Why Do You Like Me?


In which Takuya thinks Joon Jae's obsession with Takuya of Cross Gene is annoying.

And where Takuya thinks Shin's fascination with Takuya in The Lover is bothersome.



Yes, this fic my friends is another weird one. This is an AU. A TakuJae and a TakuShin at the same time. Please be reminded that all of these came from the TakuyaMuse so I am not responsible for anything.

Do tell me what you think about this. ^^ Comments are always love.


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Chapter 2: Oh I like this pairing too haha
They are really cute omg
Chapter 1: haha funny and cute at the same time!
Chapter 2: This was sweet
Chapter 2: Why Joonjae didn't tell him the reason why he like him?!
Yari1996 #5
Chapter 2: Very good