Look Back

Lose You

Wonwoo came to school a little bit early today than usual. He needs to finish some reports before the class may start. But no matter how early he was, he always got this yellow sticky note on the top of is desk. Before he go to his seat, he scratched his head and look around the room. But no one's there yet. He go towards his seat and took the note.


"He's so determined" he murmured. He try to look around again, "but he's not yet here." He stares at the note and without him knowing, his lips starts to curve a smile. "Kim Mingyu is really an expert in making surprises."


Wonwoo sit down and memories 5 months ago started to run on his head.


5 months ago..


Mr. Choi enters the room with lots of papers in his arms. The students are getting nervous because today they will have a very long quiz in History. Even Wonwoo, the top student of the class, is feeling nervous as well. Of course, who couldn't feel the same. Choi Seungcheol is a professor who loves to tell about the story of his life during class. Half of the discussion will be about his life and the other half will be the lesson. But with the little time remaining, it's really impossible to learn and understand the whole chapter. And it is always a habit for Mr. Choi to give a very long quiz on their next meeting. Unfortunately, his life story was not included in that quiz. History is not an easy subject so it is really hard for everyone to study it by themselves. Guessing is a very crucial option because the scoring system is right minus wrong.


But today seems a lucky day for the students. Mr. Choi announces that he will introduce a new student and after that he will leave because he needs to attend the faculty meeting. The whole class cheers and everyone releases a sigh of relief. No quizzes for today.


"Everyone, I'd like you meet you new classmate" Mr. Choi faces the door and invites the person outside to come forward.


"Please introduce yourself."


The girls in the class giggles, shouts and cheers as a tall, dark and not-so handsome (as Wonwoo thinks), enters the room. The new student move his eyes to scan the whole class but he stops when he saw Jeon Wonwoo who is sitting in front, in front of him. He gave the older a stare and a sweet smile.


"Hello, my name is Kim Mingyu, a transferee from Carat University. I hope we can all be friends" The class starts to cheer and clap their hands again for the new student. But Mingyu's stare only stays on Wonwoo.


Wonwoo feels so awkward and uncomfortable with the new student's stare. Why is he staring at me? Am I too handsome? He has a lots of questions in his mind. To cut the awkward feeling, he gets his phone out of his pocket and starts to compose a message.


To: Superman

Hyung! Let's have a lunch together. I need to tell you something. Waaaah! 


Message Sent


The remaining hours of the History class seems to be the longest hour for Wonwoo. Though they don't have class, they are not allowed to leave the room and stroll outside until lunch break. And for that whole hour, Wonwoo feels that someone is looking at him all this time, knowing that the new student is seating two seats behind him.


Then finally, the bell rang. Wonwoo immediately get up from  his seat and run towards the door to breathe some air. He really felt suffocated inside the room. He go ahead to the school canteen.


"Hyung! You won't believe it. The new student. He is.. ahm.." Wonwoo thinks of the right word to describe Mingyu so Jun decided to help him..




"NO! Hyung, he's weird..SCARY!"


"Scary? Why?"


"He keeps on staring at me hyung. From his introduction, until he reached his seat, he didn't take his eyes off of me. Do you think he knows me? But I don't really know him. It's my first time to see him." Wonwoo put his head over his hand and start wondering.


"Wonwoo, instead of asking me, why not ask Mingyu himself? He only knows."


"But, hyung he is.. Wait! How did you know his name? I didn't tell you yet." Wonwoo looks at Jun suspiciously.


"I saw him earlier. The moment he walks down the hallway, the girls started to gone crazy. And I think he's a threat for the two of us." Wonwoo choked, "Threat? To us? But why?"  


"Because he's trying to take away the thrown from us!"


Wonwoo laughs as his friend starts to act like a paranoid. "Hyung, we don't have throwns."


"Yes, we have Jeon Wonwoo. We have an imaginary crowns and thrown." Jun answered. The two just laugh and they started to eat their lunch.


The next day, as Wonwoo enters the room, he can see from the door that there is a yellow note on the top of his desk. When he reached his seat, he take off the note and read what is written on the paper.


"Good morning Wonwoo

Have a nice day! =)

PS. Always smile beautiful, you completes my day. <3




Wonwoo's eyes widen as he read the name on the lower part of the note.


"Mingyu?" Wonwoo says, quite loud so the others heard him.


"Yes, Wonwoo?"


Wonwoo jumped from his position when he heard a familiar voice saying his name. When he turn around he sa Kim Mingyu standing.


"It's the first time I hear you say my name, Wonwoo. And it is really lovely to hear." Mingyu gives Wonwoo his sweetest smile and the older seems to love it as his heart starts to beat abnormally.


And it made Wonwoo confused.


"What is this Kim Mingyu?" Wonwoo sway the paper in the air to show Mingyu.


"A sticky note."


"Mingyu. I'm serious. What do you mean by this? Are you out of your mind? Oh, or are you making fun of me? If you want to play, I'm not interested Kim Mingyu." the older tears the paper into pieces infront of Mingyu. Mingyu felt his heart.. also tearing apart.


"But I'm not fooling around. I'm also serious Wonwoo. I..


I like you Jeon Wonwoo."


Wonwoo freeze on his place. He was shocked by Mingyu's confession. The students inside the room clap their hands, cheer excitedly as if they're watching a high school drama. Wonwoo can't see it but he feels that his cheeks are starting to turn red. So before the younger can notice, Wonwoo starts to say his words.


"What?! Mingyu, are you gay?" the students laugh on Wonwoo's question.


"Well, I'm not interested to girls. I never had a girlfriend. So I guess, yes, I am gay. I am gay for you, Wonwoo."


Wonwoo feels like he is going to have a mental breakdown after that moment.


From that day, Mingyu always leaves a note on Wonwoo's table. Though the older always rejects him, Mingyu is really determined to get Wonwoo. He is really head over heels to the older.


After three months..


One rainy afternoon, Wonwoo stands on the hallway of the building, waiting for the rain to stop. Wonwoo never brings umbrella with him because he always go home with Jun and Jun always have his umbrella. But not today. Jun broke his umbrella. They have no choice but to wait until the rain stops so they can go home. Jun left Wonwoo for awhileto go back to their classroom for an urgent meeting.


Wonwoo silently watches the rain as it pours on the ground. Suddenly, he felt someone stands beside him. He thought it was Jun so he started talking.


"Hyung, how long will we wait for the rain to stop?" Wonwoo feels so sad. He really wants to go home before it gets dark.


"Same as how long I will wait for you to accept my feelings for you." said by the boy beside Wonwoo.


Wonwoo was surprised. He is not Jun. So he take a look on who is beside him. He saw Mingyu looking from afar, perhaps watching the rain as well. Wonwoo take this opportunity to observe Mingyu's features.


They are right. This tall, annoying guy, indeed have a good visuals. Wonwoo says to himself. He can feel his cheeks blush so he look away from the taller just before Mingyu turn his look to Wonwoo.


"Here, take this." Mingyu offers his umbrella to Wonwoo but the older hesitated.


"How about you?"


"Oh, so now you're concerned about me?" Wonwoo just rolled his eyes. "No, don't mind me. I can take care of myself."


Wonwoo gets the umbrella and immediately left Mingyu. He doesn't even say thanks but, Mingyu doesn't care. Just the fact that Wonwoo took his umbrella is enough for the taller to be glad.


"You really like him, huh?" Jun appears from Mingyu's back.


"I love him."


"Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, it's different. Hm. You love him." Jun chuckles.


"I don't like to say this because I want myself to be the one doing this but, please take good care of Wonwoo." Mingyu said without looking at the older.


"I always do."


Mingyu finally look at Jun, "You don't even have an umbrella with you. Is that how you take care of him?"


Mingyu is getting annoyed but Jun keeps the atmosphere light. "Oh well, actually I have my umbrella with me. It just broke earlier so we can't use it." Jun explains. Mingyu folds his arms to his chest and return the look to Wonwoo who is already at the school gate.


"Sorry Mingyu. And please, don't treat me as a competition. I like you for Wonwoo. I really do. All this time, I'm the only one who's looking out for Wonwoo. But now, I won't be worried if one day I left. I know that there's someone who will take care of my best friend. Thank you Kim Mingyu." Jun taps Mingyu's shoulder and started to follow Wonwoo.


Mingyu was not given a chance to react to Jun's statement. But it made him feel relieved. At least, it is clear to him that Jun is not his competitor. Jun and Wonwoo are not just friends, they are a family and he will respect it.


End of flashback..


Wonwoo realized all the good things Mingyu had done for him. And he thinks that this is the right time to tell Mingyu how much he appreciates the actions of the younger.


Three days passed, and Mingyu was not still attending the class. Wonwoo starts to worry but he don't show it. He is not yet ready to tell and show everyone that he is concern about Mingyu.


He is having a lunch with Jun when he accidentally pushed the glass of water beside him. It falls to the ground and breaks. He tries to clean it when he heard the conversation of the students in the other table.


"Have you heard about what happened to Kim Mingyu?"


Wonwoo paused from picking the broken pieces of the glass when heard the name of the younger.


"He's in coma."




Blood starts to flow on Wonwoo's finger.



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Hassoo #1
Chapter 17: Omg..i knw im late to read this fic..but im crying bcoz of this story..again ur great story..
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhhhhh! Why are doing to meeeee?! Its too painful! I thought it will be a happy ending but no, my thoughts are wrong! :(( *cries* but you are the best author-nim. Its the most tragic story I've ever read in here! Keep it up!
I saw an update and i was shookt hahaha
JeonMaya #4
Chapter 17: Omg omg omg OMG!!!! My eyes are hurting from too much crying.. Damn it hurts so much... Thats.. THE BEST FIC THAT MADE ME CRY! I LOVE IT SO MUCH KYAAAHHHHH MY FEELS!!!! I ACTUALLY HERE!! MY EYES HURTS... AND MY HEARTEU!!! THAT ENDING ASDFGJDJKKA!!!!!! SO TRAGIC╥﹏╥

Thank you for this wonderful story, author-nim (♡˙︶˙♡)(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง
Chapter 16: KYAAAA OMG THIS IS WAY TOO TRAGIC </33 it started out so fluffy i never woudlve thought it would end like this ;-;
Lacoursiere #6
Chapter 16: My heart T.T my eyes T.T
Jeonwoonly #7
Chapter 16: Damn, I'm crying a river here. It's touching and beautiful, really. FYI I'm rarely cry over a fanfic *chuckle*
Chapter 16: oh my god.. i nearly crying when i read this chap~ T^T
awesome story author-nim
MysteryW #10
Chapter 16: Me crying ;-; Thank you for this story