I'm with him on our first date

Tales of the Pures

~~~~~’s POV


So we were in the Ferry’s Wheel, and Jiyong’s giving me silent treatment. Fine!

“Do you know that … we are urm… m-mates?” He started a conversation.


“Yes.” I replied coldly.


“Do you want me?” he asked bluntly.


I glared at him and said “I’m not good at commitment.”


“Neither am I,” he muttered.


I closed my eyes as the wind breezed across my face.


I felt something hot, in the atmosphere. Of course, it must be coming from my hot mate.


“Open your eyes,” he said softly.


I opened my eyes and looked in front of me, there was a sentence in fire, and it says


“Do you want to be my girlfriend? Mate?”


I looked at Jiyong and blushed. “Sure!”


Jiyong leaned forward, he pushed the some of my hair to the back of ears, I closed my ears and waited.


He is going to kiss me right?


Is he?


So soon?


Suddenly, there’s a jerk, and I opened my eyes.


“!” Jiyong cursed.


“Watch it,” I said.


Then the Ferry’s Wheel started to move, I think, it’s time to go back down…


I quicken the speed of the Ferry’s Wheel and stopped to see a ragging mad ahjumma staring at me.


I bowed to her in a form of respect and Jiyong just ignored her. He is just being himself.


“~~~~~ah,” Jiyong called. “I’m not good at commitment; you can ditch me if you want to. I may not be able to satisfy your needs or wants, so, don’t expect a lot from me.”


“I won’t be ditching or breaking up with you,” I smiled and I hold his hands.


There were sparkles in our hands.


That night, was one of the best night ever.


The next day, a Saturday, by then everybody knew we were dating and I was on a sugar rush, ADHD, we Pure Magic Blood don’t have that everytime, but when I drink red cocktails, I will be on hyper. That morning, I drank 3 bottles.


Dink donggggggggggggggggggggg!


I opened the door, and was greeted by Jiyong, he look so so so so so fluffy.










“Hey Luffy!” I smiled.


“What? I’m not Luffy!” Jiyong had a curious look on his face.


“Yes you are, luffy!” I said, tricky, Luffy, don’t want to admit it.


“No, am not!” he yelled.


“You are so fluffy like a luffy.” I said.


“What do you want to do today?” he asked.


“I want to … go… to… the ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I want to see the monkey!” I exclaimed.


“Alright~ Let’s go!” And we headed to the zoo.



We went to money department where are the monkeys are kept in an open space in a room.


“Jiyong! Look! A MONKEY!!!!!!!” I yelled pointing to the monkey on the tree.


“~~~~~ ah, what drink did you had in the morning?” he asked.


“Red- male chicken tail,” I said, as I admire the cute money on the tree.


“You meant, red tail?” he said.


“Close your eyes Jiyong,” I said.


Jiyong closed his eyes. “Don’t peek!” I warned.


Slowly and gently, I grabbed the smallest money, and told Jiyong, “RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Jiyong opened his eyes and saw me running ahead of him.


“WHAT DID YOU DO?” he boomed.


“Just run!” I yelled.


“That lady stole a monkey!” I heard a little wizard said.


Curse the child, I didn’t steal it, and I only borrow it.


“! ~~~~~! YOU STOLE A ING MONKEY?!” he exclaimed, his face was so red, like my cocktail!


I giggled.



We ended up in the cell and he was giving me another silent treatment.


“Excuse me, could you give me a permanent marker?” I asked one of the two “aliens” there.


“Here you go, miss.” One of them tossed it to me and I caught it.


I saw three weird looking stones and grabbed them.


I then drew smiley faces on them.


“Jiyong, see my new family!” I exclaimed.


Jiyong gave them one look and turned away. “they are rocks, ~~~~~”


“No, this is my mother, my father and my new boyfriend, his name is Charlie!” I pointed to the rocks.


“They are rocks.” He said.


“I love Charlie so much, he said I’m the prettiest girl on the Earth. And he loves me more than many things in the world!” I then give “Charlie” a sloppy kiss.


Take that Jiyong, that’s for giving me a silent treatment!


I saw Jiyong turned and he said “His a rock.”


“No, his my boyfriend.” I argued.


Jiyong moved up such that his head was near my ears and he whispered “I love you more than he does, you are the greatest, best, unique woman I had ever met. I love you more than anything, even my powers!”


“Jiyong ah- “ my eyes started to tear.


“Come lets have some sleep,” he said pulling me close to him and we slept.

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lovis89 #1
that's why i find weird. hahaha