Chapter three


Recrudescene chapter three

“Were you in your right mind when you left her on earth?”

“chillax, chanyeol.”kai stated for the 13th time.

“ Do you not understand the consequences of leaving our queen on earth with the awareness of three mystical beings.”chanyeol emphasized mystical beings.

“it was actual one.”

Chanyeol’s hair was spiking up into deep shades of red.

“calm down.”luhan said resting a palm to his shoulder to release the tension. “ We dont even know if it is her.”luhan suggested.

kai instantly raised up from his resting position on the leather couch. “oh, it's her alright.”kai said digging through the books in the library columns.

“ And how would you know that?”

“ if i can interject.”lay asked raising his hand.” i do too have to agree with kai.It was the reason we left her on earth.She shares a striking resemblance to kora.”

That dreaded name.It all made sense now why they left her on earth.Sehun would go on a rampage.

“Are you sure?”luhan asked.

“ of course.”kai lit a cigar.”All of the successors have the same facial features but she hit the nail on the head.she has the eyes,the skin, even down to the curl.”He took a second swig.

“Where the hell is sehun anyway?”of course, his bestfriend would want to know.

“Don't know, don't care.He skipped out on his duties two days ago.He could be anywhere by now.”luhan shrugged.

“How cold hearted.”kai puffed out an bit smoke and lay waved it out of his face.

“if he wanted to be here, he would be here.” luhan ended the topic.

“But its a good thing hes gone, we can safely deliever the queen back here.

“Yah , but when he gets back he's gonna raise hell.”kyungsoo muttered.

“ then well have to do a darn good job hiding her then.”

“ Do u seriously believe sehun isn't going to find out.”chanyeol scuffed.

“Sehun isn't dumb.”

“i know..”he whispered to himself.

“what the plan?”xuimin asked.

“ she cant see me she’ll instantly recognize me.”kai pulled on his coat and rubbed his cigar out on the table. “ ill do what ever you want when you figure out the plan.Chanyeol, you coming to the arena.I wanna get caught up on some of my sword work.”chanyeol quickly slipped out of the room with kai.

“Thats it son.” achils dad commented.They were in the arenas.

The pillars were gold and white and arches were upon the rooftops that reached as high as the skies.The empty rows of seats that wrapped around the room made him even more nervous.

His big brother was watching by the main entrance.He was leaned over one of the pillars.He was studying his little brothers form.He wasnt around much as being a guard holds much responsibilty.He was happy to know his younger brother also had a gift.

As achil danced around the arena dust from the dirt picked up. The arena was grand but rarely ever used for anything but pratices.achil wore silver armour lined with gold.His shoes were the newest of the new and the fabric was of the best quality money could buy.

“That's enough for today.”achil bowed before his father before skidding off to see his brother.

“Did you see me, paris?” achill jumped for joy.He ruffled his hair.

“ of course, i did.You will grow up to be a strong guard.One day you and me will have to compete against each other for the heart of another.

“ you mean our future queen, cecily.” he looked puzzled.

“yes ,of course, only our future queen.” he laughed before his eye caught the sight of another.

He wore old robes that were 3 sizes to big.They were tattered and worn out clearing for the holes and beer stains.His body was sickly thin and his pants where to small as he was to tall to wear them.His shoes had holes and the straps had broken but were held together by thin patches of cloth.His hair was greasy and tangled.

He was led by his father who held a gut and a over grown beard.His breathe smelled of liquor and his hands were covered in grease and oil.

“ My son has a gift.”

“Hey , luhan you alright.”Baekhyun asked.

“yah, just a slight headache, thats all.” he said .

“ you look tired too.Make sure you drink some ambrosia.”baekhyun rubbed up his arm.

“ maybe we should call the meeting to an end so you can rest. “ your right.Meeting ajourned.” he simlly stated walking out into the hallways.

the hallways were a bright white marblw to reflect the light from outside .The castle was light and airy.Most areas were sorrounded by nature and open windows.There are over 120 gardens located around the castle.

Luhans room was a pretty decent size.He had french doors that led to a gardon and pateo.He had his own seperate bathroom and living space.He switched on the fire place as he was deadly cold and slipped into bed to have the well rested sleep he deserved.

‘ hey ,mind if i play?” lucife asked.An annual celebeation of the guards were held every year.achil had snuck out to play will marbles on the balcony.

“ i dont wanna play with you.”achil lifted his nose in the air and continued playing by himself.

“ i understand.”lucifes face turned into a frown before he slowly walked out.

“You beat me at sword, you beat me at archery, you beat me at knives now you want to beat me at marbles too.” achil mumbled under his breathe.

“You know thats not the way to speak to your superior achil.”paris said.He was watching in the shadows.His brother never enjoyed the company of other kids.

“ i know.” achil sulked.He was going to have to sit through a scolding.

“ you know when I was your age, I didn't like my superiors either.”paris commented.Achil scoffed and continued playing marbles by himself.

“ how could you have superiors, your a king.”achil was being sarcastic.Achil was only 600 years of age.He did know what was right.

“ of course, I did.You always need someone one to teach you.”He said.He looked at his brother who continued to play the game disinterested in what paris had to say.

“ Dont mind me, im old, i wouldnt have any wisdom or anything.” he stretched before getting back up to tend to the celebration.

“But just remember.”he said

“Marbles is a 2 player game.You’l never win if you do it by yourself.”he shrugged slamming the designed metal doors behind him.

“ i guess i’ll just never win ,then.” he said as the ruff wind picked up.


“You’ve got to be kidding me!”Aunt lucia’s foot harshly stepped on the brakes.The car halted to a stop and the car behind us began madly honking.

“Whats wrong?”We were in the middle of a back road through thick forest.The blazing sun was scorching.If they had to pull over she would suffer a midlife crisis.

“Somethings wrong with the tires.I can feel it.”she sighed swinging the door open to go out and examine the damage.

“Great.”When dad sent me to florida for a week to spend with my aunt after his minor heart attack, the first day i didnt dream of being stuck on the side of the road.

“The lake is just a few miles up, if we walk fast enough we can make it to the cabin with jack.”she suggested taking the keys out of the agnition.

“ But how are we getting there.” i said reaching my pjonw up in hopes of catching some signal.

“ Your dad showed me a trail back here once when we were younger.”

“once?”I echoed.

“ relax, i know these woods like the back of my hands, i grew up here.”she waved me off. And that's how I ended up here.Two hours later with scratches up my legs from constantly tripping on mossy rocks and sticks.The amount of fallen leaves were dense.The forest was large and the so called trail seemed to be nonexistent.

“ i think we go this way.” Its not like i dont love my aunt.But no one really feels like hiking through the woods through thick itchy leaves in 90 degree weather.

“ You sure because im sure we've passed this tree before.”i think we're lost.

“ How would you now?” It wasn't that hard to remember a tree that looked like it was rotting from the inside out.It was dark and covered in moss.The vines that hung from its branches were old and decript.It had cracks and lined creaks in the bark.It made whipping and crooks when the harsh wind it it.

“ Because its creepy.”


The sky was darkening a bit and the wind picked up along the trees.The woods were silent except for the rustle of leaves.Dust picked up a bit from the gushes of wind.It was starting to get chilly and my jacket was gone.Anut Lucia was sitting on a log trying to figure out which way we were going to head.

“ we can always follow the north star.”

“ Auntie, its not night time.”i sighed taking out my water bottle and surveyed my surroundings.I just didnt want to come in contact with any snakes.I was boring just staring at the empty trees.

“ ive got to pee.” i said looking over at my aunt who was to lost in her own thoughts. As i walked the trees seemed to get more thicker and dense.

I was a bit figgity.The voices have been gone since the day i out.All i can remember is my last few minutes of school , i woke up in a hospital bed with my aunt telling me about my father.It was weird to not have them following my every footstep, it was almost like they were never there.

i looked over my shoulder yo see my aunt but i was to far too see her figure.good, now i can use the bathroom. I quickly zipped up my pants before trying to return to the trail.But there stood the mkst prettiest little girls i had ever seen.

The stood on the edge of the hill of leaves away from the trail.

One was blonde and one was brunnette.The blonde hair flowed in golden waves and the brunnettes hair were in matching pigtail braids that reached her shouldees.The little freckles danced around their eyes.

“Hey!’ what were they doing here so far into the woods.The closer i got the more details i could see.

The blonde had black orb like eyes.The brunnettes eyes were mitch matching a bright blue and an olive green.

“ what are you guys doing all alone in the -” she was unpleasantly interrupted by the brunette playfully snatching the straps of her bag.Take off her and her giggling like companion.

“Hey give that back.” All of my clothes from the week in the cabin were in there.My begging only fueled their enthusiasm and they sped up happy with the chase.They skipped past trees and dogged rocks until we were met with a stony road.

Was this the trail auntie talked about?My lack off attention caused me to trip upon a grasping root before tumbling down the hill until a big pile of leaves.

“Hey.”i heard a voice call.There they were standjng in front me smiling just as innocently as they could.

”Dont you want to finish playing the game with us.” i certianly did not.

“ No.” i huffed.

“ oh, well then.” The blonde giggled then taking off in a sprint again.i pushed my self up running towards the direction they left.The trees began to become less sparse and it opened to a clearing.

A plain filled with flowers.

The dizzness hit me like a ton of bricks.I careful toughed my head.It was wet,moist for some reason.I was bleeding from my head.I guess when i feel i scrapped my forehead. The flowered field reminded me of something.

Something i had dreamt before.

There drindeon stood.His armour had been replaced by simple peasent like clothing.His jet black hair was tied into a ponytail.He held a basket of foods in his hands.There before him layed a woman.

A beauty woman.

Her bright red hair glistened under the sun.Her petite form was hunched over picking flower into her baskets.She was turned away from him staring up at the sun before her sweet melodic voice called out.

“ We shouldnt keep meeting like this.” she said.she always said that but it never made his smile waver.he sighed grabbing a handful of berries from his basket.

“Then i wouldnt be able to see your beautiful face every morning.” he responded.Everything he said was like poetry he rehearsed through the nights. They layed their in the pastors bathing in the sun and the riches of nature.Her smile lighted up his world.

“ when will the day you will chose to become my wife and lay in my bed next to me, as a queen?”he asked.Marriage was something they alwats talked about.Running away was an idea they shared.

“Never as you know we are not destined to be and I am not a queen.” She whispered.

“ But you could be.”he quickly spoke up.she shook her head strongly.

“ No, that is destined by the fates who has chosen adeliade in my place.” she said cuting the thorns from the roses.

“ Adeliade is too spunky, i hate spunky.” he complained.she snorted letting out a high pitched laugh.

“That is no way to speak about your future queen and maybe wife.Adeliade is brave and strong willed.I am just a farmers daughter who's happened to catch your eye during her strolls through the fields.”her voice was sorrowful.

“ you know that isnt true.” he reasoned tightly gripping her hand.

“ But it is.If anything do be a gentlemen and dont lie to me.”she spat and he instantly released his grip.The tears ran down her face like a deadly storm.

“ you can not help that you were born with a gift.”she laid the flower on his lap and finally met him in the eyes.

“ and i can not help that i was not born a queen.”


“Thank you my friends.Your cooperation was commendable.Each of your families will be paid the appropriate amount of kuros.” The strong man slipped a bit of his ambrosia.

“ of course, master Tao we live to serve you.”The twins bowed.One man was blonde built but blind the other a brunette who gad a crystal blue eye and an olive eye.

“ i will relay this information to the guards immediately.”His smirk growing.

“Shes trapped.”

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