Kana and her secret love

I Fell In Love With...You?

Kana couldn't stop smiling as she walked inside her classroom. She sat on her chair and placed her books infront of her.

Super Junior is coming back! I'm so excited.

Kana was so happy that Super Junior was coming back next week Other than it would make her unni really happy to see Leeteuk-oppa again, she would see him again.

"Yah! Kana! What are you so happy about?" One of her friends, Yuri said waving her hands over Kan's face.

"Geez! Cut that out!" Kana exclaimed waving Yuri's hand away from her face.

Kana quickly got a mirror from her bag and checked if she looked alright.

"Spill!" Yuri said sitting in front of Kana.

"Super Junior is coming back next week." Kana said with a smile.

"Bwoh? That's great! Hyeo-unni must be so happy!" Yuri exclaimed.

"Sssh! People might hear you." I said looking around making sure no one heard her.

"Sorry. I forgot that unni's relationship is a secret." Yuri said giving an apologetic smile.

"Forgiven." Kana said waving her hand as if to dismiss Yuri.

"You're so like him..." Yuri said shaking her head making a ^tsk^ sound.

"So what? I don't care." Kana said shrugging.

"I repeat... so like him..." Yuri said as she walked towards her seat after seeing the teacher enter the room.

What Yuri said was true. Kana did act like him. Kana wondered if he still remembers her?

Three freakin' years and you still haven't told him how you felt.

You are a coward Kana! A freakin' coward.


There she is. Damn! She looks so hot in that uniform.

Focus man! Focus!

Duck! She might see you!

Crap! She did see you. Now, she's giving you the ^whatthehellareyoulookingat^ glare.

*sigh* Kana's so pretty... Idiot! Look away! Look away!

A few more days... just a few more days....

(*A.N. Guess who is speaking at the end of this chapter. I'll give you a hint... It's a guy. (duh) He's a member of Super Junior. He just transferred into her class.)

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Nice , like it
Chapter 53: This was a great story! Definitely my favorite out of all the ones written by you that I've read so far. The difference in character personalities was definitely my favorite part. (:
Chapter 21: Aw Kyu is in love with Kana! But I thought Henry liked her...? Is this a love triangle?! Haha I'll just shut up and keep reading now.
party-party #4
Chapter 53: you change it, i love this.. the ending is just! wow! make more1
flattummy #5
Chapter 53: this is too long but i manage to finish it
premiummilk #6
Chapter 53: ganahan najud ko sa fanfic
whiteshirt #7
Chapter 53: this is worth the read!
@kimseoul can i ask if kyu&kana,Hee&kara,henry&yuri have a sequel continueing the stroy from here?
wahh i didnt notice im done reading it.. *where the hell is the next label* looking like idiot.. then i realize.. whahah im done ok ok.. goint to the next sequel???? haha the twins story :)
new reader.. woah.. you know what.. after I read your story My Angel... My love.. i suddenly felt like crazy.. you know.. haha so I here I reading all your fics.. I really love it all..!!! :)hehe <3