A Fool's Epiphany

The Universal Law of Attraction

The roller coaster glides on the tracks which are suspended in the air several meters off the ground, accompanied by shrilling screams from its passengers and some disturbing mechanical noises and creaks from the wheels. Whether the shrieks are out of enjoyment or regret is for Jimin to decide when it’s their turn to sit there and either have fun or die from heart attack.

Their waiting in the long line while eating churros that Seokjin bought for them, with Taehyung lapping on the chocolate dip like a puppy. Yoongi warns them that it’s never a good idea to eat before riding a roller coaster but the boys hardly cared about his precautions.

The elder sighed when they ignored him and uttered curses to himself. Only Hoseok listened to him and politely declined all snacks being offered, but Jimin thinks he’s just too nervous of the rides that he completely lost all of his appetite. It’s highly possible considering how troubled his face looks like.

The line of people started moving again and they see the previous passengers going off the roller coaster cabs, some people laughing uncontrollably like they’ve lost their minds and some people crying actual tears like somebody died. Jimin’s starting to feel nervous as well.

Jungkook, on the other hand, jumps in excitement whenever the coaster sweeps near their direction enough for the screams to be heard. It seems like the fact that it could be dangerous for people gets him excited.

A new set of people ride the cabs, some excited and some looking like they’re going to a funeral. Jimin and his group is even closer now and he’s pretty sure they’re going to be the next batch to get on it.

“I don’t understand why people even invented these kind of things…” Hosek murmurs to himself. He’s been murmuring a lot of things ever since Taehyung announced that their first ride is the roller coaster (dropping off the ‘Final Destination-style’ when Yoongi elbows him in the ribcage before he can say it). “It doesn’t make sense.”

“People like the thrill of it,” Jimin responds to him, startling the other. “You’ll be fine!”

“I should’ve just went with our dance team,” Hoseok says in despair. “But they left me alone and wouldn’t tell me where they went to!”

“Maybe it’s because you’re ing loud, like a dying whale,” Yoongi snorts from the other side.

“Excuse me?!”

“H-He’s just joking around!” Jimin tries to lighten up the mood. Yoongi looks like he’s beyond pissed off. “That’s just how he jokes around! He’s very funny right?!” he laughs in an overly fake way that it looks pathetic, even to Taehyung’s eyes.

“It will be fine!” Namjoon suddenly shouts from their side, inciting a deadly eye roll from Yoongi.

The roller coaster suddenly sweeps in the air above them, the usual shrieks and clamors from the passengers ringing in their ears. Since Jungkook is the most excited in their group, he’s first in their line followed by Namjoon, then Seokjin, Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok at the very back.

Jimin lowered his head a bit to whisper to Yoongi. “Um, who is Namjoon anyway? I haven’t seen him in university.”

“He’s a junior, like your club president Hoseok,” Yoongi replies, not bothering to whisper or hide the fact that he’s talking about someone who’s just inches away from him. “He’s an indie rapper too, underground . He calls himself Rap Monster.”

Jimin snorted when he tried to control his laugh. The elder chuckled lowly. “The , right?”

“Well, is he good?” Jimin asks. “I mean, to be able to call himself like that, he should be quite good or people must’ve beaten him up already if he’s not…”

“Yes, to be honest,” Yoongi admits with a blank expression, ignoring Jungkook and Taehyung’s amazed gasps as they follow the roller coaster tracks with their eyes. “He’s quite good, but I beat him in composition.”

“Sorry?” Jimin asks, unsure what the other was trying to say.

“I mean, he’s clever and quick to pick up when he raps freestyle, but if you ask him to compose an actual song, that’s where he struggles,” Yoongi elaborates, “and that’s where I excel at.”

Jimin just hums in reply as the elder continues to explain. “His lyrics can be deep, but sometimes too deep that it sounds unnecessary already, you know? Like he’s trying too hard to be poetic and .”

“So if you beat him in composition, does it mean he beats you in freestyle then? Does it mean your freestyle isn’t as good compared to his?” Jimin asks innocently.

Yoongi just stares at him with a blank expression. “…Is that what you think?”

“No! No, absolutely not,” Jimin says before suddenly feeling a grip on his shoulders that pulled him away from his crouching position and away from Yoongi.

“What are you two whispering about? Huh?” Taehyung says in an accusing tone while slightly lifting Jimin off the ground through his shoulders. “ARE YOU TRYING TO STEAL AWAY MY JIMINNIE?!” he shouts at the elder.

Yoongi just grunts in exasperation and Jimin squirms his way out of his friend’s grip like a captured fish trying to get away from a net. “D-Drop me down! It’s embarrassing!”

Taehyung just giggles in amusement before lifting him up even more to annoy him.

“Ahh, the brotherly love between two friends…” Seokjin suddenly says dreamily, holding churros in his hand. “You two should be in our drama club so we can make a stage play out of your beautiful friendship!”

“Excuse me?!” Hoseok suddenly exclaims, halting Taehyung and Jimin’s silly antics. “Jimin likes dancing so he’s a part of—”

“Next batch, please!” the staff assisting the roller coaster ride suddenly announces, and the bars on Jungkook’s front opened to give way to the new passengers.

“Oh ,” Hosesok was taken aback. “I-I didn’t notice it’s our time already.”


Yoongi had to tip toe to knock off the idiot’s head. “Shut the up.”

“Let’s go!” Jungkook cheerily announces, suddenly looking like an 8-year old kid. “I’m so excited that I can beg your pardon!"

“No, no, no Jungkook,” Namjoon says in disappointment. “Just… No. That was absolutely wrong. I thought you already understood when to use that expression.”

The youngest ignores him though, hurryingly going to the front set of cabs.

Jimin sighs in worry, both from the scary roller coaster and the scary possible turn of events in their group of clashing personalities and crazy drama.




Luckily for all of them, the roller coaster was just intimidating to look at from afar but wasn’t actually as daunting and death-defying when you’re already in it (much to Jungkook’s dismay).

The others all enjoyed the thrilling ride that made a mere 3 minutes duration feel like a whole lifetime of swirling upside down and gliding through the air. Taehyung even managed to sing an emotional ballad song (Taeyeon’s “I”) while screaming frantically.

Hoseok was a different story though. Right after they went off the coasters looking disheveled, he was the only one who looked like he left his soul suspended in the air. He doesn’t look like he cried, but he looks like he’s too frightened to even shed a tear.

They explored the whole carnival after that, hopping from one ride after another and trying out the games available on some booths. They’re completely ignoring Hoseok’s pleads and protests of riding the extreme rides and let Jungkook lead them on which rides are “fun” (meaning ‘dangerous’) and which are not.

Jungkook is currently on a shooting game that can reward him either a stuffed toy, a free coupon for an ice cream parlor or a gold fish, depending on the score he’ll get. Jimin, on the other hand, is playing a dance rhythm game similar to the ones they use whenever they’re in the arcades. Taehyung started dancing right beside him and missed on all of the steps, closing the game all of a sudden and giving them an overall score of 43%.

“Dammit, I was almost winning,” Jimin says while gasping for air. “And you had to join and ruin everything!”

“Don’t be mad at me!” his best friend shouts a little too loudly before throwing himself to Jimin, snuggling him in the process. “You dance so good that I can’t help myself!”

“Ugh, go away,” he hisses.

“Hey, looks like I got this… thing, for the shooting game,” Jungkook suddenly says from their back, carrying a huge pohroro stuffed toy. “I was aiming for the gold fish but it appears that this is actually the top price.”

Jimin and Taehyung was beyond amazed. “Holy! That’s huge!” the latter gasps in awe.

“You can have it,” he hands it over to Jimin, like a huge garbage bag that he wants to dispose as soon as possible. “I don’t really need it.”

“Really?!” Jimin’s eyes were sparkling (yet again). He gets moved quite easily. “Thank you so much!” he beams at the youngest, throwing Taehyung away who’s been clinging on him like a child to get the stuffed toy from the youngest.

“Geez, it’s just a stuffed toy,” Yoongi suddenly says while yawning. He’s crouching on the side of the dance game machine to watch the two dance a while ago. “I’m in’ tired, can we just go home?”

Taehyung stood up excitedly before announcing another proposition to their group, completely ignoring the elder’s suggestion of calling it a day. “For our last activity, we will go to the karaoke!”

“Karaoke? Do they have that here?” Hoseok asks while on the ice cream cone Seokjin bought for him. Jimin finds it funny that their club president act all grumpy and irate around Seokjin but accepts his food anyway (at least now that he got his appetite back).

“They have,” Namjoon replies, “this carnival is really packed with all the good stuff, that’s why it’s always a hit to people.”

“So with that being said, we shall sing in the karaoke until our throats bleed and vocal chords are permanently damaged!”

“Why do you seem so morbid today, Taehyungie?” Jimin asks, hugging the pohroro stuffed toy that is almost the same height as him. “You watched too much horror movies again, didn’t you?”

His best friend just flashes him a silly smile while doing a peace sign, Japanese school girl-style. “Coz it makes me feel kawaii~”

Yoongi just groans before standing up and walking alongside Jungkook, who already started to walk excitedly because he can’t wait to show off his singing skills to his hyungs and make them feel like they’re inferior to him.

Taehyung and Jimin started walking too at the very back of their group, watching how everyone else is slightly getting along together; Hoseok and Seokjin has been talking about ice cream flavors while Namjoon is still lecturing Jungkook, with Yoongi on their other side consistently sighing and grunting in annoyance but still walks alongside the duo anyway.

“I was really worried before, you know,” Jimin tells his best friend as they walk. “Everyone seems to have something against everyone at first.”

“I know,” the other replies, placing his arm on Jimin’s shoulder, “but it turned out good and manageable.”

Jimin just chuckles. The sun is starting to set and the view of the Han River nearby is breathtaking. “By the way, did you make up your mind already? About Seokjin-hyung?”

“I’m still unsure,” his friend replies, arm still placed on his shoulder, “but he seems like a cool guy. I don’t think I’ll have a problem working with him or something.”

“Yeah, he buys a lot of food and shares it with everyone,” Jimin says, as if convincing his friend, “and he’s honestly so good looking! I wonder what he does to his skin to be like that…”

Taehyung looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Did you just have a crush on him?”

“No, silly,” he replies. “I’m just saying.”

“Okay!” his friend beams at him, pulling him closer. “I’m not ready to give my best friend away yet.”

Jimin should be happy but he somehow felt a little pang of pain.




“Fire in the hole when you touch me down there!”

Jimin slouches on his seat while covering his face. He can’t believe the song is already available on the karaoke and he can’t believe that his best friend was serious about singing it.

“I’m not feeling very well, so hot in down there!”

Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoesok bursts into another fits of laughter for the nth time while Yoongi joined Jimin with hiding his face behind his hands. Jungkook, on the other hand, just sits there blankly as if imagining something in his mind while listening to the lyrics.

“I can’t believe this,” Jimin whispers to Yoongi who’s sitting in his right side. “This is an open-space karaoke, for crying out loud. All these people are shooting us odd gazes.”

“He really has some guts,” the elder says in a mixture of embarrassment and awe.

“Fire! Hot, hot! Fire in the hole!” the song eventually ends and Jimin can’t be any happier. An applause came from the other side of the seats, enjoying how Taehyung makes a fool of himself.

Jimin’s phone suddenly vibrates inside his pockets and he picked it up to check on the notification. It was a message from one of the professors in the registrar’s office. “O-Oh…” he mutters to himself.

“Hm?” Yoongi hums in a questioning tone from his side.

Taehyung eventually sat down on Jimin’s left side after handing the microphone to Jungkook. “Did you like that?! It was dedicated to you!” he tells his best friend excitedly.

“…What the ?” The elder says.

“W-Well… thanks, I guess,” Jimin says before checking the time: 7:34pm. “But I have to go now, actually.”

“Huh? Why so sudden?” Taehyung asks.

“I still have to help out in the office, remember?”

“Oh… right, I’ll go with you then!” Taehyung beams at him. “I’m done with my song anyway.”

“No! It’s fine, we’re not even an hour here and everyone is still having fun,” Jimin convinces him, noticing how Jungkook’s been singing Zion.T’s “Eat” like his life depends on it. “I’ll just go ahead myself. See you in our place later!”

Taehyung smiles at him and gives him a thumbs up. “See ya! And take care!”

Jimin smiles back at him before waving goodbye to everyone, who all tried to convince him to stay a little more. He politely declined all of them, saying that he has an urgent plan to attend to.

“Where’s he going?” Yoongi eventually asks Taehyung. “What office?”

“Registrar’s office,” Taehyung replies, “in campus. He helps out part-time every 15th and 30th of the month. Today’s the 30th so he was there as well before lunchtime.”

“He has classes and dance team, and now a part-time job?”

“Yes! He’s allergic to being stagnant, I guess.”

“But… does he really need to go back there? At this time?”

“…What do you mean?”

Yoongi sighs. “Taehyung-ah, all university staff offices close at 5 in the afternoon…” the elder says as if it’s the most basic knowledge for all students, because it really is. “What will he work on if it’s already closed?”

Taehyung just furrowed his eyebrows in realization. He never thought of that before.




so i've FINALLY written the outline of this story for the next chapters

and for people asking if this is a vmin or a yoonmin fic, i'd say that it's both. =D

it's just a matter of which ship will sail to the ocean of romance or ocean of platonic-hood lol

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Chapter 1: "Dinner time, motherers." Why did I just read that in Samuel Jackson's voice lolol
Dropping here to say, you are one of my favorite authors on here zkskdoke
I thought you deactivated ;-;
Thanks for writing this beautiful story!! My bff loves this story sooo much wkckdkd
This story is perfect my vmin feels ;;;
Chapter 30: I had such a great time reading this! The pacing of the story was sooo nice♥♥♥♥ I've been so hyped up over HER so reading this was very relaxing~ Thank you so much for writing this beautiful story!!
Chapter 3: Awww, when Yoongi said, "it must be nice... to have that kind of friend," it reminded me of Bon Voyage Season 2 Episode 8 when he said, "I'm envious of Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin. Because I don't have a fellow age, a '93er, on the team. So seeing these three makes me think about how it'd be to have such a friend." (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
chitychitychi #5
Chapter 30: Seriously this is the best ff, it really suit my tastes, realistic and not too cheesy, I'm impress by how clever the author make the story

Keep up the good work :)
Luvbtsxo #6
some1 give me advice !-!
Jacksonmin #7
Chapter 30: THIS IS A REALLY GOOD FANFIC! I'm literally a vmin trash so this fanfic made me really happy
Chapter 30: It took me almost 9 chapters to realize it's a Vmin fic xD
Still feel sad for Yoongi though.. But OMG Vmin are so adorable ㅠㅠ
I loved this I wish I found this fic sooner, but reading this now helped me a lot while stressing over my exams lol
Hmmmm... Can't I choose both I mean I really badly want a sequel but if I have to choose I'll go with the "dramatic and mature story"
And thank you author-nim~
Chapter 30: Huaaaaa this great story was ove ;n; i did not expected jimin's sugar daddy was shownu , i thought it was seo-nim ! Expected the unexpected *chuckles* seriously this is toooooo good and i really do hope u can write a sequel ~