax at Kai's village. The harmony is so different. She never gets this chance when she was in Japan. She really miss her friends who lived there especially, Amber. Amber is the only person who understands her in everything she did. She is so proud to have an understanding person like Amber. Talking about friends, she could notice Kai's behavior is quite weird sometimes. She never see Kai smilling alone before this. Obviously when he was driving or eating. When he noticed she was looking at him, he quickly act normal. Besides, he is quite being childish lately. Especially to wake him up. He could snuggle on the bed until she approach him then he will wake up naturally.


The voice of a young lady that looks familiar to Krystal.

"Errr... oh... annyeong..." said Krystal and give a bow.

"I know you are blank about me. But first, my name is Sa Gang." introduce the lady.

"Oh...yeah.. do we ever meet before this? I think I can't remember you. Sorry." said Krystal. The lady just smile at her.

"Kwinchana... I know you will not remember me. But, I just want to straight forward. I am Jay's ex wife."

Krystal stunt a bit after hearing the "EX-Wife" title. She close to express her feeling of being shock.

"Errr... jinjja?! Which mean you both.... omo!" Krystal speechless.

"Nae. We did. He is the one who wants us to divorce." said Sa Gang with low tone.

"I am so sorry to hear that. How could he did this to you?!" said Krystal in protest.

"It is all about you, Krystal. He still remember you. Everything is all about you..." explain Sa Gang. Krystal be more speechless.

"That couldn't be! He just make it as a reason!" Krystal defends herself.

"He loves you Krystal..... I can see that." express Sa Gang. Her face pointed out that she is in pain. Krystal bite her lower lip.

"Did he do anything harmful to you?" ask Krystal.

"He almost slap my face. But he stop doing it when I ask him to just leave me...." tells Sa Gang. Krystal remain silent.

"I feel so relief to meet you in here. Actually, I was worry about you. I think Jay had a mental problem. I saw him took a hallucination pills two days after we get married. I hope you can avoid yourselves from meeting him...." said Sa Gang. Krystal look at her face. She looks so in trouble.

"I just heard from my friend that you are working with one male celebrity. And I am pretty sure that Jay will search for it. Krystal,, please protect yourself. I strongly beliefs that he is searching for you. He will do anything and I know you had known about this, right?"


"So please don't make it harder. Either he will detect your boss or he will kidnapped you and bring you away from here." said Sa Gang. Krystal feels worry.

"By the way..... I am pregnant his child..." said Sa Gang and burst to tears. Krystal is so shock. How could he divorce his pregnant wife?

"I am scared if he know this, he will kill my baby or me....." express Sa Gang in tears. Krystal feels blank. She can't believe the story but that's a reality.


"I am sorry to make scene in front of you. At the same time I am so glad to meet you. Never mind, i will be fine and strong. But for you, you need to be more cautious." said Sa Gang while wipes her tears. Krystal can't speak. She feels insecure for again.

"Krystal...." Kai calls her. The journey seems so in silent. Tae Oh is sleeping already. They are on their way back to Seoul.


"Why you are so silent? From the hiking place until now. What happen?" ask Kai. He is worry if something had happened to her.


"This must probably something! Tell me, Krystal." force Kai. Krystal look at him who was driving.

"It's about Jay... he had divorced with his wife and he is searching for me." explain Krystal to Kai.

"Oh my God! that is so dangerous!" murmured Kai.

"Yeah... I feel scared to be back in Seoul." said Krystal. Kai sigh longer.

"You should not be too expose." said Kai. "But if you do that, it will be hard for you." he continues.

"Should I stop...." said Krystal to Kai. 

"What do you mean?" asks Kai. His heart feels uneasy to beat. 

"Should I just quit and be back in Japan?" continue Krystal. 

"No!!" said Kai and stop his car on the roadside. 

"But it is too harmfull for me?!!" 

"No it doesn't!! 

"But what happen if he know about me working with you?! What happen if he kidnapped Tae Oh?!" 

"Don't be too overthinking!!" 

"Kai.... he had a mental problem! He will do anything!! 

"And I will do anything too!! One of it is, you have to be a forever babysitter for my son!" 

"It is harmfull!!!" shouts Krystal

"Then, marry me!!!!" shouts Kai in car. Krystal stunt, pause, speechless, lost a rhyme of her heartbeat, lost in the air after hearing the confession. Kai also pause for a moment. Krystal feels so hard to blink her eyes. 

"Krystal..." Kai call her name with a slow tone. Krystal still freeze on her seat. 

"I like you.... I realize to be friend with is not enough. I just..." 


"I force myself to forget about you but yes, I admit it I can't. Now, here, inside this car, by the roadside of our way home in Seoul, I want to confess it to you something that I couldn't deny it anymore. Krystal, I.....Love.....You...." confess Kai while look deeply inside her eyes. 

"No.... this is just a fantasy..." said Krystal. 

"No... this is a reality...." said Kai. 

"Kai... stop playing with my heart..." said Krystal. 

"I am not playing with your heart!" said Kai. 

"You are lying me right? You are doing this because you just want me to stay as a babysitter for Tae Oh, right?" said Krystal. 

"Admit it, Krystal, you like me too" tease Kai to make her confess too. Krystal can't make an eyecontact. 

"Krystal... just admit it.... say it like what i'm confess it to you..." force Kai. Krystal close her eyes and slowly pinch her cheeks. The pain feels tell her that this is not fantasy. 

"Lee Soojung, I am waiting you...." said Kai with a romantic voice. Lucky Tae Oh still sleep soundly behind there. Or else she will be more blushed. 

"Errrrr..... what should I say if the answer is yes...." slowly Krystal gives her answer. Kai almost hopped out from the window and dance call me maybe outside. But he know he will just make a trouble. 

"Thanks...." said Kai with full of brightness smile. Krystal feels a little bit awkward. 

Now, both already know each other feelings which develop them to take another step call...... A Couple! 

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nasyad #1
jesicajang #2
Chapter 12: Just wanna correct you a little bit.. That krystal should called mrs.lee eonnie not noona.. Noona is used for boys to call their older sis
And really love your story btw!
Nikkix #3
Chapter 12: Why Krystal calling Mes Lee with noona ? Sorry for my bad english
Nikkix #4
Chapter 10: Keep writing .. Youre jjang!!
demilavita2 #5
Interesting :) keep writing!
Nafisahmazlan #6
Chapter 8: The best fanfic ever....write more please
ikewidya #7
Chapter 5: Why short,more please
Nikkix #8
Nice story author nim.. Fighting
144385 #9
Chapter 2: I love it! Right, for person who just started writing, it has so many grammar mistakes, but I don't hate it. I just go with it and who knows, you're talented and capable on writing! Keep doing a good job, and (sarcastic intended) start focusing on studying English!! Fighting!