The Freedom Fought


A Seventeen Dystopian AU in which the members rebel against a corrupt government while fighting through mutants.


In the year 2040, a powerful isotope granting the owner special abilities falls into the hands of a courrupted Government leader. Unknown to the people of this dystopian society, he uses this power to cause chaos and terror. 

This isotope, given the code name 'Isotope 17' reeked havoc across the world, creating horrific mutated offspring, that eventually became a new speices of human, sharing this planet on unfriendly and animalistic terms. The first mutant outbreak occured 48 years ago. Since then, martial law had been declared and the people were put into refugee camps until society was rebuilt. It was never perfect, in fact, is was hell for those who were less than rich. But just when it seemed as though it couldn't get any worse, a second outbreak took place just four years ago, leaving millions dead. 

It isn't until a mystrious man gives the boys previously classified informations, that they learn just how truely evil their President is. Upon finding out about Isotope 17, they vow to destroy it so that the radioactive wounds can heal, and the courruption will fall.


Death, gore, murder.


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