

Why Jiyeon had agreed to go on a second date with me, I would never understand. How I let that date contain of us going to a children’s movie was also way beyond me, but I didn’t realize it until it was too late and there was nothing I could do than hope she enjoyed cartoons.

Thankfully, she had yet to seem disappointed, not even when we sat down in the comfy chairs of the movie theater and waited for the movie to start. A part of me really wanted to apologize for the choice of movie, but another part of me was scared that she was actually a fan of them. I didn't want to criticize anything she might like.

"So," I started, clearing my throat and trying to balance the bowl of popcorn on my knee instead of dropping it on the floor. "You study Chinese,"

Well… It was a start, at least.

She smiled at me, a glint in her eyes. "Yes, I do,"

"So… You speak Chinese?"

"Yi dian dian," she flashed her teeth before dropping her eyes to some point on my chest and she reached up to twist a lock of her hair around her finger. She hadn't done anything like that before. Was it a nervous habit of hers? Was she nervous?

She eventually looked up at me when I remained silent and she must have been able to read my expression for exactly what it was - confusion. She laughed, hiding it behind her hand, presumeably at my expression. I kept reminding myself that although she might be laughing at me the majority of the time we were together, at least it must mean that I didn't bore her.

"It means 'a little'," she explained and I opened my mouth in a silent O to indicate that I understood.

"Say it again,." I asked her, genuinely curious about this subject. I had heard a little Chinese in different songs or on TV, but I had never heard it in person. Granted, she clearly wasn't a native speaker, but it was still fascninating to me. Then again, she could have told me about garbage and I would probably also find that fascinating.

"Yi dian dian," she smiled and I instantly tried to repeat it. She nodded her head approvingly and I was instantly proud of not being corrected the first time I tried to say anything in Chinese. I was so used to my horrible English being corrected all the time, especially if Namjoon was anywhere near me when I dared speak the language, that it felt good to say something at least close to correct.

"It sounds cool," I basically beamed at her, probably an over-reaction to what had just happened, but I was feeling optimistic all of a sudden - maybe, just maybe, this date wasn't going to leave me with the feeling of having screwed up so horribly. I had debated back and forth between bringing up the awkward ending of our last date and just hoping she had forgotten, but I still hadn't quite made a decision yet.

"Not really," she laughed, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. I blinked at her, confused. I had honestly thought it sounded cool, although it was a very short and simple sentence, but I liked the sound of it. The way it rolled off her tongue, the way her lips stretched to pronounce the first part.

I was too stunned to even think of anything to say, but thankfully, the lights dimmed just at that moment and the commercials started rolling. I knew it wasn't a rule that you couldn't talk during the commercials, but I still sat straight and stared at the big screen like it was all very interesting to me, as if my mind wasn't still filled with Jiyeon and what to say now.

Did she expect me to say anything now? Was she the type to talk throughout the movie? No, probably not, she was too polite, she wouldn't bother other people like that.

That didn't mean she didn't expect anything from me, though. Was I supposed to try to hold her hand if she rested it on the armrest between us sometime during the movie? Was I supposed to put my arm around her? She didn't expect me to kiss her, did she?

My palms were getting sweatier and sweatier the more I started to panic about what might or might not be expected of me and I tried to wipe them on my jeans. If I did manage to gather up enough courage to actually hold her hand, I didn't want it to be all sweaty. I really doubted that I could get myself to do anything without her giving me permission first.

"That sweater looks really good on you," she commented out of the blue, pulling me completely out of my panicked thoughts by my bicep ever so gently. I looked down at the contact, utterly flustered, and struggled to find anything to say that wouldn't make me sound like an idiot.

"Oh, um, well, it's old," was what I ended up saying, to which she giggled and removed her hand.

"Well, it still looks good," she stated. It was hard to tell due to the darkness in the theater, but I could have sworn she blushed ever so slightly.

Confused as to what to say, I simply nodded once.


"You complete and utter idiot, what were you thinking?" Yoongi groaned and rubbed his face with his hands in frustrations after hearing about my date.

"What?" I asked in confusion, seeing no point to the harsh words.

"She was trying to flirt with you, and you killed it! Why didn't you compliment her back?" Hoseok explained, sprawled on the middle of his floor with his hands covering his face, as well.

Thinking back, maybe she had been trying to flirt, but although she had agreed to go out with me again, I still found her way out of my league and any idea of her trying to flirt with me seemed insane. But it did explain why she would be blushing.

"So, you were at the movies. In the dark. And you didn't even try anything?" Jungkook demanded, his youthful face full of disapproval and disbelief. The more we talked about the subject of Jiyeon, the more I began to understand his frustration.

"I didn't think it would be the right thing to do…" I mumbled in defeat, mentally preparing myself for the onslaught that statement would bring upon me.

"Not the right thing to do?!" Jungkook facepalmed. "She ing flirted with you!"

"Kook!" Hoseok scolded, although he was still covering his face with his hands in secondhand embarrassment.

"I just don't want to mess things up!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in defeat and frustration  before slumping my shoulders. Clearly, none of my friends could put themselves in my shoes, probably because neither of them had any idea what it was like to be so unintentionally awkward as me.

"No, but Hyung, you're messing up by trying so hard not to mess up," Hoseok explained. Jungkook facepalmed again and shook his head, while Yoongi just shot me a very pointed look.

I almost, almost, felt the need to remind them who was the eldest. At least it was only the four of us, so I didn't have to deal with Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung's comments as well. They would, without a doubt, only make me feel even worse.

"How am I messing up by respecting her?" I demanded in a desperate attempt to try to save at least some of my pride, although, judging by the looks on my friends' faces, I wasn't succeeding.

"Because," Yoongi's voice sounded strained, like he was fighting to control himself, but he didn't get to say anything else before Hoseok cut him off and finished the sentence for him.

"She's going to think that you're not interested in her like that if you won't even hold her hand,"

"Oh," I breathed. As dumb as it sounded, I actually hadn't thought of it like that. I had felt like I had made such a fool out of myself this entire time that she couldn't possibly think that I didn't like her like that.

I searched my friends' faces, but they had all seemed to read my mind as they now looked slightly sympathetic - well, except from Jungkook, who still looked like he would like to show me how much of a devil child he actually was.


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Chapter 5: I love this story and the fact that you write Jin to sometimes think Kookie is a devil child is great. All in all the story has a good plot and it's seems like something he would di
just_geli #2
Chapter 5: Welcome back! You have no idea how happy I was to see this story updated ^~^ I seriously love Jin so so much and just reading this makes me so happy
Chapter 4: Ahhhh! I'm loving this story!! Will there be more chapters or is this the end?
just_geli #4
Chapter 4: I love this. I'm sure I've already told you but I feel like you need to know. This story makes me smile so wide my cheeks hurt. Thank you!
Chapter 3: Thanks for writing this story. The world needs more about jin fics srsly. :)
Chapter 3: Oh my god kim seokjin the cutest adorable guy in the world (maybe an exaggeration, but whatever)
just_geli #7
Chapter 3: "Maybe I was learning how to not be socially awkward."

Best line ever. Haha I love this story more and more. I love how you're portraying Jin and the story makes me want to squeal at how cute he is haha
just_geli #8
Chapter 2: I feel like you capture Jin's personality perfectly lol he does seem like the type to be awkward with dates and everything! Haha so excited for this story ^~^
just_geli #9
Chapter 1: Omigosh I can tell I'm going to love this story. Seokjin is my ultimatr bias and I love how awkward he looks at times so this story is pulling at my heartstrings with the cuteness that is him. ^~^