
As long as we're together
Ahn Yoo Ri = a girl who fall in love with his co-worker Park Haeson Park Haeson = is a widowed man with a son. Its almost four years since his wife died. He was left with a son he loves. Park Jimin = young boy with chubby cheeks and pretty eyes. Son of Park Haeson. When Yoo Ri and Haeson got married, they are the happiest couple on earth. With a happy family they are contented with their life. Yoo Ri loved Jimin like a real child of her and Haeson is never been happier. Their life is almost perfect. Everyday is full of fun and smiles but not everything has a happy ending. Park Haeson RIP 1950-2016 Yoo Ri is so down. She didn't know what to do. Haeson died in a car crash. Now she is left with their son Jimin. Jimin on the other hand being young and innocent he didn't know what was happening. His Yoo Ri eomma just told him that his Appa is just going somewhere and will be there for a long time so they're gonna be stock together for a long time. Yoo Ri decided that they're gonna move to Seoul to continue their life there. She sold their old house and visit Haeson's grave before moving to Seoul. Jimin on the other hand is excited yet clueless. They both rode a bus. Yoo Ri found a nice apartment with a reasonable price. They moved in and try to start their life again. --------------------- Jimin is in Junior high already. He is not that young boy anymore. His father died many years ago and he's just so happy and content. His eomma Yoo Ri is meeting someone already and his so happy for her. Yoo Ri never let Jimin feel alone. She was always there as a mom she promised. She even get his permission for the guy she is meeting and Jimin is just so supportive for his eomma. He forgot the name of the man she's dating. Its Jun? Heon? Joon? "Jimin, son. I'll be a little late okay. I have a dinner with Mr.Jeon" She said with a smile *Oh its Jeon* "Okay eomma. Have fun with *wiggles eyebrow* Mr.Jeon" "Oh stop it Chimchim. Okay Im going now. Take care of the house hmm." "Yes eomma. By the way Teahyungie is coming" "Okay. Just don't mess around hmmm" "Mhhm. Love you eomma" He said and kissed her cheek "Love you too Chim" She hugged back. Then Jimin is left alone. "Wait Jeon? Hmmm I know a Jeon. Hmmm. Ohmaygosh! JEON! Are they related by any means?? Oh no. I wish not!" --------------------------———------------- So that's its for the very first part. Im so lame -_- Who'se Jeon is it? Jeon Cena?? Hahahaha Im gonna go hide under the rock now :3 Next chap is about The Jeon's :)'
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Chapter 1: You should make the scene part where one of them frust cause the world is too full of people who judge people please~ it will be a blast!!!