More Than A Crush

WANTED: Daddy's Love
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“Yah, where are we going. Your house’s way is on the left.”

Grinning with so much excitement, I turn to the other side as I walk side by side with Hana. Actually, Kyungsoo asked us to start taking care of the apron thingy which was Hana’s idea. We asked permission to start it in my studio but I just thought why not sneak out for a while. “He’s gonna kill us.” Hana mutters in worry while glancing at the direction of the cake shop far away. “I just want to have coffee with you. Let him be. We’ve been working in that shop for three days now.” I croak back while stretching my arms.

For the past three days, she’s been cold but at the same time she has learned to be comfortable with me.

Although we still argue most of the times especially when I would attack her with sweetness.

“Seriously, you know that Soomi went to Iseul this time to help the woman buy gifts with Yohan. Kyungsoo’s alone in the shop. He’s going to kill us.” She whines and tried to tug me back to the way leading my house. “Oh~ do that again. I like you touching me.” I coo and she pushes me off while glaring. “I so like your wrinkled eyebrows. It’s attractive.” I add and she starts slapping me on the arm out of irritation.

Does she actually think it would make me stop from telling my feelings out?

“Go alone. I’m going back to help Kyungsoo there. I don’t want to die.” She tells and turns to leave but I only twirl her back and put my arm around her. “Yah! Where do you think you’re touching??” She pulls away which almost caused her to slip on the slippery ground. “Woah there~” I caught both of her hands. She looks at me with her defeated face but pulls her hand away immediately.

“I told you I would catch you.” I sheepishly grin to which she only responded with a scoff. “I don’t understand why you’re nice and sweet with Soomi, Iseul Yohan, even Kyungsoo. Oh~ and even to Gaeul, you acted sweet and nice last time. But to me. . .” I tilt my head trying to deliver a cute expression. She just gave me a -_- look. “It might indicate something. Hm?” I finish my sentence and smile widely showing my teeth.

“It indicates that I hate you, perhaps.” She answers and starts walking back to the path way leading the cake shop again. I trail behind her. “Hey, just coffee. And tarts? I heard you like tarts from the café nearby.” I tell and I hear her groan. She stops walking.


A grin starts creeping up my face again as she turns around. “You won’t stop, will you?” She asks. I was about to answer back with my cocky self until I saw her bending down getting a ball of snow. “W-wait—yah. . . I-it’s freaking cold, don’t you dare.” I start taking steps back while putting my hands up in defense. “It’s cold? Aww~ Little boy is scaredy scaredy~” She sarcastically coos while still shaping the ball of snow with both of her hands.

It was a damn big ball of snow, I swear.

I glance at my left and picked up a bunch of snow as well. “I swear, I don’t want that on my face.” I warn while still taking a few steps back. “Oh you just gave me a clue~" She coos and suddenly threw the snow hard on my face! My head falls back with the force that took me and I groan loudly when I felt the coldness. I’m not even kidding, I kind of have a sensitive skin on that area.

As crumbles of snow drops from my face one by one, my lips parted as I feel the wintriness on me. “Y-you—You’re so—“I throw the snow on my hands to her and it hit the side of her head when she tries protecting her face. “Ouch! That was bigger than mine!” She hisses and grabbed another ball of snow and throws it again on me and this time, it hit my chest.

“Ouch! It had a rock inside, you—Yah!” I gather a very big ball of snow with both of my hands and start moving to her while carrying it. “N-no! No!” She starts backing away. I smirk as she was having a hard time on walking through the snowy path.

I was about to throw it to her when a voice cuts us off.


My hands were literally halfway to throw the snowball as Hana and I froze. We both turned to our left and saw a fuming Kyungsoo. “Do you know what date is it today?? It’s 23rd of December and I need to be all free by tomorrow because we’ll celebrate by night and then I need to present the cake shop by midnight and it’s not yet fully prepared and you two were delegated to go and fix the aprons and I encounter you doing such ludicrous and self-indulgent activity??” he exclaims in so much anger.

I’m scared but I can’t help but to see him as a penguin hopping and enjoying winter.

I quickly dropped the snow right away and stood up straight. Hana did the same as we stand side by side as if we’re being scolded by our teacher. Well. . . Kyungsoo’s a teacher so. . . yeah. “I-I just planned to buy coffee for us? Yeah, we wanted to buy you a cup of coffee firs—“Liar. You didn’t count Kyungsoo in when you said coffee.” Hana scoffs. I give her a look widening my eyes wanting her to cooperate.

“Do you know tha

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I can't wait for HanBaek moments!


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otornim this is so beautiful >_<. Thank you for sharing this story >_<
BBH is fantastic boyfriend material 😉
Chapter 40: I really love weird uncle Kyungsoo! 😂😂😂 Love this story. Thanks Otornim for sharing your talent to us! 💚
Chapter 39: Chapter 39: This couple is so cute, funny and so heart warming! And the diary scene, OMG, I wish I wrote having a Baekhyun-like as a future husband on my diary during my primary school days 😁😁😁😍
Chapter 30: I literally cried reading this chapter (again 🥺...) Thanks Otornim for the exciting chapter ahead 😏😍😍😍
Chapter 20: This chapter is so heavy 🥺 but, hey Otornim, why do you have to make me laugh so hard with your D.A.D note there?! 😂😂😂 Seriously, I just cracked up, I'm not even sure if it's THAT funny for other readers here, but to me... 😂 I guess I just really love reading your notes as much as I love reading your stories 💚
Chapter 19: Aw, witty advisor Kyungsoo made a very on point advise there... But my heart still breaks with Baekhyun's... What to do? 💔
Chapter 11: Eeeeeeh.. They're so cute! ASDFGHJKL! 🙈🙈🙈😍
Chapter 8: Oh, I'm having so much fun here reading the bickering of nerdy Kyungsoo and love-sick Baekhyun! 💚
Chapter 6: It really is fun to read scenes from KyungsooxIseul's story across the scenes here.. I suddenly missed Mind Over Matter 😍.

Anyeay, Baekhyun is so cute here! Oh my. 😍😍💚