

A.N: So this chapter is from Mingyu's POV. I don't know why I wrote it in the first person :D

Hope you enjoy! <3


I hate it here. I had to move with my dad to this crappy town and leave all my friends behind. I hate the school, the people and the whole town. I just want to graduateand get away from this hole and away from my dad... I just wish that Minghao or Soonyoung would be here. I also wish that my mom would be here thoigh I never really knew her. I'm not really interested in getting new friends since my old friends are enough and I don't want to replace them. 


It was Monday again... I didn't want to get up but I knew that I had to. So I lifted my heavy head up from the pillow and sat up. The next part was going to be hard, I had to lift my whole body up and it was surprisingly hard but I did it. I walked to my window and opened my gray curtains. The sun hit my eyes and I could see how the dust flied around my room. I sighed deeply and then walked to the shower. After the shower I walked to my wardrobe and started to pick my outfit. I ended up with black skinny jeans and gray hoodie with red text. Then I styled my hair and brushed my theeth. Then I took my backpack from the floor and went downstairs.


I noticed that my dad wasn't home, probably at work already. So I placed my backpack on the floor and ate breakfast by myself. After I finished eating, I placed the dishes to the dishwasher and then left. It was a nice day. I couldn't see so well since the sun came to my eyes. Suddenly I felt something solid on my feet and before I noticed, I was lying on the ground. "ing branch" I mumbled and then looked at my knee. It was bleeding and there was a scar. 

"You okay there?" I heard someone asking behind me and I turned my head. Behind me was standing slightly shorter guy than me. He had sharp eyes and raven black hair. He looked pretty handsome. 

I didn't say anything but I tried to got up and succeeded though it was hard. I tried to walk and succeeded in that too...almost. After few steps I fell down because my knee was hurting so badly. Damnit!


"Okay let me help you" The other guy said and came closer. I had to admit that in this situation the only thing I can do is to let him help me. I just mumbled a quiet 'fine' and sat up. My cheeks heated up when the other guy slid his arm around my waist to help me up. I glanced at him and saw that he was also embarrased. We started to walk towards the school, his arm around my waist. It was embarrasing at first but I got used to it and I had to admit that it felt i don't know...nice. 

"What happened?" The other guy asked. I glared at him and saw that he got embarrased again. 

"You get embarrased easily", I said and chuckled, "but there happened to be a branch on the ground and you can guess the rest I guess..." 

"You two fought and it kicked you on the leg?" The other guy said and smirked. I slapped him to his arm and he laughed. 

"No I tripped you idiot!" I said and laughed. He flashed me a smile and I have to say, his smile is beautiful. 


When we arrived to the school's gate, I started to remove his hand from my waist but suddenly he held it tighter. That surprised me slightly. 

"I can go to the nurse alone, you know?" I asked and his cheeks were turning red. It was kinda cute. 

"I k-know but let me help you" He said and I smiled. I saw that the students were looking at us but I didn't give a damn. I glanced at the guy beside me and he looked blank. Probably embarrased again..

"Okay thanks...?" I said when we were in front of the nurses door.

"You're welcome and oh myname's Wonwoo, Jeon Wonwoo" He said and smiled widely. I smiled back and then waved at him. I opened the door and walked inside. I turned around and before the door closed I saw Wonwoo blushing and smiling widely. The school nurse smiled to me as she placed the white bandage to my knee. 


After I got the bandage, I walked to my class. The calss started 20 minutes ago but I needed that bandage. When I entered inside the class room, I saw that everyone were staring at me. I heard some girls whispering something like "Omo what's wrong with Mingyu oppa?". I simply just bowed to the teacher and apologized for being late. Then I sat down to my seat. The whole lecture was boring.


When it was lunch time, I walked to the cafeteria and went to get food. I sat down on the chair. I ate alone just like always. I ate in silence until I heard some giggling near me. Oh not again...

"Hi Mingyu" Some girl sat in front of me and her friends stood. I didn't say anything since I didn't want to. 

"Oppaaa~ Don't ignore me" She tried to be cute but that didn't really work on me.  

"Could you just leave? I'm trying to eat here" I said clodly and the girl looked surprised. 

"Mingyuu~ I just want to talk to you" She said and now I was starting to get really pissed. 

I just glanced at them until I got up and left. Fine, if you won't leave then I will. My food though...I left it there. 


All the classes were boring and I just wanted to go home. Gladly the school day ended pretty quikcly and I started to walk home. I was just going to leave the building until I heard someone shouting my name behind me and I turned around. There was my teacher and two girls from my class. I lifted my eyebrows and waited for someone from them to speak. 

"Youngsoo here is saying that you stole her phone..." The teacher finally spoke after awkward silence. 

"What?!" I shouted and jumped back. The teacher looked also bothered. 

"It's fine. Just give the phone back" I looked at the girls with wide eyes and they just smiled. 

"But I haven't stole anything" I said but it didn't work. 

"If you won't confess then I have to look inside your backpack" I couldn't believe my ears. 

I just looked at them until I finally handed the backpack. I didn't have anything to hide.

The teacher started observing my backpack. She opened it and then she put her hand in it. She didn't find anything since she just looked blank. She looked at the girls beside her and shrugged. 

"Look from the pockets" One of the girls, Youngsoo I think, said. The teacher opened the smaller pocket and started to look from there. She looked normal until her expression changed. She took her hand out of the pocket and in her hand there was a pink phone. 

"Is this the phone?" She asked from the girl beside her. Youngsoo nodded and smirked at me. How? I didn't put it there, so how did it- Ohh~ Youngsoo put it there...

"Put I didn't steal it" I tried to defend myself. The teacher looked at me and she looked disapponted. 

"You can save your excuses to your detention" She said and looked at me. 

Detention? What? Are you serious? 

I started to follow the teacher as she started to walk towards the library. Wait the library? I didn't care anymore. I have been in detention before so it's nothing new to me, except usually it's in the classroom. 


When we entered there I was surprised to see that there were some other students too. Though they weren't in detention but actually reading and learning, in their free time??? I sat down and waited for the teacher to speak.

"I have other things but Wonwoo here is going to watch you" I was surprised to hear his name. A little smile curved on my lips and i didn't even notice it. What happened earlier popped up in my mind. I didn't even notice that Wonwoo sat beside me until he poked my arm and I jumped on air. 

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" Wonwoo said and chuckled. I sighed and then chuckled also. 

"It's fine" I said and smiled at him. He smiled back, just like always.

"So what did you do?" Wonwoo said somehow amused expression on his face. 

"Umm... Well... I was accused of stealing, but I didn't really do it" I said and looked at his expression. 

"Well that's stupid... But it's also a good thing" He said and smiled. 

"How's it a good thing?" I asked confused. 

"Well now you get to hang with me!" He said and chuckled. I also chukcled. 

"Aish! When your birthday is?" I asked slightly surprised myself that Iasked that. 

"July 17 1996... Yours?" He asked and leaned back at the chair.

"You're my hyung! Mine's April 6 1997" I said and almost fell from my chair. 

"Don't fall!" He said and laughed loudly.


The time flew so fast that I didn't notice that I was being over time. I was supposed to leave at 4pm but actually left 5:30pm and it surprised me as well. But then I finally decided to leave. 

"I think that I should also leave, eomma's gonna get worried" Wonwoo said and got up from the chair. 

"What about your eomma? Is she the worrying type" Wonwoo asked and then I froze. 

"Umm... I.don't.have.mom." I said quietly staring at the floor. Then I looked at Wonwoo and he looked really like he was about to cry. 

"Omg. I'm so sorry I didn't know" He said and plced his hands on his eyes. I smiled sadly and then took his hands off from his face. His cheeks were red as pepper. I looked at him and he looked at me. I just noticed that he had really nice eyes and I just admired them. I didn't notice that I was still holding his hands until we looked away. I took my hands away from his and my cheeks were heating up too.  


Now the atmosphere was awkward and I was glad that my cousin came there. 

"Mingyuuu~" She came and put her arm around my arm. We started to walk and I looked back at Wonwoo and he looked sad. 

"Wonwoo? You can come too" I said and he looked somehow bothered. 

"It's fine... I don't want to bother you two" He said. What does he mean? Bother? What in the eart- 

Oooooh~ He thinks we are together. How cute...

"You can come... Minseo is just leaving" I said to him and now he looked convieced. But I still saw that little doubt in his eyes. He came beside me and we started to walk. Minseo left at some point and we kept walking. We had fun, well atleast I had. Then he stopped walking.

"Why did you stop?" I asked and he chuckled. 

"I live here" He said and pointed at the house in front of us. I looked at the house and realized that it was right next to my house. 

"Okay this is funny... I live there" I said and pointed at the house next his. He smiled and then started to chuckle. 

"Wow, fate?" He asked and smirked. 

"Might be" I said and then waved to him and said 'good bye'. Then I walked home. 


I saw him from my window and they were really close to each other. How could I not notice it before? I could just stretch my hand and he could grap it. I was too tired to do anything so I just lied down on my bed and fell asleep quickly. I saw really weird dream that night...


A.N: So here's the next chapter!~

I'm so sorry that these chapters are short but it's just so busy with school and everything... I'll try to upload the next chapter this weekend. 

Next chapter will be from Jun's POV or maybe Wonwoo's? I'm not sure...

By the way... English isn't my first language so there might be some grammar errors, sorry

Thank you for subscribing and thank you who commented! 

Love you <3~

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Canxiubemybaby #1
Chapter 7: MMM LET ME SLAP A BISH (Mingyu's dad)!!! My baby boy needs to be held and loved and I think Wonwoo can do that so pls and thx
Amylee0411 #2
Chapter 6: I love your story! I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Canxiubemybaby #3
Chapter 6: Oh my gosh can I hug Mingyu please
Chapter 5: Ofc no 2 ... Anyway hwithing! :3
shirio #5
Chapter 5: I choose option 2.
khasabat #6
Chapter 4: Hoohooho jun make dificult time for meanie hahahaha
Lifeisworthit #7
Chapter 4: This is such a great story :) Can't wait for an update!
Chapter 4: My heart ;;
Chapter 4: plesse update soon author-nim xD
Chapter 4: Aish, Jun will make the misunderstanding thing -_-