Chapter four


Recrudescene chapter four

“ Give me another glass of Ambrosia and three of your best .”sehun slammed the empty glass back on the bar counter.

He was in a coven filled with warriors sizing up es and desperate peasents asking for meals.The coven was built of stones to block out the heavy snow.There were lanterns placed all over but it did not justice in brightening up the dark rooms.

Sehun wasnt feeling the best.Two weeks in the scorching desert sun, he walked through the endless sand dunes til he reached the other side of woodlands.After another 4 days of walking he got to the mountain tops that led him to this very brothel.

He was exhausted and still moody.He figured he coud out all of his stress and fill himself up with a good meal.He was tired of eating dead rabbits and hares.

“ I havent seen you in a while, thought you had your fill and went to one of the brothels in the capital.”The burly man handed him a new glass.Jack knew sehun would never be found in one of the brothels in the capital.

The women of his homeland had a special place in his heart.They were exotic and an adventure.The women of the capital were all the same.They were too proper and high maintenance.The women of sharam were the most vivacious and their appreciation for the men could never be competed.

“You know i could never leave this place, old friend.”sehun smirked eying the girls unoccuppied by the humors of the soldiers.The were lust hungry and craved attention.They were spunky and dominant.

“ Your favorite Kani is here, chressi is from the valley part but the men love her.And we got a new one in today Tata.”He hesistated on continuing on and sehun eyed him suspiciously.

“ She fresh.”Sehun knew what that meant.

A , the worst.

“I dont do s.”sehun simply said drowning another glass.

“Come on, she just needs to be taught the ropes.”He begged.Sehun shooked his head strongly.Jack wasnt going to get him to a .

“No, can't you get one of the soldiers to ed her, I'm sure they won't mind.” sehun looked over his shoulder at the drunk that were amused by some joke that the had probably repeated on numerous occassions.The ale stuck to sides of their mouths as it spilled over.They had to have about 20 women entertaining them.Yes, they definitely wouldnt mind.

“ The girl aint got the beauty of the average , just try, she might end up being your favorite.You know ive never let you down.”jack was basically on his knees.Sehun sighed he guessed he could do anything for an old friend.

“ send them up.”He said dropping a bag of kuros on the bar stand and grabbed his jacket.

“Thank you, your majesty.”sehun scoffed.He hated that word.Your majesty.sehun easy walked up the high flight of stairs past the lip locked couple towards the main suite.He quickly slammed the door.He removed his jacket and threw it over the bed side chair.He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a box of cigs.A gift from kai.

He lit it and puff out , his stress was already beginning to leave his system.He heard suffling out the side the door and a bit of a commosion.

“ Bring them in.” he said taking another swig before sitting fown on the edge of the bed. Two guards lead in the three girls. His favorite kani was just as beautiful as ever.

She had fire like hair that went to her waist.Her stone colored eyes were piercing and sharp.The freckles that laced her faced where just as red.Her pale skin stood out from her clothes.She was tall and lean.Though she was beautiful she had the mouth of a sailor and the attitude of one as well.

“ Hello , sehun.” they were on a first name basis with eachother.Their life was off the charts and they had a strong bond ...well ually.

“ kani.” Chressi came secound.To him she was new.Her skin was pale as well.She was a bit tall like kani but way skinner.she had jet black straight hair that stop short of her belly button.Her dress was a bit revealing as well.Her jet black eyes were enchanting.No wonder she was the most popular.she had the most symmetrical face he's ever seen.

“ it is my pleasure to serve you, your grace.”sehun nodded to let her know there was no need for formalities.

he waited for the third to walk through the door.The one who was causing all the commotion in the halls.A warrior dragged a young girl by her upper forearm before roughly dropping her to the wood floors.

“ please for give me ,my lord.This one was a being a bit of a nuisance..” he spat.sehun waved him off.

He was only focused on one thing, Her.She was a golden bronze thar was sun kissed beyond repair.Her hips were more wide and way more developed.She was a bit of a shorty maybe 5’2 a direct conteast from sehuns 6’2.Her hair was a mess of curls that spiraled over her face.she kept her head down so he couldnt see her face.

A guard shoved her with his staff harshly. “ speak to one of your guards.” he hissed but sehun gave him a warning look that told him to back off.

sehun crouched down to her level in hopes of seeing her face.she kept avoiding his face by turning her head away from his view.sehunwas losing his patience and roughly cupped her face.she had the most stunning brown eyes.The reminded him off the warm cocoa from the desert lands.Her nose was small and pointed.Her lips were plum and a nice shade of peach.The tears that stained her face confirmed she was the .Jack must have paid a fortune.

“ out, all of you including the other .” he said getting up from his position from the floor and slamming the door behind them firmly looking it. He went over to the drawers by the bed abd began unstrapping his shoes.

“Whats your name?”he asked pulling of his shirt.When he didnt hear an answer to see her still looking at anything but him.he already knew the answer.He just wanted to test the waters.

“ Are you deaf? I asked what is your name?” He said un strapping his pants. He was in the bare until he wrapped a towel around waist.

“ Your Sehun, The last guard, conquer of ma-” “ yes, i have many names but there is no need to list them out.”he said grabbing towels.

“Then , you are nothing but a killer that s because he has the power too.” sehun scoffed.

“ you are ill-tempered,cruel and arrogant-” she began before being rudely cut off.

“yes.Yes.YES.” sehun sang.” character traits I did not choose nor can change.”” he walked over grabbing her from the bedroom door throwing her into the bathroom.

“ and you are a who apparently doesnt have a name, whos going to give me a bath.” he handed her a rag.he began undoing his towel to which she turned around much to sehuns amusement.

“Have you never seen a man’s body before girl.”he chuckled.He dropped his towel before stepping into the steaming bathe.His muscles relaxed and he laid back on the tub closing his eyes.The room was peacefully silent.

“Get in.”he abrutely said causing her to jump out of habit.

“ i-i dont understand -”

“ im not paying for you to stand there and look pretty.” he said .He looked like he was going to sleep. She silently raise up the bottom hem of her white dress before dipping her foot into the warm water.she crouch down into the swimming pool like bath .her dress raise up at the top of the water.she blush though she knew he couldnt see her.

For a minute he looked peaceful sleeping. Well that was until strong muscular hands shoot out frightening her.Reaching out gripping on to her hips until she straddled his lap.Her blush became as pink as a rose.he cracked his eyes open a bit,gazing up at her.

“ wash me.” he requested.she looked away clearing before dipping the cloth into the water.He watched her every move.She slowly began washing his was hairless and filled with scars.

He watched her trace the line of his scars along his chest. Up to his neck to his arms where more scars lay.

“ Do you wish to know where they came from?”he whispered.she looked up from her scars to search his face before slowly nodding.he raised himself up with her in in his arms before dropping her back in his lap.She could feel things in her body aching like never before.

he softly gripped her fingers before tracing them over his heart where his biggest scar was. “ i got it when i was 7 fighting an old friend and the armour i wore wasnt strong enough.He slashed right through it.”he said moving her fingers to the scar above his appendix.

“ kai was fooling around and stuck me right through.With out lay i would have bleed to death.”she gulped.He then moved her to the scar on his left for arm.

“ I was in the middle of a war when an enemies struck me from behind and them tried to cut off my arm.” She pulled away.” He didn't succeed.”he said pulling her back.

“ what about the ones on your back.”she innocently questioned her curiousity getting the best off her. she had saw the long slashs down his backside in rows when he took off his shirt.His grip on her thighs tightened.

“Don't worry about it.”His eyes told her it wasn't up for discussion.

“Since you know so much about me and i know so little about you, why dont you tell me how you ended up her , my lady.” her eyes grew big.How could he possibly know?

“ oh , so you though i didnt know about your statis.”He mocked.

“ How do you know?”

“ Any intelligent noble can see it.Your hair and body smells of roses not dirty and infestation. The way you talk down to men and don't hold your tongue.The way you walked in.And of course your beauty.”he said sniffing a portion of locks he had grasped.

“Any common has beauty.”

“yes, but your woman is a sign of your finiancial statis.For example our current position.I am royalty , a guard with endless money.I can pay to have a great beautt accompany my bed.Your father could buy the a special unique beauty if he has the money to do so.”

How arrogant.

“ Don't worry I won't take your precious ity.” He shrugged picking pieces of fruit of the tray the maids layed in honour of him.

“ And for what , why would you be so kind as to think about my well being.”He was lying.

“ Because your coming with me back to the capital.”he sipped a bit of ambrosia.

“E-Excuse you-”

“ i dont need any one finding about about my little scandalous adventures if your father was to find you violated before marriage.Luhan would finally have a reason to kill me.”

“ My father wont find me.”

“ oh he will.”He chuckled .she was the definition of niave.

“ Did you really think you could escape your father.Ive seen this many times before.What are your trapped in an arranged marriage,seeking true love..”He mocked.

“Then if my father is to find me why take me.why wont you leave me at peace here.”she suggested.

“No, the nobles have been getting on my last few nerves these past years.Im up for a bit of blackmail.”

“Do you have no sense of pride ,morality, right from wrong.” She was digusted by his foul character.

“ whats the point, it not like ill actually die and have consequences.”he quickly jumped out of the tub.She closed her eyes in hopes to not see anything you didnt wish too.she could hear him laughing.

“its best if you wash up quickly.We have a long journey in the morning.”

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