Chapter 2






Nico reached for her phone inside her bag.

“Who’s that? His voice has that very manly tone and that is something that she finds as one of his best assets. “Roy?” and his voice changed a little bit more this time. There’s anger that is very obvious from the line of his face.

She wanted to lie. She wanted to tell him it’s not Roy. She wanted to tell him it was just a random friend who called but she could not. She really could not lie to him at all.

She showed him her phone. He grabbed it.

“Leave her alone! She does not need you anymore!” He said after pressing the answer button of her phone.  He turned it off and handed it back to her without even looking at her.

“Richard! Why did you do that?” she said in a very loud tone.

“Look at yourself in the mirror. He had caused you so much trouble in the past. Why do you still entertain him? What for Nicomaine?” Richard said without looking, still.

“I am not entertaining him. Who said I am?!” she said. She put her phone inside her bag and faced him angrily. “I have been trying to ignore him since he came back from the States, Rich.” She added.

“Why do you still shed tears because of that bastard?!” he asked. “Do you still love him?” he added.

“Look. I have moved on okay? I have no feelings for him anymore. I just cannot forget what he did. I guess it’s like that. It will always be like that. Once someone has hurt you, even when time goes by, it’s always like that. You will never forget the pain.” And that brought tears from her eyes that Rich had to set aside his car to calm her down.

“I am sorry.” He held her hand and hugged her tight.

“Tell me Nico, how can I make you forget him? What will I do for you to forget him?” he uttered silently. How he wish he could tell her how he feels but it’s been a long time and he has moved on from that moment but never from his feelings for her.

Nico wiped the tears from her eyes. He handed her his handkerchief. “Here.” He offered. She took it from him. “Thanks. I am sorry, too. Can we not talk about him anymore? Promise me this is the last time Richard.” She asked.

“I can promise you that but once I see him, the things that will happen next... well that Nico, I cannot promise. You know me. You know me well enough Nicomaine. I won’t let anyone hurt you again.” He added. With so much emphasis on those words, she knew how he felt that moment. She knew that he’s there to protect her, always.

“I know, and thank you Rich. Really, thank you.” She held his hands.

That moment took them away for a second when their eyes met. There was a sudden loud hearbeat louder than any sound they could hear inside the car.

But as soon as they were about to set into what must come next, both pulled out themselves from that moment.

“Let’s go.” Both of them uttered to break that wall of awkwardness between them. Rich let go of her hand. She looked straight on the road and tried to sit comfortably. They both laughed at that moment too. Silence filled the trip as they passed by each and every road going to Tagaytay. Rich could not help but stare at the woman sitting beside him time to time just to check her. Nico on the other hand, would just check her phone time to time.

“I guess it’s about time that I change my number.” Nico broke the silence between them.

“You should have thought about it a long time ago. Told you about that offer in Smart Telecom, right? I will avail one, one is yours.” He said.

“Oh that couple thingy they offer.” She said but she had to hide her smile by letting her hair fall down on the side of her face. He had to hide that smile as well when he heard the word ‘couple’ from her by wiping his forehead for no reason at all. That offer from the company has been on for quite some time and the company’s manager is just waiting for Rich to avail the offer. He’ll be receiving more if he subscribes.

“Look, it’s not just couples who avail those. Not bad to get one. One for you and one for me. We’ll have almost the same number except the last digit and you do not have to pay for it. I will pay for it.” Rich offered. He has been telling her to get one ever since but it’s her who does not really like. She enjoys prepaid than postpaid plans.

“Fine.” She said. Deep inside she’s happy. It may sound so simple but she find it cute that they’re going to avail the couple plan.

“Good.” He smiled as if he won the whole conversation. He continued driving and they talked about so many things including their businesses, their plans in life til the conversation ended because they had reached the house of his parents.

He helped her in removing her seatbelt. It is a natural thing that he does everytime she rides his car. He may have dated a lot but he is different when it comes to her. He is only gentle when it comes to her. He only does the things he does whenever they are together. If only Nico knew, he is not like most men that his bestfriend think of when it comes to men  of his generation. Looks crazy but it is true. He is totally a different guy since...

“Changes happened when I fell in love with you and I wish you knew...” he uttered to himself as he opened the door of his car for her. His parents are happily waiting for them at the front gate of their house.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Nico yelled as soon as she saw Rich’s parents. She totally ignored Rich who was trying to assist her. She ran like a kid towards them. She hugged them both and even gave them a kiss on the cheeks. Nico has always been close to his parents eversince and sometimes she looks more like their own daughter than Rich.

“Iha, when was the last time we saw each other? You are getting prettier.” Rich mom said with a huge smile on her face.

“Mhmm, last Christmas I think? Yes. Well I told Richard to bring me here a month ago but he was very busy so yeah...” she looked at Rich who was busy talking to his father now.

“Oh I know. He is always busy. He never answers our calls and he only comes here during anniversaries like this. Tsk. Does he have a girlfriend now? Busy with a girl too?” Rich’s mom asked. They’re now walking towards the big garden near the pool. It’s just a simple celebration but it’s very special. It’s their wedding anniversary and just thinking about it, Nico could not help but wish to have her own celebration of wedding anniversaries too,someday.

“Just work mom. I never heard him talking about a new date since last year.  All I know, some common friends of ours set him up on a date but he never introduced anyone to me so I guess, nothing worked from those set ups.” She answered. The maid had just served her an orange juice.

“He keeps on telling me that he wants his father to be proud of him. He never introduced any girl to us either. You know iha, if I could only choose a girl for my son, I would choose you.” Rich’s mother said. Those words from his mother made her drink up all the juice there is in her glass. She did not know how to respond so she just smiled at her.

He looked at Rich who’s now busy talking to his dad and probably they’re discussing business matters on the opposite side of the pool. When her eyes met his, he smiled at her and she smiled back.

“I am dead serious about it Iha. You know my son very well. Me and my husband know you very well. We know your family. We know you and we know what is best for our son. It’s you.” She continued. She stirred her coffee and looked at her son who’s coming to approach them.

“All this man needs is a little courage to tell you how he feels.” She added. Right on time, Rich and his father came to sit with them at the table.And those words from his mother started to stay in her mind since then...

“Mom, Dad told me that you always avoid taking your medicines. C’mon. I do not want you sick.  Please take care of yourself. Drink your medicines every day.” Rich said. He sat beside Nico who was still trying not to remember what his mother just told her awhile ago.

“Are you okay?!” He asked. She was kind of surprised.

“Of course I am. I just missed this place. I love your parents’ house.” She looked around to avoid any eye contact with him.

“Why don’t you guys get the vacant lot nearby?” His mother asked and for her to change the topic about her not taking her medicines. She really hates taking pills.

“Conjugal property, honey?” his father asked. “These two are not even a couple. They might just argue over that land.” His father teased them and laughed so hard.

Nico laughed and in awkward times like this, she really does not know what to respond except one...

“One thing is for sure, mom, dad, I am going to hire your son as the senior engineer when I get my own house somewhere, someday.” She answered. Rich laughed too.

“Just in one condition Miss Mendoza.” He said. “You have to cook for me everyday.” He smirked and pinched her cheeks just like the old times. He loves doing it to her. She may get annoyed by it but she never ever gets mad at him for doing it.

“You two, just get married. We all want that!” His father said while his mother agreed with him. The two just laughed at them while Rich and Nico did not know how to respond to that except the smile on their faces.

Their lunch was served. They had Italian meals on their table. Everyone enjoyed the conversation except Rich and Nico who were the hot topic of the conversation with the elders.

After 4 hours of stay at their house, Nico and Rich had to go. At the front porch of their house, “Son, you’re not getting any younger. You are single. She is single. What are you waiting for?” his father said in a low tone but she ‘s dead sure that she heard what he had just told him.

“Dad. Ugggh...” that’s all he could respond to that teasing but he knew his dad was right. His dad has always been right. He has always been open to his parents  especially things about Nico and for them to reveal things in front of her and with him around is the most awkward and cruel thing they can do. Somehow, he knows that they are just helping him.

“Take care Iha. Come back next time. Remember what I told you. I just want you for...” but even before his mother could continue, Rich interrupted.

“We’re going now mom, dad. I love you! Happy anniversary again.” He kissed both of them and went straight to his car, opened one door where Nico is going to sit.

“Happy anniversary mom, dad. I will come back here, promise!” and she kissed them both on their foreheads.

Rich closed the door as soon as Nico entered. He waved his hands to say goodbye to his parents and sat beside Nico on the other side of the car.

“Ready?” he asked her.

“Yes. Just put some sounds on. I will just take a nap okay.” She replied. Deep inside she just wanted to avoid any more awkward things to happen between them so she’d just try to fall asleep though she is not even sleepy.

“Yes boss! Haha!” he laughed and turned the music on. Nico loves Coldplay songs so he set them from his player. Good thing he used this car. It is his favorite car because it only has two seats. It’s just him and Nico...

It’s late afternoon when they left and now they’re stuck in traffic. Rich looked at Nico who was still trying to sleep. She just closed her eyes though and pretended that she’s sleeping. She is so wide awake mentally.

“I find it weird that I feel this way. Why am I always afraid. I have had so many chances yet I am so afraid of so many things Nico.” He uttered softly but she heard them all. She just listened.

“If you only knew Nico....” he uttered again. He looked at her. What he knew, she was sleeping the whole time.

Rich was about to touch her face (she felt his hand lightly on her cheek) but he stopped talking as soon as the lights went green.

This is the moment where Nico just wanted to open her eyes and ask him what it is. She wanted to hear more from him. She wanted him to tell her EVERYTHING...


To be continued...



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