Signed With My Heart...

Shades Of Blue


 I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish .




--   Jimin ah ! Yaaa ! Park Jimin ! Hurry up ! We need to leave now or we will be late ! , said our manager .

All the memebers were already in the van waiting for me so we can depart to our schedule . 

Today , We have a signing event . It's going to be very tiring as usual . Don't get me wrong I like meeting our fans , they are one of the reasons of our success . We are very greateful for their support .

But you know , these events turnto be overwhelming sometimes . Lately , we've been really busy and I couldn't get much sleep . I feel tired  . So the thought of sitting for hours  smiling and signing felt too much for me today . 

I sighed , Put my sneakers on and went out to join the others . 

Today's fansign was held in a mall and it was in this area/atrium or something. it was a nice venue and there werent a lot of shreeking of fangirls and the pace was great .

After all , It was not as tiring as I feared it to be . This time ,according to the seat order, I was right next to Namjoon . 

The event began . Music was playing and fans were passing one by one asking along with signature to tap my hand as in a high five , or to look into ther eyes or to say something specific  ... The usual ...

And as always I tried to be nice to them after all they came for us and waited for hours  ...

Seeing how happy and excited our fans are to meet us made me feel a bit guilty for being a little moody about it this morning .

So I decided to just enjoy it and forget about how tired I was .

Suddenly , I heard Kim Tae Hyung saying :

- Omo ! Omo ! She's sooooo pretty ! 

I left up my head and followed V's gaze to see what caused him to say that . And there was a little girl , to be honest she looked like a little doll  . She was so cute and beautiful . She has long honey like hair , porcelaine skin and light blue eyes that twinkled like little stars . She looked angelic .

I got my attention back to the fangirl infront of me and smiled to her while signing . Another Fan came infront and I tried to focus on her but I could not help my self from glancing at the little girl who was now talking to kookie and smiling while giving him some candies . 

Next was Namjoon . I looked at her and she seemed a bit scared of him . I laughed inside . Namjoon gives a strong vibe and looks a bit strong . He was trying to look warmer and sweeter for the little girl which made her relax a little .

- Annyeong ! said Namjoon trying to sound as cute as he can be .

- Annyeonghaseyo ! Said the little girl with an akward pronunciation .

- What's your name sweetie ? asked namjoon while taking the album to sign it for her  .

- My name is Mila . 

- Nice to meet you Mila . Do you like the music we make ?

- Yes ! It makes me want to dance ! She said smiling which made her cheeks seemd to puff out . I just felt like kissing them . The way she spoke was so chic and the way she smiled was so cute . She was soooo sweet like the candies she was giving to the members .

- Give me a five ! said Namjoon . Her little hand was adorable . 

Then she was infront of me . I instantly smiled at her and she smiled back .

- Hi Mila ! 

- Hi ! she said while blushing and giving a hand full of candies to me . I took it and said thank you while patting her hair gently . It felt like silk , really tender .

I opened the album to sign it for her while thinking that most of the kids who came to such events where always accompanied with an adult so I was wondering why she was not , especially that I was the last one to sign for her .

I looked at her again while smiling when she took a photo and placed it infront of me .

It was picture of her and another cute little girl . She said : 

- My sister Ella  could not come with me so she wanted me to give it to you . Our picture , because you are our favorite.

She said that while blushing a little more . I was so touched and I said :

- Thank you so mush sweetheart ! Thank Ella for the picture . I'll cherish it . And your are my favorite fans from now on  both of you .

I took the picture and put it next to me . They were about to take it inorder to put it with the gifts from the other fans but I said to leave it .

 I looked back at Mila and asked her :

- There's someone who's waiting for you , right ?! Or do you need to wait with oppa till your dad or mom comes to pick you ?

- Aniyo ! , My aunt is right there waiting for me . She said that while point with her little finger to someone standing little further from where we were and she waved at her .

The moment I saw her walking toward us . The whole world vanished . My heart started beating like crazy as if it would jump out of my chest . 


I'm falling for your eyes  . But they don't know me yet .






I felt lost , in shock , amazed . The moment she looked at me , I was struck by love . I just knew it . 

I couldn't smile , i couldn't move  i was in a trance . 

I came here today to give my signature to the fans who love me and I got my heart signed by love . 

This girl  turned in few seconds from a stranger to someone I won't be able to stop thinking about .





A/N : Cough! ... Hi! 

I don't usualy plan my chapters before writing them  I iust go with the instant inspiration .  Hope you enjoy this first chapter . I know it's not long enough but i was just setting the mood ^^ 

Anyways   don't forget to share your thoughts with me ^^

See you in the next chapter ..... 



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