Chapter 3.

Hidden love. Secret tears.

"Here's your change. Thank you and enjoy your drink!" you greeted the last customer. 

You whipped out your phone from your pocket and sighed. There was no replies nor messages from Seunghoon. You looked at the time, it was already 10pm. Should I go and look for him? But i don't wanna disturb him.. you thought to yourself. Your heart stopped for a second when a negative thought crossed your mind. Seunghoon has always been clumsy amd careless, what if- 

"Yebin-ah! Are you that worried about your boyfriend?" Your manager, Mr Lim, chuckled. Your face turned hot at the emphasis of the word, "boyfriend". "I'm worried but no, he's not my boyfriend!" you crossed your arms. 

"Hahaha calm down, I'm just kidding. But since you aren't in the state to work any longer, i'll let you go off early!" Mr Lim beamed.

"Really? Thank you Mr Lim! I promise to work overtime for my next shift!" you took off your apron speedily and rushed out. 

While on your way to the training centre, you kept calling Seunghoon but he didn't pick up even once. Your lips turned pale when bad thoughts kept entering your mind. No no... he will be okay. Yes, he's okay! You comforted yourself. The journey seemed longer than usual, one second felt like an hour to you. 

After a few more stops, you finally reached. Without hesitation, you ran to the training centre even though you have only visited it once. Your anxiety overcame your lacking sense of direction as a familiar place came into sight. You immediately rushed into the room and the next second, you wished that you were invisible.

"Oh? Who are you?" Five pairs of eyes stared at you. You closed your eyes, hoping that it wasn't real. 

"Yebin! Why did you come here?" Seunghoon's voice calmed your anxiety but at the same time, your face turned tomato red and your body felt super hot. You just wanted to dig a hole and bury yourself right there and then.

Your eyes flew open and you looked back at them. You laughed awkwardly and said,"It was getting late and you didn't text me or anything so I...." your voice trailed off. 

"Aww so cute! Why didn't you tell us that you had a girlfriend!" A guy with husky voice knocked Seunghoon with his elbow.

"No way! Who said that my female friend has to be my girlfriend! Stop sprouting nonsense, Mino!" Seunghoon hit him back.

When they were arguing, a guy with thick, y lips came up to you and greeted you. "Hi! I'm Seungyoon! You must be the girl that Seunghoon hyung always mention! Yebin right? Come have a seat here! We are almost done with our training." 

"Ah..okay thank you," you sat at the side of the room, taking a good look at everyone. 

You were in the same space as 4 guys, excluding Seunghoon. The guy with husky voice, the friendly guy with thick lips, a guy with sad looking eyebrows, a guy who looks prettier than a girl. Suddenly, the pretty looking boy met your gaze and smiled shyly at you. You smiled back at him and slightly bowed. 

After 5 minutes, your eyelids felt heavier. You tried to keep your eyes open but failed. You soon fell into a deep slumber. 

"Okay! Let's end our training today! Don't forget to memorise lyrics of the song, guys!" Seungyoon reminded them and they nodded in response. 

Seunghoon turned to look at you, and giggled when he saw your sleeping face. He walked towards you and shook you, "Wake up Yebin! It's time to go home!" You were startled and immediately woke up. You yawned loudly. "Uhh... okay go.." you replied, half asleep half awake. You stretched your body and you started to feel more awake. 

"Oh ya, sorry for disturbing you guys today! I promised there won't be a next time!" you apologised and bowed. 

"It's okay! You can come whenever you want, we don't mind an extra company, especially Seunghoon hyung," Mino teased. 

Seunghoon rolled his eyes and held you by your shoulders. "Shut up Mino. Let's go home now, it's getting too late. Bye!" 

You waved goodbye to them and parted ways. Only Seunghoon and you were going in the same direction. 

"Hey! Why didn't you pick up my calls today? Don't you know how worried I was!" You punched his ribcage. He yelped and massaged the area where you hit. 

"Sorry, we barely had any breaks today because the monthly assessment is coming soon and we have to extend our trainings," he explained. 

"I see.. Tell me beforehand then! So i don't have to come and find you. Wasted my beauty sleep!" you sulked. 

"You don't need any beauty sleep though.." he looked into your eyes deeply. Just when your heart starts to soften, he continued,"...because it seems like it didn't help your face at all! Hahahaha!" 

"Lee Seunghoon! You better come here now!" You started chasing after him down the street.

It was a long and tiring day, but as always, Seunghoon makes everything better. 


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