Part 2

I don’t want to die sad

“Gyu, what would you do, if you would know that I would die tomorrow?” Woohyun asked while lying on the grass at the local park. A bit irritated Sunggyu looked up from his book to look irritated at the younger. “Don’t talk rubbish Woohyun. You’re not gonna die tomorrow and we both know it” he answered. “And that is why I said IF Hyung. You know the word? It’s used when you talk about something that could happen but doesn't have to … like what would you do IF I would die tomorrow?” replied the younger while rolling over, so he was now lying on his stomach so he could take a better look at his boyfriend.

Sighing Sunggyu looked up from his book mumbling something Woohyun couldn't make out, before trying to read his book again. “Pardon me Hyung, I couldn't really hear you”. So after an even longer sigh the brunette put his book next to him and then focused every bit of his attention on Woohyun. “I said that IF you would die tomorrow, which I say again, you are most certainly not, I would be by your side till your last breath and try anything to make you happy” he said before giving Woohyun a quick kiss and picking up his book to continue reading.

In the mean time Woohyun stared at him for a second with a dumbfound expression, before smiling to himself. Satisfied with the answer the younger rolled on his back again and stared at the clouds. “ That’s good Hyung! I really don’t want to die sad.

Several hours .. maybe even days later, Sunggyu was still sitting by Woohyun’s side, holding his hand, while this scene keeps replaying in his head. Hell he wanted to keep this promise. He wouldn't want the other to die sad. Hell he didn't want the other to die at all, but the doctor made it pretty clear that for Woohyun to even receive consciousness again would be a miracle. And how hard it was for Sunggyu to accept that, if the other had to die, he deserved to die has happy as he could. As happy as he had made Sunggyu ever since they started dating.

“So ...” Woohyun started, while looking everywhere but Sunggyu “ My parents got me cards for a concert of that band you like so much and … well, since you like them so much, I thought I could give the other card to you … “. Opening his eyes a bit wider and cocking his head, he looked rather confused at the black head “Which band?”. “Well … Nell” “But you can't stand them? Why would your parents get you concert tickets for a band you don't like ?!” And Sunggyu looked really confused by now “Seriously Woohyun, that doesn't make any sense”. Feeling irritated the other was innerly palming himself against his forehead. Was Sunggyu always that stupid? Of course it wouldn't make sense, if he didn't contemplate that he wanted to go with Sunggyu together. Why else would he have begged his parents for the cards, like Sunggyu said, he didn't even like the stupid band, but the older boy did, and that's the only thing that mattered, the other boy did.
“I guess my parents just don't really know me well yet” he snapped “So do you want the other card or not? I can also throw it away you know?” “No need for that! I'll go with you” Gyu replied snatching the card and sticking out his tongue slightly


Leaning back in his chair,still holding the younger's hand, he was slightly laughing to himself. “Do you remember when you asked me to go to that Nell Concert with you? You were so stupid back than. You should have just said that you would have liked to go on a date with me, than you wouldn't have needed to go to a concert which you didn't enjoy and we could have done something we both enjoy … but you know .. you kind of got your revenge while taking me to that stupid boyband's concert. Aish I still can't believe you call that music. They just stood there and where more than obviously lip syncing …. stupid”. He blinked his tears away and held Woohyuns slightly up and gave him a light kiss on his knuckles

Several hours later Sunggyu got the chance to see the doctor again and so he acquired some news about Woohyuns condition and apparently his situation got even worse and it was only matter of time till his organs would stop working. When he asked him if the death would be painful (obviously trying to avoid letting out the tears which were trapped in his eyes), the doctor told him that no it would not be painful and he would just fall asleep. After getting all the information he needed, he left the hospital in desperate need for some air.

And here he stood now, right in front the hospital, lightning his first cigarette in years, which he got at the small store across the hospital, and inhaling the smoke deeply.
The feeling of the smoke expanding in his lung has never felt as suffocating and freeing. He knew that smoking is bad for his health and that he shouldn't do it and how it can kill him and he honestly swore back than when Woohyun begged him to quit (“Hyung don't you love me?” “Hyung why are you trying to kill yourself?” “Hyung quit it already, I don't want you to die before me” “I swear if you quit I'll do anything for you”), that he would never peek up this bad habit again. But he just needed to feel smoke in his lungs, nicotine going through his system and watch the blue smoke wander into the night sky. And he definitely needed to feel the slight scrap in his throat he got after smoking his second cigarette.


I'm really sorry that this chapter is so short and full of grammatical errors.
I hope you can still enjoy it at least a bit >.<


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Chapter 2: Hey, is this flashback-present fics? Woah, i really don't know i've subscribe to this story. Okey, just ignore that. Trully, i really love this kind of genres
Feraworld #2
Chapter 1: I am in tears already, hyuni please survive.
Chapter 1: Damn I'm so doomed.. I'm not too fond of angst but here i amT_T
Aigooju #4
Update soon;(((
JoannOng #5
Chapter 1: Quite interesting. Hope u will update often. Keep up with the good work.