
Hidden love. Secret tears.

"Hey Seunghoon! Lee Seunghoon!"

"Ugh shut up.. Can't you see that i am sleeping?" Your best friend, Lee Seunghoon, yawned as he rubs his eyes. 

"Can't you see that school has already ended? You lazy !" you punched his arm and he yelped. "But you don't have to shout in my ears, you crazy woman," You stepped a few steps back as he stood up and stretched. Seunghoon is at least 15cm taller than you, making you look like a midget when the both of you stand together. "Come on, let's go home!" he exclaimed as he threw his arm around your shoulder. You wrapped an arm around his waist and both of you head home. 

Seunghoon and you are students of Sowon High School but are in different classes. Seunghoon and you hit off well ever since the first day you guys met each other. He is the class joker and he is very fun to be with. Even though he is not very good looking, his funny personality attracts quite a number of girls.

Unlike other girls, you are considered less girly and you have a goofy personality. You have female friends too but they are too mindful of their images and they always talk about makeup, so you were quite uncomfortable around them as there was no common topic to talk about. Until you met Seunghoon.

You remembered how your friendship started with him. It was the annual school sports event. Your team and his team had to play against each other in a basketball match. 

"Pass it to me!" you waved your arms frantically at your team member. Sudddenly, a tall shadow towered over you and snatched the ball away before you could even touch it. 

"What the hell!" you cursed under your breath as you ran after the guy. "Beeeeeep! " the referee blew the whistle, signalling the end of the match as the guy scored a last second goal. His class cheered loudly and high-fived him. You sighed in disappointment as you stopped running to catch your breath. 

"Here, for you!" you looked up, to see the guy smiling brightly at you. "Uh.. thanks," you thanked him as you took the bottle from him. "Great job during the match! You were really awesome just now! Ah, i'm Seunghoon, what's your name?" "Well, thank you but we still lost to you guys hahaha. I'm Yebin, Kim Yebin." you smiled. "Eyyy don't make me feel sorry for scoring that goal!" he made a sad face at you and you laughed heartily at his silly face. "Oh my God, this is the first time i hear a girl laugh this loud! Are you sure you are a girl?" He teased you. You rolled your eyes and punched his arm. "AH! I think you just broke my arm!" he bawled dramatically as he clutched his arm. You laughed again at his over reaction and he laughed with you too. 

From that day onwards, you and Seunghoon have been very close, coming to school together, going for lunch breaks together, going home together, literally doing almost everything together. You have never felt so comfortable around someone before. Your life is filled with laughters, thanks to Lee Seunghoon, your bestie. 



First chapter is up! I know this chapter is not very interesting but i promise it will get better behind! Thank you for reading and have a good day/night! I will update tmr bye~


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