Letter (Junchan)

All Chan's Ship




So, it’s true that you’ll do not know about the pain until you lost someone.

Dear Junhoe,

Hey. Haha this is so awkward. I know that you confuse right now. You’ll find it weird as that you think i might be crazy to write this when i just could say it right in front of you. But.. i.. well first of all. Congrats! Jinhwan hyung confessed to you. You are so lucky, dude! And don’t lose him at any cost. He is so precious. You’ll die if you make him cry or hurt him. Hanbin and Bobby hyung will kill you for sure! Kekeke

Nah i don’t intend to take away Jinhwan from you. Its not like that. I have someone i adore too. So don’t worry! ^^

I’ll start to the more weird point from now on. We were friend since ever. Kindergarten right? Wasn’t it? I’m not too sure because it’s so long almost everyday you are with me, well i don’t think you are remember about it too. After all, you were always lost to me about memorizing something. I consider you as my best friend, and you? I hope you too. At least i want you to admit me as your bestfriend.

It’ll become more weird so get hold of yourself and keep reading it.

Thank you for everything. All moments with you were really blessing to me. Eventhough we fought, we were good in no time. Thanks to your ‘cool’ personality as you mentioned. And i’m sorry. If i ever hurted you. I’m really sorry.

Hoe. I’ll move tonight. And maybe you read this letter when i already moved. Because well.. i dont want to make you burden when you are in such a good term with Jinhwan hyung. I know maybe you are now angry to me and even angrier because i say goodbye to my so called bestfriend from poor letter like this. Since i’m bad at writing but at least i tried. I intended to not to say goodbye to you and vanish just like that from you.

But from my selfish way of think and this is pure for my own goodness. I choose to write this so when i restart my life i’ll find my happiness and forget completely about you. Hahaha

Hoe. I want to share a secret that i hold from you before. That thing from our vacation on Japan last year. Why i suddenly disappeared  in the middle of our vacation. Well ... that night, as you were slept or i should say you were hibernated that like sleep. I kissed you. I guessed you fricked out and unconciously touch your lips right now, right? I felt ashamed of my self that i run away from you before. Well i do run away to right now. I don’t know that i’m such a coward before i awared that i love you.

Yeah. You should be scream of frustation right now and because of that you scolded by noona right now. I know it. But i can’t help it but to say it.

Yeah. I love you. I really do.

If you asked since when? Ever since our elementary day. You know, i find you as really cool man, and i adore you so much. That time i mistaken the feeling as the feeling to friend. Best friend. But when we finally touched the middle school. I knew. I’m in love with you. But i kept it to my self. I dont want to gross you out and i don’t want to broke our friendship. So i decided to hid it. And that the foolish thing i ever did. Because. I completely lost you now. I should give up of you and see you as my friend. Just friend, and live just  like i usually do. But.

I want you. This feeling that i can’t hold on since Jinhwan hyung came to our life. Seeing you with him it’s the hurtest thing i ever see. You know. I feel like to die and get rid of it easily. But see. My mum is much important than you. So i deciced to run away again and again. This is the last thing i could do. It’s too hurt just to meet you and that i know i will never get you for my self.

I’m childish, right? And weird. It’s my nature. But i mean it. i really want you.

Well it’s over already. You are with Jinhwan. And i should be gone from your life. I should throw you away from my life.

Hahaha! So that’s it. i just want to say it. Hoe, i’m really feel at ease when i write this and i imagine how your face when you read it. i’m pretty sure you’ll give interesting face. Hehe so...

Goodbye. Junhoe.


                                                                                                                                                Jung Chanwoo

And i love you too. I really do. I want you to comeback to me. You paboo Chanwoo.


Junhoe just about to leaved convenience strore, where he worked as part timer. Its over midnight so his shift will over soon. But someone came to his vision, someone he known from long time and someone that he searched for long time too. Chanwoo. With the same eyes and the same figure like he used to be. Chanwoo that he love. Chanwoo that stupidly he lost.

“Chanwoo!” the boy looked up from his phone to find the familliar voice he used to know. And the boy couldn’t hid his shock face when he know who called him.

“ah.... hai” he awkwardly wipe his hand and smile nervously.

Junhoe that couldn’t hold his self just bragged out from the storage room to hug the boy.

“I miss you! Why you leaved me!” Junhoe could feels his warm tears on his cheeks the tears of happiness. And he could hear the hick sound from the boy he hugs right now.

“I..... why you are here. This is still in US right?..”

“I come to find you. And i simply want to say. I love you too.”


“I love you, Chanwoo. I mean it. and i want you? I searched you ever since 1 years ago. This is...”

“Stop for a while okay. i... why? Jinhwan hyung?” Chanwoo breaks their hug. And look at junhoe with really confused look.

“i didn’t date jinhwan hyung. Never. He confessed to me. Yeah. But i rejected him. because the one i love is you.” Junhoe touches chanwoo’s cheek with his two hands. And rest his forehead on chanwoo’s forehead. Chanwoo himself can’t hold his tears any longer.

“S..o. i., ju...st. miss..un..der..stood?” He talks while he cries. Junhoe gives him smile as agreement.

“So. You Paboo Kiddo. Don’t ever run away from me again. Or i’m gonna kill you for sure.” Chanwoo nod.

“I’m sorry, junhoe”

“sttt! Don’t talk anymore. You know. there is a secret that i should tell you. Your first kiss was stolen by me ever from our kindergarten era.”

“HUH? What do you mean?”

“I mean.. i begin to love you ever since kindergarten way before you aware of your own feeling over me. So don’t be sorry. I run away from you too. Like you did, i scared that i’ll gross you out and we’ll broke our friendship. So i hid it. and i’m sorry that i hurt you. About me and jinhwan hyung. There is nothing between us. I love you chanwoo. So....How about you?”

Chanwoo’s sprakling eyes looks more sparkling with the tears and reflection of the light. And now the sweetest smile and dimple on his face as he says “I love you too”.


Seriously this is so ! Kekeke, but...

Enjoy ^^

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from now on. maybe i'll just write my fav ship.


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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 9: waeeeeee ??? I want more ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 4: come to me dongi i will hug u tight XD
R_nine21 #3
Chapter 21: but sweet as always TT.TT
R_nine21 #4
Chapter 12: Nani y so mean to june XD
R_nine21 #5
Chapter 14: just believe in him chanu-ya :)
junchan ♡
Hi i love these my main bias is chanu also i love reading anything about him and these stories is so good continue on writing your a great writer ciao.......
HAIKAC 276 streak #7
Chapter 25: It's been a while, welcome back :) I look forward to more Chanwoo's fics
Chapter 23: happy new year authornin^-^ welcome 2017 and welcome chanwoo adulthood ahhhh my baby will be legal officially (haha^^v) thank you for updating